• 地区沦为京人殖民地。

    The area was colonized by the Vikings.


  • 1763年,兄弟斯科尔一道来到佛罗里达不知什么原因他们没有留居此地

    In 1763 he and his brother Squire journeyed to Florida, although for unknown reasons they did not stay.


  • 斯托克诊所18个月药物试图其他人精神分析疗法治疗对照试验接近完成。

    At the Tavistock Clinic a controlled trial of 18 months 'psychoanalytic therapy for people who have tried medication and other therapies is nearing completion.


  • 法拉兹-法苏珊·大卫·惠特尼心理科学”杂志上论文灯笼假设提供到目前为止好的证据

    And now there's a brand new paper in Psychological Science by Faraz Farzin, Susan Rivera and David Whitney that provides some of the best evidence yet for the lantern hypothesis.


  • 2010年底地球我们欣喜若狂地迎接了的“三空间时间表跨入新的空间时间表”非常重要的一步。

    At the end of 2010 we were overjoyed when the Earth made her "Ascension" leap from the Old Third-dimensional Timeline and into the New Fifth-dimensional Timeline.


  • 下半场刚开始,埃托奥阿尔斯干扰差点获得点球——但是很快这个后卫一端送出手术刀般精确的斜传球

    Eto'o appealed for a penalty early in the second half under challenge from Alves – a moment later the fullback was at the other end delivering an inch-perfect cross for Xavi.


  • 我们还要谈到马吕斯珂赛特他们离开家,他们

    Let us also say that, on their side, Cosette and Marius had also been absent. They had been to Vernon.


  • 获得此奖人士还有美国演员艾丽西娅·西尔斯通演员里察·基尔

    Previous winners of the award have included us actress Alicia Silverstone and actor Richard Gere.


  • 可是,该党强烈反对阿拉的反伊朗立场过去马利基不和

    But it strongly opposes Mr Allawi's anti-Iranian stance and in the past has quarrelled with Mr Maliki too.


  • 看看俄亥俄州尔,一张律师制作自来水地图,看到那些房子,谁家连着用水

    Look at Zanesville, Ohio. Here is a map a lawyer made, put on at the water plant, seeing which houses are there, which houses have been connected to the water?


  • 兹的一名环境学家同事无意间说,“太阳若是燃尽了,地球变得怎样?”

    The study began after a chance remark by a colleague, an environmental scientist, who wondered what Earth would be like if the sun went out.


  • 据说警方格外关注利勋爵是否要求特纳修改他俩在去年夏天会面记录。

    It said that the police were particularly interested in discovering whether Lord Levy had asked Ms Turner to adjust her account of a meeting between the two last summer.


  • 穆萨声称周五晚上内政部肯定地告诉,他赢得选举

    Mousavi claimed that, on Friday night, he had been informed by the interior ministry that he had won the election convincingly.


  • 例如考虑过是否适合商业环境

    I've been asked sometimes whether wiki would fit in a corporate environment, for example.


  • 次将迪林格包围,但都成功脱逃

    Twice when Purvis had Dillinger surrounded he escaped.


  • 如今锈迹斑斑,污垢遍布影院辉煌的过去。 洛伊影院位于布鲁克林法拉布什大街,昔日华丽的影院1977年关闭之前给这条大街带来了繁荣商业活动。

    The rusting, dirt-caked marquee that hangs outside the Loew’s Kings Theater over a bustling commercial stretch of Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn last promoted a film in 1977.


  • 斯科考虑跟随其他跨国公司的脚步,将公司转移工资水平更低的缅甸孟加拉国或是越南相反的我们回来了,回到乔治亚

    Scovill considered following other foreign multinationals to lower-wage Myanmar, Bangladesh or Vietnam, but decided instead to come home to Georgia.


  • 14时,桃瑞丝·伊顿·特拉参加了“明星制作人”佛罗伦兹·齐格菲尔德执导的著名歌舞剧《富丽》的演出,该剧视为百老汇第一次华丽闪亮歌舞盛宴。

    Aged 14, Doris Eaton Travis was in the famous Follies show run by Florenz Ziegfeld - regarded as Broadway's first glittering song and dance extravaganza .


  • 是的,”里先生答道,“一八一六1817年的时候亲眼见过这个我们地牢里去时,总得同去行。”

    "Yes," replied M. DE Boville; "I myself had occasion to see this man in 1816 or 1817, and we could only go into his dungeon with a file of soldiers."


  • 欧盟一种应当予以保留复兴的“伟大发明”,还说“欧洲心脏瓦河和波罗的海跳动着”。

    The EU, he says, isa great invention” to be preserved and revitalised. “The European heart is beating here on the Vistula and the Baltic Sea.”


  • 今也经历过烦躁入关手续(吉布提布隆迪索马里兰、马拉、瓦努阿图巴布亚新几内亚),没有次像这次这样花费如此长的时间进入一个国家

    Seriously. I’ve been off the beaten track before (Djibouti, Burundi, Somaliland, Malawi, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea...), but never have I waited so long simply to get into a country.


  • 开始,饰演《哈利波特与死圣》中的拉环演员.青蛙唱诗班,唱诗班是一个音乐喜剧小组魔法学校的学生6个唱歌的青蛙木偶组成。

    Earlier, actor Warwick Davis, who plays Griphook in the Deathly Hollows movie, led the Hogwarts Frog Choir, a musical group made up of Hogwarts students and six singing frog puppets.


  • 之前披头士猫王埃尔以及爵士歌王Frank Sinatra达到过;迈克尔·杰克逊完全能与这些大师相提并论。

    Before him there were the Beatles and Elvis and Frank Sinatra; Michael Jackson takes his place right alongside those greats.


  • 亚康MTV的母公司,社交网站块领域已被远远甩在后面。有传闻亚康姆考虑收购Bebo,但询价之后就没后文。

    Having fallen behind in this new area, Viacom is said to have considered buying Bebo, but balked at the asking price.


  • 亚康MTV的母公司,社交网站块领域已被远远甩在后面。有传闻亚康姆考虑收购Bebo,但询价之后就没后文。

    Having fallen behind in this new area, Viacom is said to have considered buying Bebo, but balked at the asking price.


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