• 目的研究骨髓评估有核细胞价值

    Objective: To study the value of bone marrow biopsy imprint in evaluating cellularity.


  • 每个细胞染色体,染色体携带着基因

    Every cell with a nucleus has chromosomes that carry genes.


  • 方法骨髓细胞免疫荧光标记流式细胞分析

    Methods Bone marrow nuclear cells (BMNCs) were labeled by immunofluorescence and analyzed by flow cytometry.


  • 方法测定S80荷瘤小鼠外周血象、骨髓细胞计数及瘤重。

    Method To determine the peripheral hemogram, nucleated leukocyte count of bone marrow and apudoma of S 80 mouse sarcomas.


  • 有核细胞移植成功关键因素也是移植恢复速度主要预测指标

    The number of nucleated cells is a significant factor in transplantation success and is a major predictor of recovery speed after transplant.


  • PFC反应增加落后于有核细胞的增多,说明抗原反应细胞功能减弱。

    That the PFC reaction in the spleen lagged far behind the increase in number of the nucleated cells suggests a reduction in the functional reaction of the antigen-reactive cells.


  • 此外核细胞散射强度分布进行拟合,得到有核细胞光散射强度分布函数

    In addition, the scattering intensity distribution function of the karyocyte is acquired by fitting the scattering intensity distribution.


  • 细胞凝胶电泳技术种在单细胞水平上检测细胞DNA损伤修复方法

    The single cell gel electrophoresis assay is a method that can inspect the DNA damage and repair of cells which have nucleus.


  • 实验结果证明方法效性有核细胞检出率边缘符合度优于传统算法

    Experimental results show the new algorithm is effective; its edge fitness rates and checkout rates are better than former algorithms.


  • 通过腺病毒载体介导使多药耐药基因转染入脐血细胞提高化疗药物的耐受性。

    MDR1 gene was transfered to cord blood nucleate cells (CBNC) mediated by adenovirus vector, for enhancing its resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs.


  • 结果益血生胶囊升高受照细胞骨髓细胞,并使受照鼠胸腺脾脏重量回升。

    Results: Yixiesheng capsule could elevate the number of WBC, nucleated cells in bone marrow, increase the weight of thymus gland and spleen in mice after radiation.


  • 前言:细胞凝胶电泳种在单细胞水平检测哺乳类有核细胞DNA 断裂的新技术。

    The single cell gel electrophoresis(SCGE), also called comet assay, is a sensitive and rapid method for DNA damage detection in individual mammalian cell.


  • 生血颗粒增加环磷酰胺所致血虚小鼠血小板数、骨髓有核细胞数、胸腺指数脾脏指数。

    RESULTS Shengxue granules could increase RBC S, the quality of hemoglobin and index of thymus gland and spleen of the blood-deficient model mice induced by exsanguinations;


  • 脐血移植细胞重建时间与输入细胞以及疾病类型相关HLA相合程度相关

    The time of nuclear cell reconstitution after cord blood transplantation was statistically related with nucleated cells and the type of disease, not related with HLA matching.


  • 目的观察自体骨髓细胞蛛网膜下腔移植治疗运动神经元(MND)疗效探讨机制

    Objective to investigate the curative effect of autologous bone marrow nuclear cells transplantation treating motor neuron disease (MND), and to study the mechanism of this therapy.


  • 14,处死小鼠,观察药物骨髓DNA含量、骨髓有核细胞数、结节、脾指数胸腺指数的影响。

    DNA content and quantity of nucleocyte in bone marrow, CFU-sin spleen, spleen index and thymus index were observed at 12 or 14day after irradiation.


  • 方法相同细胞因子组合下,体外液体培养比较脐血有核细胞程序扩增一次扩增组及基质条件下的优劣。

    Methods under the same condition with hematopoietic factors in the liquid culture, compared the sequential expansion group and once for all expansion group with or without stroma cell layer.


  • 输注前从产品袋中留取标本检查细胞计数单个核细胞比例CD34+细胞计数细胞成活率(台拒染)。

    The nucleated cell count, percentage of mononuclear cell , number of CD34+ cell and percentage of viable cell (trypan blue excluding rate) in the component were detected.


  • 方法X射线照射小鼠全身引起辐射损伤,观察术口服液对辐射小鼠细胞骨髓有核细胞胸腺脾脏指数影响

    METHODS: The model was made in mice by X-ray radiation. The white blood cells (WBC), bone marrow nucleated cells (BMNC) were measured. The weight of thymus and spleen were measured.


  • 线粒体高度专业化结构每个有核细胞几乎认为是细胞的“细胞(细胞)。”线粒体中的细胞数目取决于细胞功能

    Mitochondria are highly specialized structures (organelles) within each nucleated cell-almost considered a "cell within a cell." the number of mitochondria in a cell depends on the cell's function.


  • 这种辅助治疗效果可能显著提高化疗处理肺癌模型小鼠骨髓有核细胞数目以及提高化疗过程中肺癌小鼠血液细胞数目关。

    The effect is possibly related with raising the amount of medullary karyote of model mice with lung cancer during the chemotherapy and raising the amount of blood leucocyte of mice with lung cancer.


  • 方法 利用环磷酰胺抑制造血细胞小鼠模型 ,给予寡聚甘露糖醛酸 ,观察小鼠的骨髓有核细胞、外周血红细胞细胞

    After treated with Iron Complex of Mannosan, the numbers of blood white cells and red cell and medullary hemopoietic cells were calculated.


  • 结论:经比较羟乙基淀粉沉淀法明显优于其他分离方法骨髓质干细胞培养过程中建议使用此种物理沉降方法分离骨髓细胞

    This physical sedimentation method is a very good method that can be used during the culture of MSCs to separate nucleated cells in bone marrow.


  • 为研究三氯乙烯TCE遗传毒性,应用细胞凝胶电泳法(SCGE)测定了TCE诱导人和小鼠外周血有核细胞DNA断裂能力

    The ability of trichloroethylene(TCE) to induce single strand breaks in peripheral lymphocytes DNA of male mice in vivo was evaluated using single cell gel electrophoresis(SCGE).


  • 方法:本实验采用环磷酰胺所致细胞减少白鼠动物模型,研究海洋生物多糖FW-1模型小鼠外周血细胞数,骨髓有核细胞数,免疫器官重量指标的药理作用。

    Results FW-1 could obviously increase the quantity of peripheral leukocytes of mice induced by CTX, so do the quantity of bone marrow cells and the weight of splenic organ and thymus.


  • 因为新增细胞不会它们便随时可以再造肌肉蛋白使肌肉种类似记忆的功能。

    Since the extra nuclei don't die, they could be poised to make muscle proteins again, providing a type of muscle memory, he says.


  • 染色体细胞发现一种基因线型结构,能够使不同不同特征

    Chromosomes, which are found in the nucleus of a cell, are thread-like structures that contain genes which determine the characteristics of an individual.


  • 因为他们很多相似之处动物真菌植物细胞属于生物,植物细胞几个方面不同动物细胞

    Because of their many similarities, animals, fungi, and plant cell are all classified as eukaryotes, but plant cells differ from animal cells in several key way.


  • 原因复杂细胞植物动物真菌细胞专门隔间,隔间包括一个信息中心细胞发电站--线粒体

    The reason is that complex cells like those of plants, animals and fungi have specialized compartments including an information centre, the nucleus, and power stations -- mitochondria.


  • 原因复杂细胞植物动物真菌细胞专门隔间,隔间包括一个信息中心细胞发电站——线粒体

    The reason is that complex cells like those of plants, animals and fungi have specialized compartments including an information centre, the nucleus, and power stationsmitochondria.


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