• 消减杂交手艺一种方法,许可两种DNA生齿孤立局部富集差别散布地分子

    Subtractive hybridization is an approach allowing comparison of two DNA populations and isolation of fraction enriched in differentially distributed molecules.


  • 首先,从众多英国媒体散布概念来看:对于那些相当明显回避英航公司顾客不会返回的说法没有意义的。

    First of all, the notion being peddled in much of the British media that customers who are quite sensibly avoiding BA now will never return is nonsense.


  • 但是戴维德为了这次能够被提升正在千方百计办法。甚至散布谣言诬蔑其他有可能被提升的人。

    But David is trying to get that promotion by hook or by crook; he even spread rumors smearing the other candidates.


  • 对于那些诬蔑运动的说谎者、道听途说散布流言之徒,清楚告诉他们

    To those who would spread lies, and to those who would spread falsehoods and rumours about the tea-party movement, let me be very clear to them.


  • 不知何故伊莱贾头目知道了马尔科姆面对的问题毫不犹豫散布羞辱他谣言

    Somehow, Elijah's lieutenants learned about Malcolm's problems, and did not hesitate to spread humiliating rumors.


  • 提供这些数据存储大规模散布性质挑战在于组织如何发现、访问有效使用分布式数据

    Given the massively diffuse nature of these data stores, the challenge is for organizations to discover, access, and effectively use distributed information.


  • IT治理权力散布企业组织结构中的各种同时确保适当谨慎使用权力。

    It governance disseminates authority to the various layers in the organizational structures within your business, while ensuring appropriate and prudent use of that authority.


  • 如果需要特别考虑并置那么能使数据均匀散布数据库分区所有数据库分区上的分区就是好的分区键。

    If collocation is not a major consideration, a good partitioning key for a table is one that spreads the data evenly across all database partitions in the database partition group.


  • 无花果中海微风中轻轻摇邑棉花般的云朵散布水晶般湛蓝的天空中,在广场撒下一斑驳

    The FIG trees sway in the gentle Mediterranean breeze, cotton clouds scattered across the crystal blue-sky cast shadows over the plaza.


  • 这次试验产生的碎片散布在绕轨道某个布满卫星区域,给那些卫星带来的危险。

    That test spread debris in an area around the Earth filled with other satellites, endangering those machines.


  • 由于某种原因许多评论家似乎相信准确描述共和党提议实际内容就等于散布谣言。

    For some reason, many commentators seem to believe that accurately describing what the G.O.P. is actually proposing amounts to demagoguery.


  • 最终被证明传言位当事人都强烈否认这些传言,并对散布谣言者进行法律诉讼

    It turned out to be false and both of the thespians vehemently denied the gossip, initiating legal proceedings against the rumormongers.


  • 深绿色覆盖了大部分崎岖片片植被稀疏散布图片边缘

    A carpet of deep green covers most of the rugged landscape, but patches of bare or sparsely vegetated ground occur around the fringes of this image.


  • 过去里,森林保护组织的巧妙宣传活动已经成功散布这样的思想任何关于未来严肃认真的考虑中,森林都不可忽视的。

    Over the past two years, skilful campaigning by pro-forest groups has successfully disseminated the idea that trees cannot be ignored in any serious deliberation on the planet's future.


  • 这种情况下他们可能选择精益的”实现方法个人问题职责实际散布团队中。

    In this case they are more likely to choose a "lean" implementation method that can spread responsibilities for individual problems pragmatically across the team.


  • 同行相妒人性一部分因此并不奇怪其他硅谷风投公司兴高采烈散布曾经风光红杉遭遇挫折的消息。

    Player hating is part of human nature, so it's no surprise that other Valley investors have whispered with glee that the once-dominant Sequoia seems distracted by all this.


  • 房子零乱散布乡间

    Houses straggled across the countryside.


  • 延伸家族由于迁移而关系紧张拉丁人越来越加州、德克·以及纽约这些传统散布卡罗莱纳以及俄亥俄乡村这些

    Extended families are also strained by migration: Latinos are increasingly spreading out from traditional enclaves in California, Texas and New York to places such as North Carolina and rural Ohio.


  • 它们所处的那个年代,古埃及人类们只是形成规模不大农耕小村落,零星散布罗谷上

    They come from a time when Egypt was populated only by small farming communities living along the Nile Valley.


  • 成百万来自不同文明人员我们一起工作所以事实上我们可以遥远广阔散布他们

    There are also millions of personnel from the different civilisations that work with us, so in fact we can spread them far and wide.


  • 成百万来自不同文明人员我们一起工作所以事实上我们可以遥远广阔散布他们

    There are also millions of personnel from the different civilizations that work with us, so in fact we can spread them far and wide.


  • 将凝视目光往后移,望身后斜坡惊奇看到原来还有更多的她们驴仔,23个群落为单位散布附近

    When I lifted my gaze to scan the slopes behind her, I was surprised to see other females and their young, planted in groups of two and three all around me.


  • 各种社交网路上广为散布不完整的个人简介会让目标受众备感困扰:你的潜在雇主还得费劲巴拉了解更多有关你的资讯。

    Blanketing social media networks with half-done profiles accomplishes nothing except to annoy the exact people you want to impress: prospective employees trying to find out more about on you。


  • 成功如同谷仓内金表早已存在于我们周围散布人生每个角落只要执著寻找一定找到

    Success like gold in the barn, already exist in all around us, scattered in every corner of life, as long as the attachment to find, we will be able to find it.


  • 老朋友很微妙触及另外事实即这个国家又一代的人散布在天南

    Yet my old friend has touched, however delicately, on that other truth about a country scattered over generations and geography.


  • 极少制造陈设提供一览无余的前后方视野散布的天窗使得客人能不断得以一自然具有降温功能

    Minimal locally made furnishing deliver unobstructed front and rear views, while hatch Windows scatter about for continual peeks of nature and support passive cooling.


  • 极少制造陈设提供一览无余的前后方视野散布的天窗使得客人能不断得以一自然具有降温功能

    Minimal locally made furnishing deliver unobstructed front and rear views, while hatch Windows scatter about for continual peeks of nature and support passive cooling.


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