• 研究最佳用量为10%左右;

    The optimum amount of polyethylene wax was about 10%.


  • 理论分析确定了固定最佳用量

    The best proper amount of fixed liquid to be used is determined by theoretical analysis.


  • 通过实验确定了稳定种类最佳用量

    The type and dosage of stabilizers were also determined through experiments.


  • 通过试验确定了植物鞣剂改性最佳用量配比

    The optimal ratio of vegetable tannin and modified oxazolidine was investigated through experiment.


  • 理论解释固化剂最佳用量固化产物良好强度韧性

    This theory explain the good strength and toughness of the adhesive cured when the hardener dose is optimum.


  • 将苜蓿添加面包通过正交实验分析确定最佳用量

    Through the analysis of orthogonal test, the most appropriate amount of medick sativa in bread were decided.


  • 研究确定胶乳3788涂布纸涂料配方最佳用量16%。

    We find that the optimum dosage of latex 3788 in formulation of LWC is 16%.


  • 通过反复试验确定多效三步合成转移催化剂最佳用量

    By repeated tests, a proper amount of phase transfer catalyst in the TCR -step synthesis of paclobutrazol is fixed.


  • 试验确定各种蔬菜汁南瓜配比甜味剂稳定剂最佳用量

    By doing experiments, the compounding ratio of various vegetable and pumpkin juice is set, and the best using amount of sweetening agents and stabilizer is also fixed.


  • 配合常规药品脱墨相对于废纸最佳用量0.3%左右。

    Together with the conventional deinking agents, the optimal dosage of the deinking agent to absolute dry waste paper is about 0.3%.


  • 研究用铜版纸印刷的中小学课本封面进行UV上光时,上光最佳用量

    The optimum UV varnishing oil quantity in full format UV coating on coated paper used in textbook cover was studied.


  • 经过试验室造纸厂反复应用试验,确定膨化最佳用量使用方法

    The optimal dosage and application method of the expanding agent were proposed based on the results of laboratory experiments and mill trials.


  • 采用平板模型流动试验方法,研究孔道封堵最佳用量最佳工艺。

    This paper makes a study on the optimum plugging time and the optimum plugging site of secondary channel through the adoption of the flow experiment of place models.


  • 很多维生素矿物质最佳用量不知道,其中有些如果大量服用还是有毒的。

    The optimal dose for many vitamins and minerals is unknown and some can be toxic in high doses.


  • 分析了水剂预聚气泡影响,找出了吸水剂的最佳用量最佳加入方式。

    The water-absorber effects on bubbles of prepolymer are analyzed too. It has found the best amount of water-absorber and the best style in use.


  • 利用单纯优化选择了各种试剂最佳用量以及采样体积、反应管长的最佳实验条件

    The amount of used reagents and the experimental conditions for sampling volume and coil length were optimized by using the controlled and weighed centroid simplex method.


  • 目前技术没有一个量化模型刻画人工隔层最佳铺设位置厚度最佳用量

    At present, in this technology has not a quantitive model to portray the artificial barrier pressure drop, best position of pave, thickness and the best amount of used.


  • 通过20%虫脒可湿性粉剂防治苹果试验明确它对苹果蚜虫防治效果达到最佳用量

    Through the experiment of prevention and cure apple aphis with 20% Acetamiprid wet powder, explicit the result of prevention and cure apple aphis to attain the best dosage.


  • 添加剂聚合物起重要作用组分而且每种添加剂都尽可能最佳用量使用,以得到高品质产品

    Additives are essential functional ingredients of polymers, and whenever possible, each should be used in optimum amounts for the attainment of high-quality products.


  • 研究WD-60环氧防腐涂料附着力耐盐腐蚀性能影响,确定了WD-60偶联剂的最佳用量

    The influence of WD-60 coupling agents on adhesion and salt-spray property of epoxy anti-corrosive coating were investigated.


  • 应用多孔陶瓷载体固定化酵母酿造啤酒试验研究中,查明适合固定酵母的载体形态结构以及载体的最佳用量

    By the research on beer brewing using saccharomyces cerevisiae immobilized in porous ceramics carrier, the appropriate morphology structure and optimal amounts of the carrier were obtained.


  • 论述了以烯丙基(缩水)甘油改善不饱和聚酯树脂气干性,确定气干性单体最佳用量树脂稳定性

    The airdry ability of unsaturated polyester may be improved by using glycidyl allyl ether. The optimum amount of airdry monomer to be used, the stability and acid value of the resin are determined.


  • 适量增塑剂能提高体系性能,最佳用量10DCPTAIC最佳用量分别为1~2份和2份。

    The best content of DOP was 10 phr for CPE/NBR blends, DCP from 1 to 2 phr, TAIC 2 phr.


  • 考察活性炭甲基纤维素对载体物理性质影响选用羧基纤维素载体扩孔,优化出了羧甲基纤维素的最佳用量

    The influence of activated carbon and CMC on the physical properties of carriers was investigated. CMC was chosen as the expanding agent and the best amount of CMC was decided.


  • 介绍山楂胡萝卜为原料生产的山楂胡萝卜果蔬饮料,着重研究了山楂胡萝卜汁生产工艺最佳配比澄清剂的最佳用量最佳杀菌条件等。

    A drink produced by hawthorn and carrot juice was introduced. And its optimal ratio of process, optimal using of the clarifier and optimal conditions of sterilization were studied.


  • 确定主要助剂最佳用量基础上,探讨孔成核剂种类用量发泡材料性能影响对不同成核剂制得的材料泡孔结构进行观察分析。

    On the base of basic formula, it discussed effects of kinds and content of bubble nucleators on property of foaming materials, and observed and analyzed bubble structure.


  • 研究工作中采用钛酸酯铝酸酯硼酸酯偶联表面改性处理剂,滑石粉等填料进行表面改性处理,证明不同种类存在一个最佳用量范围

    The surface modification of talc etc is treated by titanate, aluminate, borate and silane coupling agents, which testifies that content of different coupling agent exists an optimal range.


  • 这些最佳实践非常容易使用能够显著改进应用程序性能内存使用量

    These best practices are very simple to use, and can provide you with considerable gains in performance and memory usage of your application.


  • 这些最佳实践非常容易使用能够显著改进应用程序性能内存使用量

    These best practices are very simple to use, and can provide you with considerable gains in performance and memory usage of your application.


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