• 最初朋克摇滚乐促使认真地加入一个乐队

    It was punk that first moved him to join a band seriously.


  • 摇滚朋克摇滚出现以后已经变得非常商业化安全了。

    Rock'n'roll has become so commercialized and safe since punk.


  • 朋克摇滚歌手士兵嬉皮士相扑留着他们那个群体特有独特发型

    Punks, soldiers, hippies, and Sumo wrestlers all have distinct hair styles, peculiar to their group.


  • 我们那里唯一朋克摇滚乐迷。

    We were the only punks there.


  • 让自己看起来像个朋克摇滚的。

    I guess he's supposed to be a punk rocker.


  • 朋克摇滚生活:六字母的单词,决定你成功

    Punk Rock Your Life: The Simple Six-Letter Word That Determines success.


  • 他们朋克摇滚作为武器迅速成长一支果敢年轻执着坚毅乐队

    They play punk rock as a weapon and rapidly grown into a bold , young and persistent band .


  • 音乐教育电影朋克摇滚音乐会,电影,录像艺术实验具有现代音乐,范围不等

    Its scope ranges from music education films to punk rock concert films to experimental video art featuring modernist music.


  • 他们也许不是一支朋克乐队他们无疑是全球受青睐朋克摇滚乐队之一。

    They may not have been the first punk band in history, but they're certainly one of the most popular punk rock bands to have walked this planet.


  • :“正在招聘金融专家,一位候选人出现了装扮一个朋克摇滚歌手。”

    "I was recruiting for a finance specialist and a candidate turned up dressed as a punk rocker," he says.


  • 加入这个令人难以置信的斗争美化他们想要发型老太太朋克摇滚乐队不耐烦名人莎莉

    Join Sally in this fabulous fight to beautify little old ladies, punk rockers and impatient celebrities with the hairstyles they want.


  • 《韦氏词典》里的话说涅槃意思痛苦外部世界解脱——相当接近朋克摇滚定义

    In Webster's terms, "Nirvana" means freedom from pain, suffering and the external world, and that's pretty close to my definition of Punk Rock.


  • 工作是获得报纸上一些有赎金类型标题信息信件特别是英国接近定义为朋克摇滚形象

    His work, featuring letters cut from newspaper headlines in the style of a ransom note, came close to defining the image of punk rock, particularly in the UK.


  • 这个带有宽广胸怀实际执行计划会议拥抱朋克摇滚DIY精神,不想看到Rails开发者成为赚钱机器。

    RubyFringe, then - the conference with big heart and a solid execution plan - embraces the punk rock, DIY ethos by choosing not to see Rails developers as a profit center.


  • Sammy朋克摇滚的时候,多半宅另外四个女孩合租公寓里,房子在市中心高楼24层。

    When Sammy isn't underground playing punk rock, she's often perched in the 24th-floor apartment she shares with four other single women in a new tower downtown.


  • 想想朋克摇滚乐手热衷的身体上穿孔是如何年轻银行家们开始穿着条纹炫耀朴素耳环失去震惊世人的力量的。

    Think how the body-piercing favoured by punk-rockers lost its power to shock after young bankers started sporting discreet earrings with their pinstriped suits.


  • 需要知道这个故事描绘朋克摇滚乐队里的,他们见证一些非常可怕的事情,然后一些可怕俘虏了。

    All you need to know is that it's about a bunch of punk rockers who witness something very bad, and are then held captive by some terrifying people.


  • 1984年Bod dGeld of这个出身音乐记者朋克摇滚前沿人,一则报导非洲饥荒新闻深深打动,开始了世界饥荒战斗

    Bod Geldof, music journalist turned punk rock frontal, was inspired by a news report about Africa's famine epidemic and began his fight against the world hunger.


  • 想到能有幸凯西·瓦伦丁(KathyValentine)——由女生组成的朋克摇滚/流行乐队The Go-Gos的吉他手——一起参加广播节目呢?

    Who would think that I’d grace the airwaves with Kathy Valentine, bass guitarist for the all-girl, punk rock/pop band The Go-Gos?


  • 小小的房间里海报上传奇吉他手JimiHendrix亲切面容上海女孩准备开始练习了,她们sammy朋克摇滚乐队——黑色另外四个成员

    Inside the small room, under a poster of guitar legend Jimi Hendrix posing as Uncle Sam, four young Shanghainese women—the other members of Sammy's punk rock band, Black Lunaare starting to jam.


  • 无论如何,没有摇滚歌剧具有朋克精神的音乐了。

    In any event, there are few things less "punk" than a rock opera.


  • 西北大学梅森掌舵着一支摇滚乐队把这支乐队描述朋克甲壳虫凯特·史蒂文斯各占其一。

    At Northwestern Mason helmed a rock band that he describes as equal parts punk, the Beatles and Cat Stevens.


  • 其他一些雇主,比如前卫朋克/摇滚音乐服饰零售商Hot Topic每月发放奖金现金奖品奖励

    Others, like edgy, punk/rock music clothier Hot Topic ( HOTT - news - people ), give out monthly bonuses, cash and prize incentives.


  • CBGB酒吧70年代成为朋克艺术摇滚实验室,但在去年闭门歇业(创始人希里•克里斯托(HillyKristal)在上月辞世),标志艺术人士遭受的压迫。

    The closure last year of CBGB, a bar that became a punk and art-rock laboratory in the 1970s (and whose founder, Hilly Kristal, died last month) came to symbolise this squeeze.


  • CBGB酒吧70年代成为朋克艺术摇滚实验室,但在去年闭门歇业(创始人希里•克里斯托(HillyKristal)在上月辞世),标志艺术人士遭受的压迫。

    The closure last year of CBGB, a bar that became a punk and art-rock laboratory in the 1970s (and whose founder, Hilly Kristal, died last month) came to symbolise this squeeze.


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