• 有关机动系统唯一问题就是需要把预设阵地准确数据弹上的制导系统当中准备好。

    The only issue with mobile systems is the need for accurate pretargeting position data to prepare the onboard guidance systems.


  • 燃料驱动机动系统耗费过大,而且太不可靠伯尼研究系统则不同,它们需要电池汽油或者煤油

    Unlike motorized systems powered by fuel that's too costly and unreliable, the systems Burney studies require no batteries, gas, or kerosene.


  • 技术不但解决机动系统中通”问题,对以后无线网络综合应用提供了一个很好的方向

    This technique not only resolves the problem of "mobile communicate" in mobile system, but also provides a good direction for applying radio communication network synthetically in the future.


  • 泄露10月29日加注右侧轨道机动系统吊舱箱时发现轨道机动系统吊舱控制航天飞机入轨轨道修正

    The leaks were discovered 29 October while pressurising tanks in Discovery's right-side orbital manoeuvring system pod, which controls the shuttle's orbital injection and modifies orbit.


  • 雷神公司拉菲尔公司合作研制大卫投石索武器系统产品机动陆基导弹防御项目以及麻雀”导弹防御目标项目的一部分。

    Raytheon and Rafael are also teaming on the David Sling Weapon System, which is a mobile, land-based missile defense program, and the Blue Sparrow missile defense targets program.


  • 把MUOS卫星变轨最终位置以及执行任务寿命期内的在轨机动重新配置上,推进系统很关键

    The propulsion subsystem is essential for maneuvering the MUOS satellite during transfer orbit to its final location as well as conducting on-orbit repositioning maneuvers throughout its mission life.


  • 根据这项IDIQ合同AAI公司后勤技术团队提供AN/TMQ-53机动气象观测系统TMOS)的后勤支持。

    Under this IDIQ contract, AAI’s Logistics & Technical Services team will provide contractor logistics support (CLS) for the AN/TMQ-53 Tactical Meteorological Observing System (TMOS).


  • 所以JPL科学家们成立一个小组分析这些年来所有弹弓机动,设法找到是否真的存在微小但是系统的额外推进力

    So a team from JPL has got together to analyse all of the slingshot manoeuvres that have been carried out over the years, to see if they really do involve a small but systematic extra boost.


  • Comtech公司的典型mt- 2012机动卫星无线收发器具备安全全球定位系统(GPS)能力嵌入无线射频识别(RFID)技术

    Comtech's Model MT-2012 mobile satellite transceivers feature secure global positioning system (GPS) capabilities, as well as embedded radio frequency identification (RFID) technology.


  • 美国Telephonics公司是美国Griffon公司一家全资子公司,日前,该公司用于美国海关边防的机动监视系统(MSS)提供了技术支持

    Telephonics Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Griffon Corp., delivers technology for Mobile Surveillance Systems (MSS) for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).


  • 系统能够管理数以千计Wi - Fi客户用来活动(例如现场机动会议)建立个专用网络

    The system can manage thousands of Wi-Fi clients and can be used to set up a network in a theater of operations for an activity such as a field maneuver or conference.


  • 波音公司完成车载激光武器设计然后重型扩大机动战术卡车上安装评估一个光束控制激光瞄准系统

    Boeing will finish designing the truck laser weapon, and then build and evaluate a rugged beam-control laser weapon sight system on a heavy expanded mobility tactical truck.


  • 机器人身上装备的追踪系统提高它们机动使人类无法安全到达地方行驶

    A dual track system on both units enhances mobility and makes it possible for them to navigate areas humans can't safely reach.


  • 4-4-2战术关键战术系统应变性灵活机动

    The key to this 4-4-2 is flexibility and the mobility of the system.


  • 针对过失速机动飞机探讨了非线性动态逆方法飞行控制系统设计中的应用

    This paper discussed the application of this method in the design of flight control system for the post stall maneuver.


  • 本文介绍一种检测主轴电机动方法监测刀具破损系统

    In this paper, a system for monitoring tool breakage by detecting the power of spindle motor is introduced.


  • 通过TM&LS长期的合作关系,BAE系统已经为此机动性、四轮驱动ASV车辆生产了超过2500个装甲部件。

    Through its long-standing relationship with TM&LS, BAE Systems has produced more than 2,500 armor kits for the highly maneuverable, four-wheel drive ASV.


  • 拥有手动机动应急系统确保出现停电产生其他故障仍然开关自如

    Two, with manual, mobile emergency system to ensure that the power outage or other faults can still be switched freely.


  • 这些芯片飞行员脑电波直接发送飞行控制系统这样就极大地改善机动战士反应能力操纵性能

    These chips transmit the pilot's brainwaves directly into the flight control system, vastly improving the response and handling characteristics of the mobile suit.


  • 公司路旁摄像机意大利国家收费公路运营商警方安装全意大利22万机动车上的卫星追踪系统采集信息

    The company gathers information from roadside cameras, Italy's national toll-road operator, the police, and satellite-tracking systems installed in more than 220,000 vehicles across Italy.


  • 许多服务继续使用包含它们自己数据库遗留COTS系统并且服务单元实现异质性SOA机动基础

    Many services will continue to use legacy or COTS systems that incorporate their own databases [and] heterogeneity of service unit implementation technologies is fundamental to SOA agility.


  • 提出了一种基于预测多级影响法,将该理论应用单机连续空战机动决策系统建模中。

    A multistage influence diagram game based on one-step prediction is put forward for modeling the maneuvering decisions of UCAV in air combat.


  • 精密离心机动平衡系统数据采集、数据分析处理、不平衡量解算执行部分等组成。

    The precision centrifuge dynamic balancing system is composed of data acquisition, data analysis and disposal, imbalance calculation and executive part.


  • 系统机动因此不易受到袭击

    The new systems are more mobile and thus less vulnerable to attack.


  • 可以购买着色剂制冷剂这样就可以被注入服务机动系统

    You can also buy the refrigerant with the dye in it so it goes into every vehicle you service.


  • 高精度导航系统机动场景来说,对偶四元数算法一个更好选择

    The new algorithm turns out to be a better choice than the conventional algorithm for high-precision navigation systems and high-maneuver applications.


  • 项目节约空调封闭房屋然后制造定制机动巨大滑动系统

    Savings from the air-conditioning and sealing the house, is then channelled into making inhouse custom designed motorized pivots and giant sliding systems.


  • 介绍了提升参数微机测试装置硬件组成工作原理系统软件关键技术

    The hardware components , working principle , system software and key technic of KJC test meter for hoist dynamic parameters are introduced.


  • 介绍了提升参数微机测试装置硬件组成工作原理系统软件关键技术

    The hardware components , working principle , system software and key technic of KJC test meter for hoist dynamic parameters are introduced.


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