• 运营商派出救援

    The ship's operator dispatched a rescue vessel.


  • 救援船尽快驶离军港执行任务。

    The rescue ship departed from the naval port as quickly as possible for a mission.


  • 最近关于以色列袭击救援船新闻事情复杂的。

    Recent news about Israel flotilla raid, things are complicated.


  • 获救船员登上救援船10分钟,起火船只沉没

    The vessel sank about 10 minutes after the crew was transferred to the rescue boats.


  • 海上救援中心备有两大型高速救援船快艇随时候命。

    Two high capacity rescue boats, supported by eight speed boats, form the core of sea rescue operations.


  • 又说一些乘客似乎已经受伤救援船分钟内赶到现场

    He said several passengers appeared to have been injured, although rescue craft were on the scene within minutes.


  • 昨天救援船架直升飞机徒劳无功搜寻斯金纳,今天搜寻工作再度展开。

    Four rescue boats and a helicopter searched in vain for Skinner yesterday and resumed the hunt today.


  • 周六晚上一只救援接近时候发出求救信号船上移民一侧导致船只翻船

    It sent out an SOS on Saturday night and as a rescue ship approached, the migrants moved toward it, crowding one side of their own boat, causing it to capsize in frigid waters.


  • 知道如果伊斯帕尼·奥拉号8月底不能返回布里斯托尔一只救援船我们

    You see, we know that if the Hispaniola does not return to Bristol by the end of August, a rescue ship will be sent to look for us.


  • 但是他们巨大石油泄漏水面上寻找受伤派遣救援船他们一项艰难工作

    But they say finding injured birds in the huge spill and sending out boats to rescue them will be a difficult job.


  • 以色列袭击驶往加沙地带国际救援船9名土耳其人丧生似乎生生将其推进中东和平的泥潭

    But Israel's attack on the Gaza-bound flotilla, claiming, it seems, nine Turkish lives, has squarely thrust Turkey into the Middle Eastern quagmire.


  • 随后救援船“卡佩西亚号”上发给纽约办公室的电报也显示试图避免美国听证会提供证据

    Messages he then sent to his New York office from the rescue ship, the Carpathia, suggested that Ismay was trying to avoid giving evidence at the American Inquiry.


  • 2010年以色列突袭艘前往加沙国际救援船,造成数名志愿者丧生自此后关系逐渐恶化。

    Relations between the two countries have deteriorated since the Israeli raid in 2010 on a flotilla of ships trying to reach Gaza, in which Turkish activists were killed.


  • 美国海岸警卫队派出救援队寻找郭川,其中包括架飞机救援船不幸的是至今发现其下落。

    The US Coast Guard has sent out several rescue teams, including an aircraft and two ships, to search for him but has had no luck yet.


  • 目前名演员爱迪生·乔斯特船务公司合作建造紧急救援船,这些船可以世界各地部署,用于清理将来发生的原油泄漏

    Now the actor is working with Edison Chouest Offshore to build first-responder ships that could be deployed around the world to clean up future spills.


  • 在被问及中国以色列袭击救援船事件迅速进行批评,而天安”号事件反应缓慢,两者何不同时,马朝旭明白这个问题有何逻辑因而不予置评。

    Asked about China's quick response to the Israeli assault compared with its slow response on the Cheonan, Ma said he didn't understand the logic of the question and so he wouldn't comment.


  • Rivlin争论道赦免41岁的Zoabi女士将会使以色列免受国际社会对5月31号海军阻截国际物资救援船进一步指责,军事阻截导致9名土耳其人遇难

    Mr Rivlin argued that sparing Ms Zoabi, aged 41, would save Israel from further international obloquy over its navy's interception of the ship on May 31st, which left nine Turks dead.


  • 如何海上艘装载救援物资的穿过迷宫般的河流小溪运送救援物资。

    How to get and deliver assistance from the sea with a barge into this maze of rivers, of little streams...


  • 她说:“伊洛瓦三角洲由于那里数百河流、数百个小岛星罗棋布,纵横交错,一些地方只能乘船橡皮船才能进去,救援物资运送的困难可想而知。”

    "In the Irrawaddy Delta, we have a logistical nightmare because of those hundreds of rivers, hundreds of small islands and... some places are only reachable by boat, inflatable boats," Byrs said.


  • 装着救援物资船于周四抵达了的锡卡克,其中包括食物医疗设备以及袋。锡卡克是明打威两个灾情最严重的岛屿之一。

    A ship bearing aid including food, water, medical supplies as well as body bags arrived Thursday at Sikakap, on North Pagai island, one of the two worst-hit islands in the Mentawai group.


  • 船用了已经年了,结构十分稳固,又上了新的紧急救援设备救生圈,一照明设备,两台收音机闪光灯一架卫星电话

    The two-year-old boat seemed structurally sound and was loaded with new emergency equipment: a life raft, a flare kit, two radios, flashing beacons, and a satellite phone.


  • 作者蒂姆·马尔当时船方大量的时间评估船体的损伤而没有发送求救信号请求附近舰进行救援。

    Author Tim Maltin said the authorities spent time assessing the damage instead of sending out a signal asking for help from nearby ships.


  • 飞机淹没-6C河水中,河水漫飞机的窗户救援人员已经打开了机舱乘客被救出机舱,送上黄色救生船。

    The plane was submerged in the -6C waters up to the windows, and rescue crews had opened the door and were pulling passengers in yellow life vests from the plane.


  • 医务人员直升机到达该岛救援物资因恶劣天气而受阻苏门答腊岛巴东港来大约费了半天周折。

    Medical personnel were arriving on helicopters but boats bearing aid have been hampered by bad weather around the islands, which are about half a day's journey away from the port of Padang on Sumatra.


  • 水上游艇消防船等以及海岸警卫队Coast Guard)救援小组已经赶赴事故现场但是飞机都因水流湍急而迅速沉入河底。

    Vessels including water taxis diverted to the scene of the accident along with fire boats and Coast Guard rescue teams but both of the aircraft sank quickly under a strong current.


  • 水上游艇消防船等以及海岸警卫队Coast Guard)救援小组已经赶赴事故现场但是飞机都因水流湍急而迅速沉入河底。

    Vessels including water taxis diverted to the scene of the accident along with fire boats and Coast Guard rescue teams but both of the aircraft sank quickly under a strong current.


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