• 文中野生花卉资源样地调查方法蕴藏量估算作了简要介绍

    The method of investigation and the estimation of reserve are introduced briefly.


  • 森林地调查统计分析林业生产科研中的一项基础性工作

    Statistical analysis on forest sample plots is considered as a fundamental work of forestry production and research.


  • 通过典型调查室内风洞试验分析了该区土壤风蚀机理

    Based on field investigation, tests, and indoor wind tunnel experiment, the mechanism of soil erosion by wind on sandy land is analyzed.


  • 通过调查分析分析林芝县高山松林各类可燃物含水率及其资源量。

    With the help of sample plot survey and sampling analysis, the water-containing rate and amount of resources of all kinds of combustibles under alpine pine forest in Nyingchi County are analyzed.


  • 本文区域调查基础上,通过解析分析比较不同经营措施落叶松种群生物量生长量影响

    This article compares the effects of different management measures on biomass and growth of larch by analyzing the parse tree based on researching the sample.


  • 固定调查采用径、高度、萌芽的数量、萌芽的生长情况等指标,分析东北东部林区主要阔叶树种的伐桩萌芽更新规律

    The law of stump sprouting of broad-leaved tree species was studied in eastern forest area in Northeast China by the investigation of fixed sampling.


  • 采用样地调查,对盐池县1991年以来不同时期封育区、新封育区对照进行干旱草场植被特征及其生物量比较研究。

    The vegetation features and biomass of sandy rangeland in semi-arid area of Yanchi County, Ningxia were studied by means of plot investigation methods since 1991.


  • 最近526名男女调查中,研究人员发现,在前伸测试灵活最柔软的动脉,这个结果和脉冲波压力测试一

    In a recent study of 526 women and men, researchers found that those who were the most flexible on a sit-and-reach test also had the most supple arteries, as measured by a pulse-wave pressure test.


  • 正如下面这个图表显示的一外形魅力调查对象毫无疑问外形没有魅力的调查对象更加聪明

    As the graph below shows, attractive NCDS respondents are significantly more intelligent than unattractive NCDS respondents.


  • 我们60个国家6万贫困人民进行调查你们不无惊讶发现他们目标他们的感觉在座各位完全一的。

    We did a study of 60,000 poor people in 60 countries, and you will not be surprised to find that their objectives and their feelings are exactly the same as people in this room.


  • 各位听着参议员民意调查结果领先二十五但是要求我们毫不懈怠继续努力,就像我们仍大大落后于他人一

    3Listen people -- the Senator is 25 points ahead in the polls but he wants us to keeprunning scared like we’re way behind.


  • 文章提出了利用森林资源连续清查固定样地进行植被种类生物量调查技术方法

    In this paper, the methodology of vegetation investigation and biomass statistics in the consecutive inventory of forest resources was put forward.


  • 鸟类栖息分析评估参考国外栖息评估方法调查环境状况进行评估

    Analyses and evaluations of the bird habitats: Environmental quality of the investigating sampling areas were evaluated by referring evaluation methods of developed countries.


  • 大熊猫栖息内存在多种人类活动干扰,主要有采、历史采伐公路,分别占调查方数的23.2%、22.2%和6.8%。

    In 23.2%, 22.2% and 6.8% of sampling plots bambooshoots collecting, logging and highway building occurred, which suggests that human activities disturbed the habitats of giant pandas.


  • 叙述了折线设定方法原理计算方法,编制适合于外业调查使用的计算应用程序

    Principles and calculation method were described of polygonal line setting and positioning of new sample plot. Application programme was appropriate for field work and could increase work efficiency.


  • 根据大量调查资料,对贵州喀斯特灌丛群落进行组平均的数量分类,将贵州喀斯特灌丛划分为13个类型主要类型的生境条件、群落特征及分布等作了论述

    According to a great deal data of the sample survey, the author, using group-average, classify Karst scrub community in Guizhou Province into 13 type and elaborate main types.


  • 本文以保山市隆阳杨柳彝族白族地调查的91云南松林样地数据研究林分生长模型

    Stand growth model was studied based on 91 sample plots data collected in the Yangliu Township, Longyang District, Baoshan Prefecture.


  • 调查30个计算得出综合评价分值景观质量等级分布集中尚未达到较高水平

    In survey of 30 samples, calculations of the comprehensive evaluation score and landscape quality rank distribution is relatively concentrated, but cannot yet reach a high level.


  • 长白山西坡风灾干扰进行永久连续更新调查生境条件测定

    Permanent sample plots were set up in windfall area in western slope of Changbai mountain to investigate regeneration successively and determine changes in ecological habitats.


  • 1999季节采用调查法,长青自然保护区大熊猫栖息选择进行监测

    1999 year winter, the summer season, USES the quadrat survey procedure, has carried on the monitor to the ever green nature protection area panda habitat choice.


  • 调查互联网用户表示他们更多关心网络有关自己数据如何被引用的,至于有关自己什么信息不是特别担心

    About 60 percent of Internet users said they aren't worried about the extent of information about themselves online, despite increasing concern over how that data can be used.


  • 调查互联网用户表示他们更多关心网络有关自己数据如何被引用的,至于有关自己什么信息不是特别担心

    About 60 percent of Internet users said they aren't worried about the extent of information about themselves online, despite increasing concern over how that data can be used.


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