• 即便如此,相信中国最终允许人民币更大范围内波动

    Even so, Manzella said he believes China will eventually allow its currency to fluctuate over a greater range than it does now.


  • 相信中国-即使-也不能允许货币自由浮动。因为金融业稳定并且中国非常重视经济的稳定。

    Manzella said he does not believe China could allow its currency to float even if it wanted to because its financial sector is too unstable, and China prizes stability in its economy.


  • 其中研究人员拉·凯麦尔玛彻·希尔还是相当不错

    That's still pretty good, says one of the researchers, Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman.


  • 凯梅尔马赫·施勒:“一旦扩大规模,算法必须身份细微变化敏感同时不受光照、姿势和年龄影响。”

    "Once we scale up, algorithms must be sensitive to tiny changes in identities and at the same time invariant to lighting, pose, age," Kemelmacher-Shlizerman said.


  • 法兰克福歌德大学教授谷赫尔认为,德国效仿法国追求国家地位同时平衡欧洲各国联盟关系。

    Germany is coming to resemble France in balancing European cohesion with the pursuit of national status, says Gunther Hellmann of Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt.


  • 除了夏蒙两个很快出了名的地方外,阿尔卑斯山山区小村几乎全高山环抱、与世隔绝的穷乡僻壤。

    Except for one or two places such as Zermatt and Chamonix, which had rapidly become popular, Alpine village tended to be impoverished settlements cut off from civilization by the high mountains.


  • 网络就是现代反常,”斯斯基

    "The Internet is the modern-day freak show," says Szymanski.


  • 先生说:“自由媒体眼中,赫尔·凯恩只是另一个自负的美国黑人竟敢离开自由种植园。”

    "In the eyes of the liberal media", said Mr Bozell, "Herman Cain is just another uppity black American who has had the audacity to leave the liberal plantation."


  • 主教练奇尼想要一个前锋,而沃尔夫斯堡关于球员埃丁-科的转会费谈判陷入僵局。

    Roberto Mancini, the City manager, wants a striker and has run into difficulties with Wolfsburg over the valuation of Edin Dzeko.


  • 一周的法庭认罪使得人们对整个案子新的认识,麦克·中尉承认格尔桥事件发生后,立刻意识到这次枪击是警方的失误开始掩盖整个事件。

    Last week's guilty plea offered a startling new perspective. Lieutenant Michael Lohman admitted that he had immediately recognised the Danziger incident as a "bad shoot", and set about concealing it.


  • 一周的法庭认罪使得人们对整个案子新的认识麦克·洛中尉承认格尔桥事件发生后,立刻意识到这次枪击是警方的失误,开始掩盖整个事件。

    Last week's guilty plea offered a startling new perspective.Lieutenant Michael Lohman admitted that he had immediately recognised the Danziger incident as a "bad shoot", and set about concealing it.


  • 2007年参与撰写份报告论证迪斯尼的“小小爱因斯坦系列DVD所标榜的早教益处的错误。

    Zimmerman co-authored a report in 2007 that debunked marketing by Disney'sBaby EinsteinDVD series touting early developmental benefits.


  • 一个积极向上的故事,”罗兰·贝格的咨询师托·亨说道

    This is a good and growing story,” says Roland Berger's Torsten Henzelmann.


  • 打赌斯达康麦克·如是说。

    Don't bet on it, says Mike Zeman at Starcom, an advertising agency.


  • 故事英国卫报专栏作家阿丽克斯··藤(Alex vonTunzelmann)同名小说改编。影片编年史讲述了1947年英国殖民统治印度最后日子权力转交的过程。

    Based on the book of the same name by guardian.co.uk columnist Alex von Tunzelmann, the film Chronicles the handover of power in the last days of British colonial rule in India in 1947.


  • 也许如果决定攻击乔治·,但他不想知道

    Maybe if he decided to assault George Zimmerman, he didn't want you to know about it.


  • 尔·特惊人第二张专辑在某处任何地方(2007年),并一个工作室里,成立百年老钢琴得花两侧自己后院

    Seltmann's stunning second album, Somewhere, anywhere (2007), was written and recorded on a century-old piano in a studio she set up inside a flower-flanked shed in her own backyard.


  • 尔特最著名的合作写一首“1234”(费斯特演出),知道称赞全面的名义布法罗长度

    Seltmann is best known for co-writing the hit song "1234" (performed by Feist), but known also by her acclaimed full-lengths under the name, New Buffalo.


  • 公司CEO•舒勒说:“我们介绍你们可以通过邮件沟通,还会你参加两个活动。”

    "We give you a person you can email, " says CEO Razor Suleman. "We bring you to an event or two.


  • 2007年参与撰写份报告论证迪斯尼的“小小爱因斯坦系列DVD所标榜的早教益处的错误。

    Zimmerman co-authored a report in 2007 that debunked marketing by Disney's "Baby Einstein" DVD series touting early developmental benefits.


  • 没有我们没有好的估计,”

    "No, we don't have a good estimate," Getzelman said.


  • 除了夏蒙两个很快出了名的地方外,阿尔卑斯山山区小村几乎全高山环抱、与世隔绝的穷乡僻壤。

    Except for one or two places such as Zermatt and Chamonix, which had rapidly become popular, Alpine villages tended to be impoverished settlements cut off from civilization by the high mountains.


  • 昨天出现报道称佩德罗荷兰前锋纳赛尔·巴拉阿森纳提议租借给皇家社会,我们本周初所说的一样,巴西人和萨拉·卡达成赛季的协议。

    Reports emerged yesterday that Pedro had been offered to Sociedad along with Dutchman Nacer Barazite, but as we told you earlier in the week, the Brazilian has an agreement to play for UDS next term.


  • 总部位于日内瓦国际劳工组织的劳动力市场分析部门负责人·努埃尔·萨拉萨尔-西里纳齐斯认为,失业率低于预估值的主要原因放弃工作增加了。

    Most of the drop is due to people giving up looking for work, said Jose Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, head of director of Labour market analysis at the Geneva-based ILO.


  • 证实阿森纳有意罗致后,经纪人伊尔凡·帕基奇再次透露了德科对前去酋长球场踢球的向往。

    And, after confirming that City and Arsenal are interested, agent Irfan Redzepagic has revealed that Dzeko would be open to a move to Emirates Stadium.


  • 农场主老板马克·休斯甚至试图租借谢伊·吉文,来即将离去施瓦准备

    Cottagers boss Mark Hughes even launched an attempt to land Manchester City's Shay Given, preparing for an imminent departure from Schwarzer.


  • 农场主老板马克·休斯甚至试图租借谢伊·吉文,来即将离去施瓦准备

    Cottagers boss Mark Hughes even launched an attempt to land Manchester City's Shay Given, preparing for an imminent departure from Schwarzer.


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