• 信息掌握不再局限特权的少数人

    No longer is the possession of information confined to a privileged minority.


  • 丰满身材表明朝鲜特权精英之一

    Her plump figure indicates that she is among North Korea's privileged elite.


  • 他们扩大特权学生贫困生之间的差距。

    They widen the gap between privileged and disadvantaged students.


  • 快乐金钱读者显然是一特权的群体,他们担心成就而不是饥饿

    Readers of Happy Money are clearly a privileged lot, anxious about fulfilment, not hunger.


  • 肖像画曾经是少数特权人拥奢侈品突然变成多人可以容易接触到的事物。

    Portraiture, once a luxury for the privileged few, was suddenly well within the reach of many more people.


  • 这些政策往往一种虚假美德信号,其会让特权受益对普通人几乎帮助

    All too often such policies are an insincere form of virtue signaling that benefits only the most privileged and does little to help average people.


  • 大多数孩子进入唱诗班管弦乐队艺术工作室戏剧机会很少,而他们特权同龄人却能享受到这些机会,完全错误的,也是不公平的。

    It is simply wrong and unfair that most children have a fraction of the access to choirs, orchestras, art studios and drama that their more privileged peers enjoy.


  • 整个时期里旅行艰辛昂贵的,可能特权的阶级才能旅行,同样也是这个阶级造就了教养科学家作家古董专家艺术赞助人

    Travel was arduous and costly throughout the period, possible only for a privileged class—the same that produced gentlemen scientists, authors, antique experts, and patrons of the arts.


  • 另一种方法实现特权的服务器响应请求创建GUI作为客户机

    Another approach is to implement a privileged server that responds to requests, and then create the GUI as a client.


  • 世界特权是否应该学习世界上最没特权人的生活

    Should the world's most privileged people learn about the lives of the world's least privileged?


  • 允许特权用户使用这个选项可能导致他们博客上粘贴恶意代码

    Note: Enabling this option for non-privileged users may result in their Posting malicious code to your blog.


  • 首相避免正装产生特权伊顿形象而选择穿普通套装报道激起了人民普遍不满

    Reports that the prime minister, who eschews formal dress for fear of reviving his privileged Old Etonian image, would wear a plain suit provoked criticism from many quarters.


  • 我们吗?,还是公共政策的制定者?,还是仅限于特权人?,或者跨国公司其他公司

    Is it all of us or should the beneficiary is our public policy, is those who have already had manages or privileges or multinational corperations or corperation procisely.


  • 梅德韦杰夫补充俄罗斯计划世界特权地点”寻求利益无论是临近国界还是传统势力范围

    Mr Medvedev added that Russia intended to pursue its interests in "privileged" corners of the world, either near its borders or in its historic sphere of influence.


  • 但是记者们并未充分地报道肯尼迪,甚至未遵守那个时代社会操守职业操守,而是政客私生活视作享特权领域

    But reporters weren't covering up for Kennedy so much as they were abiding by their era's social and professional codes, which regarded politicians' personal lives as privileged realms.


  • 查明特权帐号可以查询每个系统编目视图使用UNION操作符结果组合在一起如清单4

    To find out all accounts with privileges, you can query each of the system catalog views and combine the results together using the UNION operator, as shown in Listing 4.


  • 承诺将以强大成熟领导力谈判英国问题,使英国成为服务每个不是少数特权国家。”

    She promised "strong, proven leadership" to negotiate the UK's departure from the EU, and to "make Britain a country that works not for a privileged few but for every one of us".


  • 不是中国人加上粗鲁无礼污名,只是针对那一小部分因为自己得的经济地位认为自己特权的中国人。

    Not to brand all Chinese as being rude or disrespectful, but a small group of Chinese who believe they are Entitled because of their new financial status.


  • 当然特权程序必须保护自己不受攻击但是这个方法通常意味着一部分必须安全的程序,这些程序应并且容易保护。

    The privileged program, of course, must defend itself from all attacks, but this approach usually means that the part of the program that must be secured is much smaller and easier to defend.


  • 这种情形一个常见例子运行程序的管理员、系统程序或者特权服务器正在遍历的是由普通用户控制文件系统部分

    A common example of this is an administrator, system program, or privileged server running your program while walking through parts of the file system controlled by ordinary users.


  • 另一个常见方法使用特权启动程序这个程序然后派生放弃特权的第二个进程,而由这个进程来大部分工作

    Another common approach is to start a program with privileges, which then forks a second process that gives up all privileges and then does most of the work.


  • 不再一个各自各自范围个人之间战争问题要求自身权利等级从战壕里跳出来,特权等级则在进行抵抗

    It is no longer a question of a war between individuals each shut up in his or her sphere: a caste claiming its rights attacks and is resisted by the privileged caste.


  • 很多攻击它们欺骗特权程序一些计划外的事情而且程序的特权启用时才会成功(例如通过创建不合常理符号链接链接)。

    Many attacks only work if they trick the privileged program into doing something unintended while its privileges are enabled (for example, by creating weird symbolic links and hard links).


  • 一个方法是以root 身份运行尽可能打开需要特权端 口然后永久去除 root 特权包括进程所属任何特权组)。

    One approach is to run as root, open the privileged port as soon as possible, and then permanently drop root privileges (including any privileged groups the process belongs to).


  • 我们今天清楚看到,在这个世界上千千万万遭受残酷压迫,忍受着极度悲痛,所以世界是永远可能彻底安全的,即使是特权人。

    We now see, with chilling clarity, that a world where many millions of people endure brutal oppression and extreme misery will never be fully secure, even for its most privileged inhabitants.


  • 但是unix系统中,如果多个用户可以同一目录添加文件而且计划通过一个特权程序该目录添加文件,那么确保该目录设置“sticky”

    But if multiple users can add files to a directory in a UNIX-like system, and you plan to add files to that directory from a privileged program, make sure that the sticky bit is set on that directory.


  • 因为unconfined _ t域中启动容器包括sshdaemon,这使能够获得特权的shell并且能够绕过我们将要实施的SELinux限制

    Because it would launch the container, including the SSH daemon, in the unconfined_t domain, giving him a privileged shell and allowing him to escape the SELinux constraints we were trying to enforce.


  • 最终可以克服特权发达之间差距

    It could eventually overcome the disparities between the privileged and the underdeveloped.


  • 最终可以克服特权发达之间差距

    It could eventually overcome the disparities between the privileged and the underdeveloped.


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