• 那些孩子真的需要一些玩玩

    Those kids really need some new balls to play with.


  • 而且一旦比赛出现任何磨损迹象换个

    And a new ball would be used whenever the one in play showed any sign of wear.


  • 数方面,浅播新球

    Deep cultivation got more new cormlets than that of shallow cultivation;


  • 我们何不呢?

    Why don't we buy a new ball?


  • 会草坪合同式管理总监们助手

    To provide new Golf Club with contract-type management and work as the assistant of directors-general.


  • 等等去。那个牛皮的蛋蛋了。了,米奇可以了。

    Hold up. Get a new ball. That one look like the nutsack on a water buffalo. All right, Meech. He'll see you now.


  • 他们最近第40届新球大会上以及宇宙射线科学国际研讨会活动宣布了此次发现。

    They announced the discovery recently at the 40th Lunar and Planetary Conference and at the Proceedings of the International Workshop Advances in Cosmic Ray Science.


  • 了解带领一支青年队将会遇到困难,但是我们必须赛季重回挑战联赛冠军队。

    I knew that with a young team going to a new stadium, we could struggle a little bit this year. But we have to be back on track fighting for the Premiership next season.


  • 以亚州百合为试材,探讨了低温冷藏、设施栽培赤霉素结合低温处理亚洲百合开花繁殖效应

    Effects of chilling, protected culture and gibberellin combined with low temperature on flowering and new bulb reproduction of Asiatic hybrid lily were studied.


  • 创造适合郁金香正常生长栽培环境,尽量延长生长期,提高郁金香切花品质及产生数量质量。

    By providing appropriate cultivation and by prolonging the vegetative period to the greatest extent, the quality of cut flowers can be improved, and the number of new seed bulbs can be increased.


  • 喜欢老朋友一起,在沙滩孩子们触身式橄榄希拉里送给棒打高尔夫

    I loved being with old friends, playing touch football on the beach with kids and a few rounds of golf with a new set of clubs Hillary had given me.


  • 1990年初,开始了胶质研发,而后又陆续推出更优质的微粒树脂,时至今日,似乎每天都上市。

    Since the early 1990's, we've seen the introduction of resin balls, reactive resin balls and ultra-reactive particle balls. Now it seems there is a new bowling ball introduced every other day.


  • 如果发现某些的落点预判能力很强时,在使用时,你可以相应地做一部分调整(造成对方在判断上的失误,译注),

    But players like being able to anticipate where their kick will land, and the new ball will take some adjustment, Mehta said.


  • 克莱门森新球Ray Forsythe因为不符合学历要求而失去入选资格,说:“是来橄榄的,不是教授。”

    Clemson recruit Ray Forsythe, who was ineligible as a freshman because of academic requirements: "I play football." I'm not trying to be a professor.


  • 了最材质及最设计的保龄事实上需要精确的准度就可以一般联盟里达到平均200的水平,如果打出个耀人的分数,一颗

    With today's bowling balls, bowlers quite frankly do not have to be that accurate to average 200 in a regular league. If you want to shoot an honor score, go buy a new bowling ball.


  • 第一个700重的铁,还会发出沉闷的金属声,同时上面装饰了100个25瓦的电灯泡。而到了1920年,一个400磅的,漂亮的替换掉了原先的那个

    The first ball was a clunky 700-pound, iron-and-wood number and was adorned with just 100 25-watt light bulbs. In 1920, a spiffy new 400-pound ball replaced the original.


  • 只有一个观察比如那个蓝色的”,已有陈述之间产生矛盾时,才会出现问题

    Problems occur only if a contradiction develops between a new observation, say, "That ball is blue", and the preexisting statements.


  • 那么究竟这个比赛用怎么挑起这些争论的呢?

    So what exactly is it about the new ball that's provoking all the controversy?


  • 部分坚持认为了,且飞空中时方向不稳定

    A number of players have insisted the new ball is too light and this is what makes its movements through the air more unstable.


  • 或许是这位先知换个水晶时候

    Time for the Oracle to get a new crystal ball.


  • 叔叔可能喜欢一个高尔夫要是女友高尔夫棒而高尔夫的话,可能就觉得礼物一点儿心思。

    While your Uncle might like a new golf club, your girlfriend would probably feel like you didn't put any thought into the gift if you bought her a new golf club especially if she doesn't play golf.


  • 两家中的英国酒吧充满观看橄榄美国员工;酒吧的常客表示最近并没有银行家或是基金经理出现

    Two of the city's English pubs are full of United Nations employees watching football; regulars say that no new bankers or fund managers have appeared of late.


  • 我们已经买下一些高质量,(米凯尔)阿特尔、(西)贝纳扬两个充满创造力中场他们好的感,而且里的优秀的成员。

    We have brought in some quality players, [Mikel] Arteta and [Yossi] Benayoun are two creative midfielders who are really comfortable on the ball and they will be great additions to the squad.


  • 他们模拟器学习如何国际空间站接合如何驾驶登陆车“牵牛星”号登陆表面

    They will also use simulators to learn how to dock with the ISS and how to fly the new lunar lander, Altair, down to the moon's surface.


  • 不要肘跟高尔夫(肌腱类疾病)混淆,这种病是肘部神经引起的。

    Not to be confused with tennis or golfer's elbow (forms of tendonitis), this new diagnosis stems from the nerves that run through the elbow.


  • 南威尔士昆士兰橄榄维多利亚澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚西澳大利亚和北领地则是澳式根据地。

    New South Wales and Queensland are the rugby states; Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia and the Northern Territory are strongholds of Australian rules football.


  • 美国确立2020年登陆目标我们终于在长期的等待之后再次追寻到了太空船探险踪迹

    With the United States setting the goal of returning humans to the Moon by 2020, we are at long last on track for the rebirth of crewed space exploration.


  • 鲁尼的锋线搭档这场比赛中充分展示了自己的能力,即使上半场有时蹦蹦跳跳到膝盖,他的诡异。

    Wayne Rooney's new strike partner took his time to get into the match and there were moments in the first half when the ball would bounce back off his knee and his passing could be erratic.


  • 变得很像乒乓比赛——多年来由于证据人所周知,一些理论回回地讨论。

    It has become like a game of ping pong - over the years, theories have been batted back and forth as new evidence comes to light.


  • 变得很像乒乓比赛——多年来由于证据人所周知,一些理论回回地讨论。

    It has become like a game of ping pong - over the years, theories have been batted back and forth as new evidence comes to light.


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