• 方舟曾说:“我一生都在做一件事。”

    "I spent my whole life doing one thing," Gu Fangzhou once said.


  • 至今出版数十本书,他的书推荐研究生教材

    He's published dozens of books so far, once been recommended as a textbook for postgraduates.


  • 作为名记者纽约大学哥伦比亚大学东北大学毕业生竞争工作机会

    As a journalist, I have competed against NYU, Columbia, and Northeastern graduates for jobs.


  • 最好朋友抱怨,遇到男生喜欢音乐书籍电影跟她一模一样,她总以为是交到了一个新朋友- - -出乎意料的是发现这是她出去约会耍的把戏。

    My best mate would complain that when she met a man who liked the same music, books or films as her, she always thought she had made a new friend - only to discover he wanted to ask her out.


  • 19世纪伟大的小说家之一,沃尔特·斯科特先生,曾人称为“傻子”,上了象征劣等生帽子,整整戴了一个

    The greatest novelist of the 19th Century, Sir Walter Scott, was given the title of "king of blockheads" and was made to wear a dunce cap for a whole month.


  • 专家曾预计三分之一一生患上癌症上周他们将这一预计修订42%,因为衰老肥胖其他因素

    Experts last week revised their estimate of how many people will get cancer in their lifetime from about a third to 42%, because of ageing, obesity and other factors.


  • 节目名为女儿父亲们”,相信如同曾启发一般,这会启发大家思考如何度过一生离开人世所能留下的遗产。

    It's called "Dads for My Daughters" and I am confident it will inspire you, as it did for me, to think how you live your life and the legacy you want to leave behind.


  • 去年行为异常送入医院接受治疗。

    The student had been hospitalized once last year for abnormal behavior.


  • 陈振聪除了名人风水顾问之外,还做过酒吧服务员、餐厅侍应生、推销员市场调研员以及出口老板

    As well as working as a celebrity feng shui consultant, Chen said he had been employed as a barman, waiter, salesman, market researcher and the owner of an export business.


  • 大师对胡政生无数起自己梦中惊醒的故事,梦中,老人的那些功夫前辈早已作古的少林寺和尚们来探望

    Many times the master had told Hu about awakening from dreams in which his martial arts ancestors, long-dead monks from the Shaolin Temple, visited him.


  • 但是美国历史所有面临两难境地中,我们可以一个类比具有参考价值的莫过于1993年至1995年发生的波斯尼亚事件了。

    But of all the possible historical analogies for the dilemma facing the United States, the most useful one may be the case of Bosnia from 1993 to 1995.


  • 本周公布法庭档案显示,被指控谋杀弗州理工研究生该校另一名研究生前往学校咨询中心

    The Virginia Tech graduate student accused of beheading another graduate student on campus last week had visited the school’s counseling center, according to court documents filed this week.


  • 男友胜过一切我们甚至谈到研究生毕业结婚

    I love my boyfriend more than anything, and we've even talked about getting married after grad school.


  • 受膏者圣旨耶和华说,儿子,我今日生

    I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.


  • 鲍嘉曾口吞玻璃直至鲜血淋漓,一生多灾多难海明威更是曾经在狂奔的野牛群中狩猎。

    Bogart ate glass till his mouth bled; the accident prone Hemingway ran with the bulls and hunted big game.


  • 鲍嘉曾口吞玻璃直至鲜血淋漓,一生多灾多难海明威更是曾经在狂奔野牛群中狩猎。

    Bogart ate glass till his mouth bled; the accident-prone Hemingway ran with the bulls and hunted big game.


  • 受膏者要传圣旨。耶和华曾对我说,儿子今日

    I will proclaim the decree of the Lord: he said to me, 'you are my Son; today I have become your Father.


  • 冈比亚1978- 1979年发生黄热病疫情之后曾进行次以村庄为基础的血清回顾性研究估计出现过8000个病例,有1700人死亡

    After the Gambia yellow fever outbreak in 1978-1979, a village-based serological retrospective study estimated some 8000 cases and 1700 deaths had occurred.


  • 劳工部表示工作无薪实习生可能违法

    The Department of Labor has said that this sort of work may be illegal for unpaid interns to do.


  • 有一件事耶和华,我仍要寻求就是一生一世住耶和华殿中,瞻仰荣美,在他的殿里求问。

    One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.


  • 麻生上任曾几次电视直播的国会发言中念了错别字。

    Taro Aso has made several mistakes in previous speeches in Japanese parliament live broadcasts after he became prime minister.


  • 麻生先生考虑通过大型内阁改组压制议员反叛选民展示一些新鲜面孔(如同英国戈登·布朗那样)。

    To quell the rebellious rabble and offer fresher faces to voters, Mr Aso considered a big cabinet reshuffle (shades of Britain's Gordon Brown).


  • 晚年曾心生意地告诫学生:“如果你们打定主意父母失望不必成为同性恋而鼓足勇气从事艺术好了。”

    In later years he ruefully advised his students: "If you really want to disappoint your parents, and don't have the nerve to be gay, go into the arts."


  • 这次8.9级地震之前发生地震学家所说的“前震”,包括周三发生的周五震中以南25英里的7.2地震。

    The 8.9 quake was preceded by what seismologists call foreshocks, including a 7.2-magnitude quake that occurred Wednesday, about 25 miles south of Friday's epicenter.


  • 金融时报》报导,伦敦·摩根·斯坦利公司十五见习生马修·罗布森要求份有关朋友媒体习惯报告

    According to the Financial Times, 15-year old Matthew Robson, an intern at Morgan Stanley in London, was asked to write a report on his friends' media habits.


  • 2007年7月,在16岁布莱尔·霍尔特(Blair Holt)臭名昭著谋杀案之一发生不久奥巴马议员说到:“我们操场成了战场。”

    In July 2007, shortly after one of the most notorious killings of 16-year-old Blair Holt, then Senator Obama said: "Our playgrounds have become battlegrounds."


  • 2007年7月,在16岁布莱尔·霍尔特(Blair Holt)臭名昭著谋杀案之一发生不久奥巴马议员说到:“我们操场成了战场。”

    In July 2007, shortly after one of the most notorious killings of 16-year-old Blair Holt, then Senator Obama said: "Our playgrounds have become battlegrounds."


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