• 诺贝尔文学奖获得者、美国黑人女作家托·莫里森处女作《眼睛》展示了白人强势文化冲击所造成黑人心灵文化迷失悲剧

    The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison tells a tragic story of a lost black soul under the influences of the dominant culture of the white people in the American society.


  • 这个时期过去迷失时期间文化延续性日瓦戈孩子》一书的主题

    Cultural continuity between that period and a lost past is the central theme of "Zhivago's Children".


  • 澳大利亚西部海滩写意地休息,那里纯洁得如同娘亲婚纱迷失在充满文化气息墨尔本深巷中,或者谦卑的姿态横过乌鲁鲁巨岩感受红色沙漠日落

    Kick back on a beach as white as your mother's wedding dress in Western Australia; lose yourself in the labyrinthine laneways of culture-rich Melbourne or be humbled by red desert sunsets over Uluru.


  • 可以想见,如果微软果真一步棋,Netflix客户可能寝食难安,他们也许会担心Netflix将在微软按部就班企业文化迷失自我。

    Of course, the move might distress Netflix customers, who would fear the company getting lost inside Microsoft's rigid corporate culture.


  • 这间房子的设计灵感来源于科幻片电视节目例如电影《霹雳娇娃》(Charlie's Angels)和《迷失太空》(Lost in Space),“臭氧层”被人们公认洛杉矶历史文化的纪念碑。

    The house has inspired sets on several sci-fi films and TV shows, such as Charlie's Angels and Lost in Space, and it is also considered a Los Angeles historic-cultural monument.


  • 当下中国文学一个重要问题消费文化迎合导致媚俗艺术的盛行,导致了文学自主性迷失

    Today one important problem of Chinese literature is to cater for the consumption culture, which causes the popularity of kitsch, and the bewilderment of literature autonomy.


  • 如果足够优秀可以在任何迷失自己时候平衡自己的生活就意味着文化适应能力非常合格。

    If you are good enough to balance your life anytime when you get lost, which means your are capable for acculturation.


  • 解决现代中国人普遍存在信仰迷失重要途径应该学习中国传统哲学史精华汲取其中精华文化的营养。

    The important way to solve the problem of the pervasive loss of Chinese faith is to study and absorb the germ of the traditional Chinese philosophy.


  • 当今时代人们餐桌困惑人类文化创造迷失集中反映

    Nowadays, people's confusing on the dining table is intensively reflected on human's getting lost in cultural creation.


  • 第三部分历史经济文化角度以及道德信仰自身理论缺失方面深刻剖析了道德信仰迷失复杂原因

    The third section: This section anatomies profoundly complex reason of the moral belief maze from history, economy, culture and the absence of moral system itself.


  • 这个大众文化时代我们警惕,也正是形形色色迷失

    In such an era of mass culture, what we must caution is just the loss.


  • 就是说经济文化必须同步,一味的往前赶最后迷失的。

    I think that economy and culture must be developed together, if it progress forward, it would be lost.


  • 所有这些,再加上个难以洞悉文化-个有着辉煌历史却逐渐迷失自我文化,一段饶有兴趣的探险历程所必需的全部要素

    Add to this a perplexing culture that is proud of its past yet unable to seize its independence and you have the ingredients for an intriguing adventure.


  • 然而失去母语以及母族文化背后源远流长滋润年轻一代很快价值定位迷失方向。

    However, to lose our mother tongue and the rich cultural heritage that it embodies, young people also risk losing precious values that will serve them in life.


  • 如果没有充分理解一家公司愿景使命文化员工迷失方向,失去动力

    Without a clear understanding of a company's vision, mission and culture, employees can get lost in the dark with little direction or motivation.


  • 找回迷失东方文化中的性,不仅仅东方人精神取向,同时也是整个人类的精神取向。

    It is the spiritual orientation of the East, and that of the entire human race as well, to seek and find Divinity that is lost in the Oriental culture.


  • 当代中学生迷失全球化浪潮中,文化追求流于浅薄。

    Students of high schools today get lost in the tide of globalization.


  • 赛珍珠笔下边缘被剥夺教育权利、生活水平低下身心残疾的人,以及文化冲突迷失在不同文化中被忽视的人。

    The marginal world in Pearl Buck's works refers to groups of people who're underprivileged, have physical or mental defects and the lost generations in cultural conflicts. Pearl S.


  • 赛珍珠笔下边缘被剥夺教育权利、生活水平低下身心残疾的人,以及文化冲突迷失在不同文化中被忽视的人。

    The marginal world in Pearl Buck's works refers to groups of people who're underprivileged, have physical or mental defects and the lost generations in cultural conflicts. Pearl S.


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