• 南京市生物气溶胶浓度垂直分布变化规律

    The vertical distribution and diurnal variation law of the bioaerosol concentration in Nanjing City.


  • 分析了湍流尺度变化规律,给出了其频数分布

    The daily variations and probability of the inner and outer scale of turbulence were analyzed.


  • 目的揭示脑出血发病时间季节周期性变化规律

    Objective: To explore the seasonal and circadian variation in the timing of cerebral hemorrhage.


  • 高频返回散射电离图中最高观测频率、斜变化规律

    Maximum observed frequency in HF backscatter ionogram and day variblelaw of slope distance.


  • 二氧化硫、氯盐硝酸盐硫酸盐分别呈现不同变化规律

    The measured species, SO_2 , chloride, nitrate and sulfate showed different diumal variation patterns, suggesting different sources.


  • 树种不同月份、不同天气状况蒸腾速率变化规律不同。

    Change regular of date transpiration rate of different tree species have obvious different under different month and climate.


  • 海南岛热带山地雨林森林循环不同阶段斑块光照温度变化规律不同。

    The daily change patterns of light and temperature in different patch types in the forest cycle in the tropical mountain rain forest were different.


  • 结果表明:稻鸭复生态系统甲烷排放具有明显的变化规律季节变化规律

    The results showed that methane emission had obvious daily and seasonal variation law in rice-duck complex ecosystem.


  • 开花期香紫苏功能叶片的蒸腾作用、光合作用变化规律以及二者环境因子之间相互作用进行了研究。

    The changes of transpiration rate, net photosynthesis in a day and their relationship with various environmental factors were studied in this paper.


  • 杨树人工林间作小麦大田中小麦蒸腾速率变化规律均是单峰型,间作小麦蒸腾速率总体高于大田中小麦。

    Day change of intercropping wheat's transpiration intensity and that of wheat in field is unimodal, and the anterior is stronger than the latter.


  • 结果表明:水稻气温差在不同土壤水分条件下表现出不同变化规律较低的土壤水分导致了较高的叶气温

    The results show that the diurnal variation of leaf-air temperature difference varies under different soil moisture conditions, the low soil moisture results in large leaf-air temperature difference.


  • 主要研究成果如下: (1不同树种光合生理过程变化规律不同树木光合生理过程日变化规律树种特性有关土壤水分密切相关

    The next are the main results: (1)The diurnal change rule of the process of photosynthetic physiological of different trees has the connection with the characteristics of trees and soil moisture.


  • 其中一个7月11发布在《自然地球科学》(Nature Geoscience)上,根据历年记录变化数据气候模型模拟50年来海平面变化,以此预测未来的海平面变化规律

    One, published July 11 in Nature Geoscience predicts future patterns of sea-level rise using a combination of recorded changes and climate modeling to simulate the last 50 years of change.


  • 在考虑海冰中短期变化规律基础上,太阳短波辐射长波辐射海洋通量,提出平均量代替一个时间步长内的平均来进行处理的方法。

    And the solar short wave radiation, net long wave radiation and ocean heat flux are all used with a daily mean for every time step based on the sea ice mid-short range variation characteristics.


  • 污染物变化明显变化规律

    The daily variation of air pollutant is obvious.


  • 利用上海11个气象站点50统计资料时间和空间两方面分析上海雾、霾气候特征变化规律

    Based on the fog and haze data from 11 meteorological stations in Shanghai, the temporal and spatial climatic characteristics and change laws of fog and haze days in recent 50 years were analyzed.


  • 由于温度具有累积效应持续高温负荷变化规律普通气象条件变化规律明显区别

    And the load change under continuous days of high temperature is obviously different from what under normal high temperature due to the cumulative effect of heat.


  • 各系统手术平均药费随住院时间变化规律,提示手术病人药品费用控制重点在于围手术期用药

    The regular pattern of daily medicine cost change showed that medicine cost control should be emphasized on the medicine use in perioperative period.


  • 根据百分率曲线变化规律对于照百分率大于70%地区,建议了一种新的照百分率计算式。

    According to the daily change law from curves for percentage insolation, this paper presents a new formula of the average insolation in the zones where the insolation is more than 70%.


  • 本文通过对75个地面测站地理位置、地形几种气象要素的分析,找出了这些气象要素的日变化季节变化规律

    This paper presents diurnal and seasonal variations of several meteorological elements in the tropics by examining local geographic circumstance and observation reports in 75 surface stations.


  • 选择武汉市典型高层办公楼研究对象探索空调负荷设计逐时变化规律

    Choose a typical high-rise office building in Wuhan as research object, hourly variety rules on typical day of air conditioning load is explored.


  • 结果表明玉米群体二氧化碳通量、二氧化碳浓度群体水分利用率存在明显季节变化规律

    The result showed that the co 2 flux and co 2 concentration gradient as well as the water use efficiency of the summer corn community had distinct daily and seasonal change patterns.


  • 无论整地与否土壤表层最高温度最低温度平均温呈相似的季节变化规律

    Both the soil mean and extreme surface temperatures displayed similar seasonal change currents whether hathpace soil preparation or not.


  • 上方下方总的光合光量子通量密度具有明显的变化季节变化并且冠层上下变化规律一致。

    The total photosynthetic photon flux density above and below canopy has a significant diurnal and seasonal changes and the changes of the upper and lower canopy are consistent.


  • 上方下方总的光合光量子通量密度具有明显的变化季节变化并且冠层上下变化规律一致。

    The total photosynthetic photon flux density above and below canopy has a significant diurnal and seasonal changes and the changes of the upper and lower canopy are consistent.


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