• 些,还要可以看见树叶露珠昆虫

    Up close, you may spot a dewdrop or an insect sitting on a leaf.


  • 这么尘土国度里,仅只希望听见树叶雨声

    Now, in this dust country of ours, what I yearn for is to hear the drip-drip of rain beating against leaves.


  • 喜欢雨滴树叶方式因为也曾经这样爱过

    I love the way of rain drops falling on the leaves because that is the way you loved me.


  • 喜欢雨滴树叶方式因为也曾经这样爱过

    I I love the way of rain drops falling on the leaves because that is the way you loved me.


  • 多尘土国度里,仅只希望听见一点树叶雨声

    Now, in this dusty country of ours, what I yearn for is to hear the drip-drip of rain beating against leaves.


  • 图展示了大雨过后悬挂华盛顿特区树叶一滴水珠。

    A drop of rain hangs on a leaf during a downpour in Washington, DC.


  • 所以沿部分树叶了,这样一来,树叶纹路就显现出来

    So I cut the outer edges away from the leaves so that the curves in the leaves will be on the outside.


  • 他们清扫小径树叶

    They were sweeping up the dead leaves from the paths.


  • 昆虫它们身而过时,会触发微小电荷,电荷沿着树叶隧道向下移动,打开泪液细胞膜上的小孔

    When an insect brushes against them, this triggers a tiny electric charge, which travels down tunnels in the leaf and opens up pores in the tear's cell membranes.


  • 他们发现富含单宁酸的橡树叶上病毒杀死毛虫效果白杨树叶效果差得多,因为白杨树叶子的酚含量低。

    They found that on tannin-rich oak leaves, the virus is considerably less effective at killing caterpillars than when it is on aspen leaves, which are lower in phenols.


  • 这件10件套作品以一个凸起镀金树叶镶边为特色蓝色底座水仙花玫瑰蓟作为国家象征

    The 10-piece set features a raised and gilded oak leaf border with acorns and the national symbols of the daffodil, rose and thistle on a pale blue base.


  • 只壁虎栖息根树枝与周围环境融合得如此以至于树叶很难发现它那盘状的身体

    The gecko, perched on a branch, has blended itself into its surroundings so well that its coil-shaped body is hard to spot amid the foliage.


  • 令人费解的花青素实际生成的,是树叶准备掉落同时产生的。

    What's puzzling is that anthocyanins are actually newly minted, made in the leaves at the same time as the tree is preparing to drop them.


  • 们过去学会了喝从树叶上收集的水。

    People learned to drink the water collected on the leaves.


  • 胶水树叶粘在一个图案边缘

    Glue leaves to the outside edges of a painted paper plate.


  • 放到门外树叶

    When I carry him outside on a leaf.


  • 巴克尔同事们弄清楚了,这些散落于地木头化石来自河流严重侵蚀斜坡。他们斜坡向下挖掘找到更多的木头,还有树叶和心皮。

    When Barker and colleagues found where the scattered logs were coming from-a slope that had been eroded by a river-they dug in and found many more logs, as well as leaves and seedpods.


  • 虽然幸免不死,但她的攀爬能力遭到严重损害,从此无法再树叶上所聚集的了,她被迫冒险湖边喝水注定了她劫数难逃

    Unable to drink from water trapped by tree leaves, she would have had to venture down to the lake to drink. This would have proved to be a fateful decision.


  • 看看崎岖风景紫色云彩枫树树叶。叶子有些是金色,有些心脏一般血红。

    Look at the rugged scenery: the slabs of purple clouds hanging over the maple and oak leaves - some gold some red as a heart.


  • 看看崎岖风景紫色云彩枫树树叶。叶子有些是金色,有些心脏一般血红。

    Look at the rugged scenery: the slabs of purple clouds hanging over the maple and oak leaves - some gold, some red as a heart.


  • 窗外飘摇而过,高高地卷向远方;林荫道,挂在松枝一张完整报纸断线的风筝飘飞到半空,然后又晃晃悠悠地下来。

    Leaves flutter past the window, up and away; down in the avenue a whole newspaper wags in the air like a lost kite and falls, spiked on a pine tree.


  • 温暖阳光照耀这个农村里幼树正在转变颜色的树叶

    Warm sunshine plays on the turning leaves of a young tree in this rural scene.


  • 这种新酵母似乎叫做虫瘿富含糖份的球状形成物里生气勃勃自然发酵。虫瘿是昆虫虫卵产在树叶形成的。

    The yeast seemed to thrive and spontaneously ferment in the sugar-rich bulbous formations called galls which arise when insects lay eggs on the tree's leaves.


  • 许多地球夜晚天穹中可以看到的亮都在围绕标识出的太阳位置附近树叶描绘了出来

    Many bright stars visible in Earth's night sky are depicted on leaves surrounding the marked location of the Sun.


  • 安顿好了以后,玛瑞拉了,带来了一大枝新鲜树叶树枝,“木槿树,治疗母亲肩膀,”说道,她树叶像医疗包扎布包扎固定皮肤,然后蹲那里我的母亲做足部按摩。

    Shortly after settling in, Marai arrived bearing a pile of fresh leaves. "Vau plant, for your mother's shoulder, " she said, applying the leaves like a compress and binding them to the skin.


  • 如果一样喜欢城市树木可以看到,树木上的陈列颜色,葱郁的树叶树干的线条,以及那些悬挂着枝杈

    But if you love the urban tree, as I do, the plane tree steels the show - the array of colours on its bark, the green of the leaf, the girth of the trunk, the hang of the branch.


  • 如果一样喜欢城市树木可以看到,树木上的陈列颜色,葱郁的树叶树干的线条,以及那些悬挂着枝杈

    But if you love the urban tree, as I do, the plane tree steels the show - the array of colours on its bark, the green of the leaf, the girth of the trunk, the hang of the branch.


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