• 分析国家科技图书文献中心外文文献数据加工规律存在问题

    The paper analyzes the regulars and present problems of foreign literature data processing in the National Science and Technology Library.


  • 上海浦东文献中心主楼结构工程形梁斜拉悬挑结构,设计新颖独特

    With box beams and diagonal-tensile suspended structure, the steel structure of the main building of the center is a new and unique design that has thick structural plates and heavy components.


  • 苏州大学资料室的建设为探讨了高校系资料室评估、重点建设学科文献中心管理模式等问题。参考文献4

    Taking departmental libraries in Suzhou University as examples, the author discusses the evaluation and management of departmental libraries in universities. 4 refs.


  • 来自锡拉库扎大学西弗吉尼亚大学日内瓦大学精神病学中心研究人员回顾相关神经影像学文献

    Researchers from Syracuse University, West Virginia University and the Geneva University Psychiatric Center retrospectively reviewed pertinent neuroimaging literature.


  • 老龄化文献社会参与定义值之种类分析:社会活动推荐分类》,梅拉尼·勒瓦索尔等,加拿大魁北克老龄化、健康与社会福利研究中心

    Inventory and analysis of definitions of social participation found in the aging literature: Proposed taxonomy of social activities.


  • 作者整理他们中心外科医生使用入路所有已知并发症,并对关于主题病例现有文献进行回顾

    The authors have collated all known complications of the surgeons using the approach at their center and have reviewed cases and the current literature on this subject.


  • 根据当前信息服务环境,高校图书馆学科组建文献信息中心

    According to the present information service environment, the document information center should be established according to the subject.


  • 这些研究结果来自法国学者进行一项前瞻性中心队列研究,相关结果发表五月皮肤科文献集。

    These results from a prospective, multicenter cohort study by French researchers were reported in the May issue of the Archives of Dermatology.


  • 采用问卷调查查阅文献资料方法,分析影响射击运动员赛前、赛状态主要因素

    By application of questionnaire and literature the authors analyse the main factors which affect the shooter's mental state in and before competition.


  • 公共图书馆加强建设提供丰富文献信息文化休闲服务,使图书馆成为公众的读书和文化休闲中心

    The public library should strengthen the construction, provide abundant literature information and cultural recreation service, and become the reading and cultural recreation center for the public.


  • 既是中小学文献信息资料交流中心具有综合教育功能

    It is the literature and information communication center and also has the function of comprehensive education.


  • 高校图书馆作为高校文献信息中心教育的重要场所,对大学生的创造力开发具有重要作用。

    The library in high school, as the center of literature information and important spot of education, plays important roles in exploring the creativity of the college students.


  • 作为高校文献信息中心,高校图书馆教学科研工作中有着非常重要作用和地位。

    As the documentation and information center of university, the library of university plays an important role in teaching and research work of the university.


  • 信息服务知识服务有助于图书馆文献信息中心重新审视自身优势

    So from information service to knowledge service is help to the library and the centers of document information afresh examine the superiority of they have.


  • 本文利用文献分析方法我国电子文件中心研究现状研究趋势进行了多角度剖析

    Employing literature analysis method, this paper analyzes the present situation of research on China's electronic record centers and the trend in its development from different perspectives.


  • 高职院校图书馆发挥文献信息中心作用价值读者培训工作首要关键因素

    Readers training is the first and key factor for vocational college library to play a good role and value as a documentation and information center.


  • 高校图书馆文献信息中心,是教学科研服务窗口基地,是高校工作的重要组成部分

    The library of a university is a documentation and information center as well as the service window and base for teaching and research, which is an important part of a university.


  • 奥义书》更具哲学特点它包括印度教中心理论思想,其后面部分的文献通常称作《吠檀多》。

    The upanishad s somewhat later writings usually called vedanta are more philosophic in character and contain the central theoretical ideas of Hinduism.


  • 随着外文电子文献数量增多如何利用好这些资源成为图书馆中心工作

    With the increase of foreign electronic literatures, how to utilize these resources has become the central work of library.


  • 高校图书馆高校文献信息中心,担负着全校师生提供信息服务的重任

    A college library is the centre of its document and information resources, and its main task is to supply information to the teachers and students.


  • 方法查阅国内、外文献以及我国世界卫生组织药品不良反应监测中心数据库分析《ADR信息通报》发布韦安全性监测情况不合理用药现状。

    METHODS: Through the research of domestic and overseas literatures, WHO and national ADR database to analyse the causes of the bulletin of acyclovir and current situation of unreasonable drug use.


  • 采用文献资料问卷调查法等方法陕西省水上运动管理中心现役运动员腰部损伤情况进行调查。

    With the methods of questionnaire survey and documentary data, I make a survey about waist injury of athletes on active from the center of water sports in Shannxi Province.


  • 英国图书馆文献提供中心(BLDSC)目前世界上最大文献提供中心的一些成功运作经验非常值得我们学习借鉴

    British Library document Supply Center (BLDSC) is the biggest document supplier in the world. Its successful experience of management is worth learning and using for reference.


  • 介绍评述了文献有关路易阴离子聚合中对活性中心络合和解缔作用

    This paper introduces the complexation and dissociation of different Lewis bases with active species in the area of anionic polymerization reported in literatures and elucidates their applications.


  • 高校图书馆学校文献信息中心高校教育教学中重要作用

    College libraries are the information and resource centers of colleges, and they play an important part in the teaching and learning activities in colleges.


  • 信息服务中心所收集文献进行分类编目管理以便借阅网上查询

    The Information Service Center will classify, catalogue and manage the collected documents, making it convenient for borrowing, and inquiring on the Internet.


  • 信息服务中心所收集文献进行分类编目管理以便借阅网上查询

    The Information Service Center will classify, catalogue and manage the collected documents, making it convenient for borrowing, and inquiring on the Internet.


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