• 尽管冷枪不断,但救援人员仍然留在

    Aid workers remain in the area despite continuous sniping.


  • 这个GPS提供高尔夫救援并且明确的告诉您,您距离绿色击球还有远。

    This GPS-enabled golf aid tells you exactly how far you are from the green on courses around the world.


  • 俄罗斯紧急情况部部长谢尔盖伊·索伊古是在这座西伯利亚煤矿周末发生爆炸并且救援人员能够进入部分爆炸之后发布的上述讯息。

    The emergency minister, Sergei Shoigu, announced the news after rescue workers were able to go down into parts of the Siberian mine hit by two blasts over the weekend.


  • 大量救援物质到达这一报道省会西宁到该地的公路上还有公里长的救援车队运送的路上。

    Aid has been arriving in large amounts in the region, with convoys of trucks reportedly backed up for miles along the highway from the provincial capital, Xining.


  • 第一个目的确保私人债权人希腊纾困援助计划出力,同时迎合德国要求纳税人应该承担另一个欧元救援计划全部负担

    The first is to ensure that private creditors contribute to a Greek bail-out, to satisfy German demands that taxpayers should not have to bear all the burden of another euro-zone rescue.


  • 救援计划第三个要素准备强化巨大欧元银行大家认为欧元银行的资本太少难以承受损失

    The third element of the rescue plan envisages a strengthening of big eurozone Banks, which are perceived to have too little capital to absorb losses.


  • 国际货币基金组织华盛顿会议的报道显示一个雄心勃勃的欧元救援计划已现轮廓。

    The outline of a large and ambitious eurozone rescue plan is taking shape, reports from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington suggest.


  • 如果塞浦路斯添加欧元的紧急债务援助的账单中,至少不会欧洲金融稳定机制交税(EFSF),是欧元救援资金

    If Cyprus were added to the euro zone's bail-out bill, at least it would not tax the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), the euro zone's rescue fund.


  • 希腊借贷成本昨日升至创纪录高点欧元国家间在救援希腊具体措施分歧金融市场担心

    Greece's borrowing costs rose to a record high yesterday amid concern in financial markets over the differences between eurozone countries on the details of any rescue.


  • 如此,救援基金扩充看来势必要全部17个欧元国家批准实行

    The fund expansion has to be ratified by all 17 eurozone nations to take force.


  • 希腊调整经济计划可信度不高,欧元所承诺救援计划不甚明朗,貌似甜头或许也极为昂贵

    Greece's plans to restructure its economy lack credibility, the euro zone's promised rescue is vague and the whole confection threatens to be needlessly expensive.


  • 欧元各国领导人同意三个受援国延后偿还到期债务,降低救援贷款利息以提供帮助

    The leaders of the euro zone had extended the maturities and slashed the interest rates on rescue loans, helping the three bailed-out countries.


  • 在布鲁塞尔峰会上,欧元各国领导人加强救援机构稳定欧元议题达成一致。

    At a summit in Brussels the leaders of euro-zone countries agreed to beef up the bail-out facility for the currency block.


  • 但是如果欧元领导人公布救援方案意味着核心国家将负担欧元债务意味着长期通胀风险加剧

    But if European politicians do unveil a rescue plan, that will either mean the core countries assuming the burden of eurozone debt, or it will mean that long-term inflation risks will have risen.


  • 继希腊爆发债务危机动摇欧元后,爱尔兰成为第二急需救援挽救本国银行业欧元国家。

    Ireland is the second euro country to need a rescue as the cost of saving its Banks threatened a rerun of the Greek debt crisis that destabilized the currency.


  • 西班牙国债价格昨天下跌,创下欧元建立以来最大跌幅,欧盟和国际货币基金组织救援爱尔兰没有缓解外界对欧元债务危机蔓延的担忧。

    Spanish bonds fell yesterday by the most since the start of the euro era as a bailout for Ireland failed to assuage speculation that the debt crisis will spread.


  • 葡萄牙无疑接近如此境地别无选择,唯有寻求欧元救援基金欧洲金融稳定机构”的援助

    Few doubt that Portugal is close to the moment when it has no alternative but to seek assistance from the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), the euro-zone's bail-out fund.


  • 不难想象一个同样困难救援欧元国家甚至耗尽现金

    It is easy to imagine a similar kind of hard bail-out, should a euro-zone country ever run short of cash.


  • 葡萄牙10年期国债收益率上涨7%以上创下欧元成立以来的新高,接近新一轮资金救援水平

    The yields on its ten-year bonds have spiked up above to euro-era highs above 7 percent and towards the levels that forced the previous bailouts.


  • 今年4月,欧元成员国和国际货币基金组织1100亿欧元巨额救援计划达成协议,避免希腊债务危机引发的灾难性后果。

    Back in April, Eurozone members and the IMF agreed on a massive 110 billion euro recscue package to prevent a catastrophic run on Greek debt.


  • 救援人员担心地用地震牟取暴利行为,这当然是不乏理由的:一个大型帐篷,就有标志为美国大米”的袋装谷物出售

    Relief workers fret about earthquake profiteering, with good reason: in one large tent city, sacks of grains marked "US rice" were on sale.


  • 拉迪比赛期间救援投手了八投手

    Girardi went to the bullpen and used eight pitchers during the game.


  • 对于希腊第二援助细节明朗如果一旦提供援助的话,欧元救援经费就明显吃紧

    The details of the second Greek bail-out were left vague and, even if boosted, the euro's rescue fund was still inadequate.


  • 对于希腊第二援助细节明朗如果一旦提供援助的话,欧元救援经费就明显吃紧

    The details of the second Greek bail-out were left vague and, even if boosted, the euro's rescue fund was still inadequate.


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