• 计算采用世界标准人口

    The age-adjusted rates were calculated by way of the World standard population.


  • 以1990年全国人口普查数据作为标准人口计算标化死亡率

    Data of national census 1990 was served as standard population to calculate standardized mortality rate.


  • 因此采用2000年第五人口普查数据作为标准人口首先6地区样本患病率进行年龄别校正

    Therefore, age specific adjustments were firstly made for the disease prevalence in the six areas, based on the data collected in the 5th national census in 2000.


  • 本文以年龄别死亡率几何均数作为年龄别死亡率一个概括指标,优点直观简单计算、不需要标准人口、不同人口可直接比较,可反映年龄别死亡率的指数类型。

    This paper recommends the use of the geometric mean of the age-specific mortality rates as a summary index of mortality. This index is intuitively simple, easy to calculate, and it ne...


  • 人口增长营养标准提高饮食偏好转变全球粮食供应施加压力

    Rising population combined with improved nutrition standards and shifting dietary preferences will exert pressure for increases in global food supply.


  • 采用同样类似方法使用标准定义的情况下针对类似人口时段获得的数据具有可比性

    Data that are comparable have been generated using the same or similar methods, for similar populations and time periods, using standard definitions.


  • 布莱克曼说,海地是个贫穷国家建筑标准松散人口高度密集建筑有可能倒塌

    Haiti is a poor country with lax building standards and high population density, which makes buildings more likely to crumble, according to Blakeman.


  • 此前,士麦文化人口多元化之乡。依照地区标准宽容繁盛灯塔

    Before that, the port had been home to a diverse and cosmopolitan population; by the standards of the region, it was a beacon of tolerance and prosperity.


  • 区域即使柬埔寨标准来看,也算是贫困区,超过三分之一人口每天生活开支少于60美分

    The area is as poor as it gets even in Cambodia, where more than one-third of the population lives on less than 60 cents a day.


  • 研究发表人口健康标准期刊上。

    The study appears in the journal Population Health Metrics.


  • 使儿童疾病综合管理临床标准指导原则适应本国需求可获得药品政策以及当地人口食用的食物使用语言

    Adapting the standard IMCI clinical guidelines to the country's needs, available drugs, policies, and to the local foods and language used by the population.


  • 国际标准年龄60老人人口总数的10%,该国进入老龄社会。

    By world standard, a country will be called aging when the number of people aged over 60 accounts for 10% of its total population.


  • 13个人口群中7个随机分配1996年至2004年3筛查而另外6个对照组获得标准护理

    Of 13 population clusters, seven were randomly allocated to three rounds of screening between 1996 and 2004, while standard care was provided in six (control arm).


  • 开普敦Metro地区人口估计数字用来计算10万人中具体到各个年龄的死亡率然后将这些数据作为年龄死亡率标准分区的相应数据进行对比

    Population estimates for the Cape Town Metro district were used to calculate age-specific rates per 100 000 population, which were then age-standardized and compared across subdistricts.


  • 2008年农村贫困标准1196测算,年末农村贫困人口为4007万人。

    According to the 2008 rural poverty line with annual per capita net income below 1,196 yuan, the population in poverty in rural areas numbered 40.07 million at the end of the year.


  • 另一些则大胆比如使更多轨道电气化(目前只有三分之一英国铁路实现电气化,低于欧洲标准),人口密集城市兴建新线路

    Others are bold, such as electrifying more track (only a third of Britain’s railway is electrified, low by Western standards) and building lines in crowded cities.


  • 发现家庭人口妈妈收入学业能力测试分数符合拿助学金标准

    I found that I qualified for some grants because of the size of our family, my mom's income and my SAT scores.


  • 目前全世界三分之二人口生活标准线以下,因此他们构成一个可育市场

    Two-thirds of the world's people are still living under low standards, and because of that they do not yet constitute a viable market.


  • 对于富裕国家标准来说不算太差趋势下降的,一旦下降加剧,由于人口统计拖累,日本国内生产总值出现负增长

    That is not too bad by rich-world standards, but the trend is downwards, and if it drops much further GDP will turn negative because of the country’s demographic drag.


  • 今天人口调查表明,所谓标准基本家庭只占美国家庭的五分之一了。

    Today nuclear families make up barely one in five households in the United States, census statistics show.


  • 现阶段美国贫困人口官方划分标准4口年收入低于22025美元,个人收入低于10991美元。

    The official poverty level in the US now is $22025 for a family of 4 and $10991 for unrelated individuals.


  • 虽然按照世界银行设定的中产阶级划分标准,中国全部人口预计2030年都成为中产阶级,但中产阶级群体美国人口占据主导地位。

    While China’s entire population is expected to be middle class by World Bank standards in 2030, the middle class population will also dominate the American demographic landscape.


  • 那些体重超重致死率高于标准体重以下致死率的国家中,其人口总数占世界人口65%。

    Of the global population, 65% live in countries where being overweight kills more people than being underweight.


  • 孟加拉国,标准体重以下儿童比例(41.3%)低于印度(43.5%),人口出生率(2.3)低于印度(2.7)。

    The proportion of underweight children in Bangladesh (41.3 percent) is lower than in India (43.5), and its fertility rate (2.3) is also lower than India’s (2.7).


  • 农村地区住房标准也是统一的,人口分配

    Rural housing is also unified, distributed according to population.


  • 如果能够召回学龄人口恢复以往常态了——一个衡量他们战胜灾难标准

    If it can regain its school-age population, it can also regain a semblance of normalcy - a key benchmark of progress in efforts to overcome the nuclear disaster.


  • 报告未来10减少人口按照每天生活费不足美元衡量标准)的进度提出种预测。

    The report presents two scenarios for progress in reducing the number of people living in extreme povertymeasured as the equivalent of living on less than a dollar a dayover the next 10 years.


  • 没有被列印度语言调查报告中,也未出现在印度人口普查标准国际记录中

    It was not listed in Indian language surveys, Indian censuses or standard international registries.


  • 这个标准帮助保持一个稳定可靠捐赠人口能供应质量可靠血浆

    The standard helps to maintain a steady and reliable donor population and supply of quality plasma.


  • 这个标准帮助保持一个稳定可靠捐赠人口能供应质量可靠血浆

    The standard helps to maintain a steady and reliable donor population and supply of quality plasma.


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