• 到处是破破烂烂小屋林斯特德一样

    Nothing but wretched huts can I see anywhere; just as if I were at Ringstead.


  • 林斯特德指着一个庇护所屋顶太阳能解释说,这些太阳能板可以用来手机充电

    Student Linstead points to solar panels on the roof of a pre-packaged shelter, and explains they can be used to re-charge cell phones.


  • 多纳德,作为球队老板,发誓从今以后,我绝对不会向任何名快船队组织成员喝倒彩

    I, Donald Sterling, do swear that from this day forward, I will never boo a single member of the Clippers organization.


  • 特伦认为,部分原因是只有极少人遵守手机礼仪,会电影院内关掉刺耳的手机铃声。

    That, Lindstrom says, was partly because so few users practiced cell-phone etiquette and the blasted things kept going off in movie theaters.


  • 尽可能多地考察了各种证据最后得出结论不同于传统说法也不同于海特德研究,他认为对双胞胎出生于十六世纪

    Clinch examined as much evidence as possible and concluded that the twins were really born in the XVI century, discrediting both the popular tradition and Mr Hasted's study.


  • 坦福警官瑞奇·康克上尉,现年55纳什朋友,现年70岁的桑德拉埃罗尔德家里,这个名叫特拉维黑猩猩跳到她身上,并且开始她、捶击她。

    Nash, 55, had just arrived at the home of her friend, Sandra Herold, 70, when the chimp, named Travis, jumped on her and began biting and mauling her, said Stamford Police Capt. Rich Conklin.


  • 一个老到的话篓子可以健谈交谈者带的活跃起来,同样,也可以把费希特、维科•迈特那些令人望而却步的著作变得生动活跃。

    Just as a skilled conversationalist brings alive the least promising interlocutor, so Berlin could conjure a fascinating essay from the most forbidding pages of Fichte, or Vico, or De Maistre.


  • 即便如此我们或许还有盼头:因为·特伦研究发现声音变得微弱时,反而能人们留下更好的印象。

    Even then, there may be hope: Lindstrom's testing shows that people respond to a sound better when it's subtler.


  • 埃里克·特已经几十安德特人的墓葬记录在案。这些墓葬都遍及西欧东欧甚至西南

    He said a few dozen documented Neanderthal burials from Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia have already been documented.


  • 相较而言,过去经济繁荣让奎特一家难以负担高昂的房租,他们被迫离开曼哈顿,前往哈德孙河对岸布鲁克新泽西州定居。

    The boom of the past decade, by contrast, has priced budding Basquiats out of Manhattan, pushing them across the water to Brooklyn and New Jersey.


  • 特伦表示Friendster正在考虑如何行使权利,其中可能包括其他社交网站发出停止终止”的命令要求它们缴纳专利费

    Mr Lindstrom says Friendster is considering its options, which could include sending outcease and desistorders to other social networks, or demanding that they pay licence fees.


  • 理论在上个世纪70年代美国研究人家理查德·所创立,就是著名"伊幸福悖论"。

    The theory was first coined in the 1970s by US researcher Richard Easterlin and became known as the Easterlin Paradox


  • 亨利·伍德夫人(艾伦·伍德):伊(1861)。

    Mrs Henry Wood: East Lynne (1861).


  • 现在主人裘德已经完成教育培训工作,计划将他世界各地进行宣传即使没有完美身体,也可以一个完美的灵魂。

    His present owner, Jude Stringfellow, has given up her teaching post and plans to take him around the world to preach that even without a perfect body, one can have a perfect soul.


  • ·沃夫我们试播剧集顾问,克特·西霍罗威茨他们不定期征求意见。

    Lindeloff was a consultant on the pilot episode, and Kitsis and Horowitz said they continue to go to him periodically for advice.


  • 凯西:艾凡醒。已经这家旅社的德·太太请她推荐一个医生

    Evan, wake up. I've already asked Mrs. Lindquist here at the hostel for a good doctor.


  • 这时现在主人裘德看见了照顾他。

    By this time, his present owner, Jude Stringfellow, met him and wanted to take care of him.


  • 1963年,企图摆脱这一角色代表布鲁克贝德富锡—图维桑特参加竞选纽约州众议院席位时,遇到极大的阻力

    When I tried to break out of that role in 1963 and run for the New York State Assembly seat from Brooklyn's Bedford-Stuyvesant, the resistance was bitter.


  • 永恒力小松丰田神钢日产、力至优、海特、BTSTILLTCMATLET品牌电动仓储叉车

    Such as: Linde, Junheinrich, Komatsu, Toyota, Kobelco, Nissan, Nichiyu, Hyster , BT, STILL, TCM, ATLET and other brands of electric warehousing forklifts.


  • ·奎特太太现在特别鸡汤我会你喝的。

    Lindquist is making some special chicken soup for you right now, and I'm going to feed it to you.


  • 西王子(Prince Xizor)就是这些贵族后裔,继承那个时代最后达沙德暗影杀手(ShadowKiller),一个名为克特·马利KetMaliss)的冷酷战士

    These Falleen nobles were the ancestors of Prince Xizor, and he inherited the last Dashade Shadow Killer from that era, a merciless warrior named Ket Maliss.


  • 海岸北端找到这里,您可以潜水到沉船上探秘,攀登特莱基粉红灰色悬崖顶部在奇里克朗基寻觅钻石

    At the northern end of the coast you'll find Flinders Island, the place to dive shipwrecks, climb to the top of the pink and grey cliffs of Mount Strzelecki and fossick for diamonds at Killiecrankie.


  • 他们的发现选择职业提供了一些重要线索金钱是很重要就像经济学家理查德·Richard Easterlin)其他研究人员所证明的,它其中起到作用并非想象的那样。

    Their findings give some important clues about choosing a career: Money matters, but as the economist Richard Easterlin and others have demonstrated, not always in the ways you may think.


  • 2010.8.15198期动静简报中,德·特探讨图表地动数量增加一的特点

    This was addressed in Issue 198 of this newsletter on August 15, 2010, where Lindquist Research graphs on the increase on the number of quakes alone was featured.


  • 理论在上个世纪70年代美国研究人家理查德•所创立,就是著名“伊幸福悖论”。

    The theory was first coined in the 1970s by US researcher Richard Easterlin and became known as the Easterlin Paradox.


  • 不仅如此,根据达拉克莱研究所(Crestmont Resaerch)所长埃德·伊(EdEasterling)支配理论”(governing theory),市场遵循长期牛市长期熊市周期

    Instead, the governing theory of Ed Easterling, head of Crestmont Research in Dallas, is that markets follow secular bull and bear cycles.


  • 不仅如此,根据达拉克莱研究所(Crestmont Resaerch)所长埃德·伊(EdEasterling)支配理论”(governing theory),市场遵循长期牛市长期熊市周期

    Instead, the governing theory of Ed Easterling, head of Crestmont Research in Dallas, is that markets follow secular bull and bear cycles.


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