• 市场调查显示,93%收视群体希望有一个热门电影频道

    Market research showed that 93% of the viewing public wanted a hit movie channel.


  • 那以后来自世界各地几百项研究已经显示群体极化现象现实存在。

    Since then hundreds of studies from around the world have shown the phenomenon of group polarization in action.


  • 而对于新来者,想要影响群体途径在于显示你的忠诚顺服创造出你之前的群体联系上的心理距离

    One way newcomers can influence groups is by displaying loyalty, toeing the line and by creating psychological distance from previous group affiliations.


  • 虽然最近研究显示癌症死亡率因种族差异导致的不同正在衰减,但与白种人相比一些少数群体仍然承担大的风险。

    While recent research has shown that racial disparity in cancer death rates is decreasing, minority groups continue to bear a greater cancer burden than whites.


  • 人口普查显示近期结婚绝大多数人为西班牙裔,也是美国人口增长最快非白人群体

    The census also showed that a higher proportion of people who have married recently are Hispanic, which is the fastest-growing minority group in the country.


  • 两个群体没有显示要增加支出任何迹象家庭忙于降低杠杆率企业乐于囤积资金

    These are not showing any sign of wanting to spend more: households are busy deleveraging, and companies are happy to hoard their cash.


  • 远古人类祖先牙齿显示女性们到成年就加入新的社会群体

    Teeth from ancient human ancestors suggest that females joined new social groups once they reached maturity.


  • 然后随着人数增多,群体开始显示停时走的模式有时运动极其分散。

    Then, as more people are added, it begins to show stop-and-go patterns and sometimes extreme crushing.


  • 最大手机用户群体之一癌症发病率调查研究显示手机用户非手机用户之间在罹患癌症的风险上并没有什么区别

    Research into cancer rates of one of the largest groups of mobile phone users ever studied found no difference compared with people who did not use them.


  • 调查结果显示偶尔调情更进一步的办公室恋情年轻员工常见,特别是35岁以下的群体

    The workplace relations that amounted to more than a fling more generally happened among young employees, principally among the under-35s, the survey results showed.


  • 上个月同一调查刚刚显示参议员奥巴马白人女性选民中的支持率领先麦凯恩8个百分点,这表示这个群体发生令人吃惊的20百分点的变化

    Last month Senator Obama held an eight point lead over McCain among white women voters in the same poll, representing a stunning, 20 point shift among that group.


  • 研究显示拥有相对大的哺乳动物倾向生活稳定社会群体

    The study shows that groups of mammals with relatively bigger brains tend to live in stable social groups.


  • 因为新的研究显示社会影响左右一个评估进而使整个群体猜错

    Because a new study shows that social influence can sway people's estimates and render the crowd incorrect.


  • 这项服务还提供测试游戏积分系统显示考生得分群体中占第多少个百分位。

    The service offers a point system for tests and games, and displays student scoring in terms of community testing percentiles.


  • 这种说法是不是经得住数学考验(数学研究显示经典群体选择需要群族灭绝),有待观察

    Whether it will pass the mathematical scrutiny which showed that classical group selection needs genocide remains to be seen.


  • 所有这些显示针对个人得出研究结论不够显著,从而,一些研究者做了进一步的研究提出整个社会群体受到弓形虫的影响

    All of these suggested effects are obviously bad for the individuals involved, but some researchers go further and propose that entire societies are being altered by Toxoplasma.


  • 密歇根大学研究显示,2003以来18岁上下的群体越来越多的青少年认为即使仅吸食了两次冰毒也是有巨大成瘾危险的。

    According to the Michigan study, the share of 18-year-olds who believe that using crystal meth even once or twice carries a great risk has risen every year since 2003.


  • 美国《新闻周刊报道,皮研究中心最新调查显示,2008年2010年间,社交网络用户数量增长最快年龄群体55岁到64岁之间的中老年人。

    The age group that saw the fastest growth in social network use between 2008 and 2010 was the 55 to 64 crowd, according to a new survey from Pew Research, Newsweek reported.


  • 其二有证据显示两个特定群体不是问题制造者却不公平的承受了大部分冲击。

    Second, evidence is growing that climate change hits two specific groups of people disproportionately and unfairly.


  • 令人担忧的研究显示,由“危险”食物带来的肠胃感染可能一个健康人带来的仅仅是腹部疼痛,而却可能引发那些免疫功能较弱群体的住院治疗或者危及生命。

    The finding is worrying because an infection that could cause just a stomachache in a healthy person could hospitalize or even kill those with weakened immune systems.


  • 英国心理学家全球6500人进行一项调查显示英国男性全球范围内"最不浪漫"的群体

    British men are some of the "least romantic" in the world, a study carried out by UK psychologists suggested.


  • 据《京华时报》报道北京职业病调研报告显示,职业病患者最大群体尘肺病患者。

    The first report of a study on occupational disease in Beijing shows that the largest group that suffer from occupational disease are pneumoconiosis patients.


  • 张图显示这些群体之间关联

    The chart can then display the links connecting these groups.


  • 经历基督更新生命一同生活,一同事奉时,他们的群体显示更新迹象

    When people who are being transformed to be like Christ live and work together, their communities show signs of transformation.


  • 结果显示,当一类消费群体上网比例大幅增加群体中的个人定期寿险保单价格下跌最快

    The results show that prices for individual term life policies for people in a given group fell more during periods in which the group quickly adopted the Internet.


  • 显示世界银行收入群体根据2008年人均国民总收入计算使用国家分类世界银行阿特拉斯法。

    This table shows the World Bank's classification of countries by income group according to 2008 GNI per capita, calculated using the World Bank Atlas method .


  • 懂得照顾也是男士们看重品质之一调查显示男性群体中,职业医生的女性对他们最具吸引力

    With caring qualities also top of the list, the survey revealed that a profession as a doctor is most appealing among the male masses.


  • 结果显示报春群体多种色素,单株可含有多种花色素,形成多变的粉色红色蓝色花。

    The results show that there could be kinds of anthocyanins in colony or single primrose that forms various red, pink and blue colors of flowers.


  • 结果显示报春群体多种色素,单株可含有多种花色素,形成多变的粉色红色蓝色花。

    The results show that there could be kinds of anthocyanins in colony or single primrose that forms various red, pink and blue colors of flowers.


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