• 他们慢慢地有条理整理文件。

    They sorted slowly and methodically through the papers.


  • 条理教导有利于学习

    Structured teaching facilitates learning.


  • 这些效率很高条理时间安排得非常好。

    These people are very efficient, very organized, and excellent time managers.


  • 缺乏条理

    She's so disorganized.


  • 老板完全没有条理重要事项很久

    My boss is completely disorganized and leaves the most important items until very late.


  • 支持者们抱怨白宫看起来毫无条理也没有沟通策略

    Supporters complained that the White House seemed unorganized and without a communications strategy.


  • 达·芬奇研究非常条理仔细地记录下他的观察所得理论

    Da Vinci was methodical in his research, carefully recording his observations and theories.


  • 室友凯特是个很有条理的人。

    My roommate Kate was extremely organized


  • 应该学会条理

    Look! You should learn to be organized.


  • 篇文章条理清, 使人了不知所云

    The article is so poorly-organized that I don't know what to say after reading it.


  • 篇文章条理清楚。

    The article is well-organized.


  • 做事没有条理

    I'm not organized.


  • 通过努力组织标注文件以便其他人能够理解科学家们自己也会变得条理自律从而避免以后混乱

    By making the effort to organize and label files so others can understand them, scientists become more organized and better disciplined themselves, thus avoiding confusion later on.


  • 不知何故这种早期生命挥霍无度的迷恋潮湿黏糊糊令人毛骨悚然东西的迷恋,变得系统化条理

    Somehow this early fascination with life's prodigality, with wet, slimy or creepy-crawly things, becomes systematized and methodical.


  • 聪慧绝顶工作却缺乏条理

    She is highly intelligent but her work lacks organization.


  • 需要用有条理方法解决问题

    You need to systematize your approach to problem solving.


  • 政府应该条理地安排事务。

    The government should get its act together.


  • 总是工作安排得条理

    Her work is always very well set out.


  • 简直像德国人一样讲究条理

    She had an almost Germanic regard for order.


  • 威严的、有条理的那一类

    She was a queenly, organizing type.


  • 欣赏论证,言辞清晰且有条理

    I admire the clear, logical presentation of her arguments.


  • 整洁条理性给留下非常深刻的印象。

    I'm very impressed by your tidiness and order.


  • 辩论开始热烈的,可是香槟后,条理性就降低了。

    This was debated eagerly at first, but with diminishing coherence as the champagne took hold.


  • 如果图画安排得太条理,就产生看去矫揉造作效果

    If you arrange your picture too systematically the results can look very mannered and artificial.


  • 们的班长珍妮很有条理,她总是把事情安排得井井有条。

    Our monitor Jenny is so organized that she always keeps things in good order.


  • 西很有条理,她的房间看起来总是比我的整洁。

    Lucy is organized and her room always looks tidier than mine.


  • 基很有条理,男孩喜欢她把一切都弄得干干净净。

    Nike was well organized and the boy liked how she made everything clean.


  • 们生来就有野蛮的本性,比如饮食、举止都没有条理,或是行为自私。

    We are born with wild natures, such as eating and behaving in a disorganized way or acting selfishly.


  • 想知道,你们有什么能让自己变得有条理的秘诀?把你的建议写在下面吧。感谢!

    I was wondering, what are your tips for getting organized? Post your tips below. Thanks!


  • 思维方法不乏条理性。

    There is no lack of method in his way of thinking.


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