• 打算杂志编辑位子上退休

    He has no plans to retire as editor of the magazine.


  • 年前,乔尔·克莱恩放弃杂志编辑工作成为名自由广告撰稿人,现在遇到了资金问题

    Four years ago, Joel Kline gave up his job as a magazine editor to become a freelance copywriter for advertisements, but now he had money trouble.


  • 结果组成了自己的“癌症反击队”:摇滚音乐会巡演经理、一名模特、一位时尚杂志编辑、一位漫画家MTV名人等等。

    The result was her own personal "cancer posse": a rock concert tour manager, a model, a fashion magazine editor, a cartoonist and MTV celebrity, to name a few.


  • 这个主意来自大众电子杂志编辑年轻女儿

    The idea came from the young daughter of a Popular Electronics magazine editor.


  • 可能谋杀”,Lvin杂志编辑艾哈迈德·米拉

    "There could be assassinations," says Ahmad Mira, an editor at Lvin magazine.


  • 纽约《财富》杂志编辑非正式午餐就是一个例证

    One example of this was an informal lunch with the editors of FORTUNE Magazine in New York.


  • 杂志编辑提到,“对于骨质疏松也许没有那个药物优势”。

    "There probably is no single clearly superior drug therapy for osteoporosis, " note the journal editors.


  • 尝试说服杂志编辑广告商停止使用修改过数码相片以及太瘦模特

    She is trying to convince magazine editors and advertisers to stop using digitally altered photographs and underweight models.


  • 他们依赖杂志编辑关于排名考虑因素猜想这些因素被赋予相关权重

    They rely on a magazine editor's guesswork about the factors to consider and the relative weights to assign to those factors.


  • 杂志编辑作者名字附件论文上删去交给同领域的其他研究者进行复审

    A journal editor would then remove the authors' names and affiliations from the paper and send it to their peers for review.


  • 26岁杂志编辑LinYing在采访时表示未来年内2个孩子

    Magazine editor Lin Ying, 26, told the newspaper she wanted to have two children in the next five years.


  • 然后发现自己来到热轧滚筒面前一回是在接袖口一个杂志编辑另一面

    And then he found himself before the mangle, this time receiving the cuffs an editor of a magazine was feeding from the other side.


  • 俄罗斯国际事务杂志编辑卢科亚诺夫过去密切关注俄罗斯与欧盟之间的峰会。

    Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of the journal Russia in Global Affairs, says he used to watch these summits closely.


  • 周前纽约老朋友一同用餐。她现在位很成功杂志编辑媒体

    I had lunch three weeks ago in New York with an old friend who is now a hugely successful magazine editor and media personality.


  • 若没有萨拉·j·黑尔——一位杂志编辑努力最终不会有我们现在所谓的感恩节。

    It was Sarah Josepha Hale, a magazine editor, whose efforts eventually led to what we recognize as Thanksgiving.


  • 《福布斯》杂志编辑根据位于大西洋房产现价以及所有权比对其财富进行了评估。

    The editors based his worth on the current value of Atlantic City real estate and a presumed percentage of property ownership.


  • 他的经历值得再讲遍,Wired杂志编辑尼古拉斯·汤普森想到绝妙的办法

    Yet the story is worth re-telling, and Nicholas Thompson, an editor at Wired magazine, has hit on a clever way.


  • “好,可别那么愤世嫉俗,”马丁提出要求,“杂志编辑并非都那么昏庸,这是知道的。

    The magazine editors are not wholly fatuous. I know that.


  • 时代杂志编辑RichardStengel:“iPad将会改变记者们的工作方式

    The editor of Time magazine Richard Stengel said, “The iPad will transform the way journalism works.


  • 我们并不需要美国西太平洋地区充当警察,”海军军官、现任军事杂志编辑宋晓军(音译)

    "We don't need the US to be the policeman in the west Pacific area," said Song Xiaojun, a former naval officer who now edits military magazines.


  • 因此我们正在帮助论文作者研究人员以及杂志编辑小心提防剽窃而且还要对抗文化误解

    We are therefore campaigning for authors, researchers and editors to be on the alert for plagiarism and to work against cultural misunderstandings.


  • 外部链接应该包含最好站点简明介绍一个杂志编辑应该在站急于发表普通或者未完成文章

    For external links include only the best sites with concise descriptions. For internal content be like a magazine editor, don't rush to publish mediocre or incomplete articles.


  • 安德森先生不是尾理论”同名那位连线杂志编辑哦)是个内敛,看起来有点傻乎乎的人,不那么张扬

    Mr. Anderson (not the editor of Wired of the same name who wrote the book “The Long Tail”) is as introverted and nerdy as Mr. Wurman is boisterous.


  • Stuff杂志编辑弗雷泽·麦克·多纳德介绍评选主要依据产品性能设计价值以及元素”等几大因素

    Stuff's Editor Fraser Macdonald said the nominated products were judged on their performance, design and value, as well as "that elusive cool factor".


  • GiantRobot杂志编辑亚裔美国Martin认为西化整形不是几场手术那么简单,其内涵要深刻的

    Editor of Giant Robot magazine and Asian American commentator Martin Wong, sees these westernization surgeries as far more insidious than just simple procedures.


  • 比方说,认识杂志编辑一个周三中午得到约稿作者的消息正在写的实时性很强的文章午饭回去前发到邮箱

    A magazine editor I know, for instance, once had a writer tell her at noon on a Wednesday that the time-sensitive piece he was working on would be in her in-box by the time she got back from lunch.


  • 三木聪导演《速成沼泽》(2009)讲一个杂志编辑为了找到真正父亲成为商店老板的故事,涉及的也是家庭关系紧张的问题。

    Strained familiar ties also feature in Miki's Instant Swamp (2009), which follows the editor of a struggling magazine who becomes a shopkeeper as a means of getting to know her real father.


  • 相信火鸡红莓行业起了很大的作用,但是Beahrs认为这应该归功于一个19世纪杂志编辑Sarah JosephaHale

    I'm sure the Turkey and cranberry industries helped too, but Beahrs gives his biggest props to a 19th century magazine editor named Sarah Josepha Hale.


  • 相信火鸡红莓行业起了很大的作用,但是Beahrs认为这应该归功于一个19世纪杂志编辑Sarah JosephaHale

    I'm sure the Turkey and cranberry industries helped too, but Beahrs gives his biggest props to a 19th century magazine editor named Sarah Josepha Hale.


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