• 大部分增长都是去年财政部联邦存款保险公司货币市场基金资产做出担保放宽银行存款保险限额后发生的。

    Much of that came after the Treasury and the Federal deposit insurance Corp. guaranteed assets in money-market funds last September and expanded deposit-insurance limits for Banks.


  • 最高限额增加当前订单结束后2010年210生效

    The ceiling increase becomes effective after the current ordering period, which ends Feb. 10, 2010.


  • 敦促美国国会共和党议员最后期限投票增加借款限额

    He's urging Republican members of Congress to vote in favour of increasing it well before a deadline in August.


  • 目前国债限额12.104万亿美元,这数字是今年2确定的,是美国经济刺激计划的一个组成部分

    The current debt limit is $12,104bn, a figure set in February as part of the stimulus package.


  • 应用限额生效之后,IT团队业务部门法律部门再次开会确定限额适合公司

    After the new quotas were applied and were in effect for six months, the it team and lines of business met with the legal department to ensure that the quotas were appropriate for the company.


  • 如果央行协议构架出售黄金他们能够自由这样直到926日黄金限额期满为止

    If the central Banks want to sell within the framework of the agreement, they are free to do so until September 26, when sales quotas expire.


  • 如果计划效仿法国形式,会提高相关公司能获得的贷款信用限额,这限额去年10以来,已经被保险商们以1.5%的保险费率压得很低了。

    If the scheme followed the French model, it would top up credit-insurance limits, slashed by insurers for many firms since October, for a premium of 1.5%.


  • 派克(OPEC)代表们将十五日星期天就近一步削减产出限额问题进行讨论

    REPRESENTATIVES of OPEC meet on Sunday March 15th to discuss further cuts to output quotas.


  • 参议院共和党保守派,加上去年11选出追随者发誓阻碍任何债务限额增加议案的通过,需要60才能以绝对优势克服这一阻碍。

    Republican conservatives there, reinforced by Tea Party adherents elected last November, vow to filibuster any increase in the debt limit, which would require a 60-vote supermajority to overcome.


  • 终于329日,在鲍勃·鲁宾最初提出要求八个后,我签署了一项法案提高债务限额

    Finally, on March 29, eight months after Bob Rubin and I had first requested it, I signed a bill to increase the debt limit.


  • 2010的限额1231签发,专家指出需要周来安排船运

    The 2010 quotas were not issued until Dec. 31, and exporters then typically needed several weeks to arrange shipping.


  • 进一步减少签证配额很可能明年固定最高限额生效后实施。

    further cuts are likely when a permanent cap comes into force next April.


  • 金融危机顶峰2008年10美联储调查显示,60%的银行,下调客户信用卡限额

    A survey by the Federal Reserve in October 2008, when the financial crisis was at its peak, found that 60% of Banks had reduced credit-card limits for both new and existing customers.


  • 目前国债限额12.104万亿美元,这数字是今年2确定的,是美国经济刺激计划的一个组成部分

    Thee current debt limit is $12,104bn, a figure set in February as part of the stimulus package.


  • 如果员工平均工资超过当地平均工资标准3补偿金的最高限额为3倍平均工资,最高12

    If the employee earns more than 3 times the average monthly wage of the locality, then the compensation will be capped at 3 times the average monthly wage, up to a maximum of 12 months.


  • 许多男性不再期望通过工作展现自己,”本特·维斯特伯格(BengtWesterberg),1995年实施陪产假(译者注:即父亲陪同休产假)政策第一个时作为首相一直反对相关限额

    "Many men no longer want to be identified just by their jobs," said Bengt Westerberg, who long opposed quotas but as deputy prime minister phased in a first month of paternity leave in 1995.


  • 如果列入年度限额通常你会H1 - B签证

    If you are included in the current year's quota, usually you will get your H1-B visa in three or four months.


  • 国会必须2底之前提高债务限额周四列席的第113届国会工作内容

    Congress will have to raise the debt ceiling by late February. That will be the job of the 113th Congress, which was seated on Thursday.


  • 2011年11日起统筹基金年最高支付限额为10万,超过最高支付限额以上的医疗费用大额医疗费用补助保险按规定给予补助。

    From Jan 1, 2011, it rises to 100,000 yuan and it will be made up by the large health care expense allowance if employee's health care expense exceeds the cap.


  • 10类产品进行进口限额,2007年之前一直有效根据欧盟委员会本周公布数字,欧盟9进口额有所降低

    The import quota system for 10 categories of import, which will run until 2007, led to a slight slowdown of imports in September according to figures published this week by the European Commission.


  • 10类产品进行进口限额,2007年之前一直有效根据欧盟委员会本周公布数字,欧盟9进口额有所降低

    The import quota system for 10 categories of import, which will run until 2007, led to a slight slowdown of imports in September according to figures published this week by the European Commission.


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