• 接着分别机器几个主要因素失效时间进行分析找出每台机器大概故障周期预测失效将要发生的时间。

    After that, separately analyze each machine with these primary factors, discover the general breakdown cycle on each machine, forecast the time which failure is going to occur.


  • 正确的选择消除沟通周期可能出现故障

    Proper selection will eliminate one source of likely breakdown in the communication cycle.


  • 正确的选择消除沟通周期可能出现故障

    Proper selection will eliminate one source of likely breakdown in the communication cycle.


  • 有助于确保QA周期特定服务故障负面影响。

    This helps in ensuring that QA cycles are not adversely affected by down time of certain services.


  • 如果处理不当的话SQLRelay应用程序架构中引起新的单点故障弱连接,消耗更多CPU周期数据库检索引入延迟错误

    If mishandled, SQL Relay creates a new single-point-of-failure weak-link in an application architecture, one that consumes extra CPU cycles and introduces delays and errors in database retrieval.


  • 我们总体上讨论了BPEL4WS关于什么的然后讨论了伙伴故障补偿以及生命周期

    We considered the overall view of what BPEL4WS is about and then about partners, faults, compensation, and lifecycle.


  • 作为迭代测试方法一部分可以使用早期代码周期测试产品概念同时可以清除开发过程中的故障

    As part of the iterative testing method, you can use your early coding cycles to test your product's concept and flush out glitches in your development processes at the same time.


  • 为了检测可能的故障master周期性地ping各个worker

    To detect failure, the master pings every worker periodically.


  • 更及时准确地发现变压器故障缩短检测周期逐步实现变压器状态检修,变压器色谱在线监测应用而生,逐步得到推广应用。

    In order to detect faults timely, decrease the testing period and reach the status maintenance, on-line monitoring of transformer oil chromatogram has been developed and spread gradually.


  • 既然人工进行,就必然疏漏考虑不全面的地方,而且人工故障识别诊断周期

    It was through manpower to identify and diagnose the fault, and there were must oversight in the process and the periods was very long too.


  • 反映滚动轴承故障特征周期信号处于较低频带内容易噪声淹没,难以检测。

    The fault characteristic periodic signals of the rolling bearing are in low frequency band and often buried in the noise.


  • 为了延长发动机使用寿命大修周期文章分析产生故障原因的基础上,提出避免故障措施

    In order to lengthen the service life and overhaul cycle time, the paper analyzes the causes for the failure and puts forward the measures to avoid these failures.


  • 通过预处理滤除工周期分量消除小波变换信号峰值处极大值从而避免了故障误判

    As wavelet module maxima occur at peaks of signal, the pretreatment removes power frequency periodic components from electric signal and thus avoids misjudgments of fault.


  • 方便维护人员快速收集有用的告警信息分析告警产生的原因,缩短故障处理周期

    Facilitate rapid maintenance personnel useful warning information collection, analysis alarms causes, the failure to deal with shortened cycle.


  • 方法应用设备内部测试可完成周期信号在线故障检测

    This method can be applied to the built in self test of equipment and accomplish on line fault detection of period signals.


  • 提取机械设备故障诊断中的某些微弱信号,给出一种新的提取背景噪声中微弱周期信号方法

    A new approach to extract weak periodic signal from strong noise is proposed to pick up some weak signals in the fault diagnosis of mechanical equipment.


  • 连续周期化工生产过程中,一旦出现停车故障第一报警确认成为判断停车原因关键

    In the chemical engineering production process of the continuous long cycle, once the stalling fault appears, the alarm affirmative of the first accident is the hinge of judging stalling causes.


  • 提出了带有周期通信序列PCS输入多输出分布式网络化控制系统故障诊断方法。

    The fault diagnosis of multi-input and multi-output distributed networked control system with periodic communication sequence(PCS)was investigated.


  • 大型旋转机组故障预测系统由于系统复杂采用传统开发方式,开发周期并且硬件系统庞大

    Because of its complexity, the fault prediction and diagnosis system of large rotating unit would involve long period of development and mammoth hardware system by using the traditional method.


  • 分析输送氢氟酸液下屏蔽产生故障的原因,进行了相应的改造保证了屏蔽泵的长周期稳定运行

    The hitch of the canned-motor pump for delivering hydrofluoric acid was analyzed. The corresponding transformation was conducted in order to guarantee the pump running long period.


  • 仿真结果表明直接故障检测方法间接故障检测方法具有更强故障检测能力,采样周期不同选择直接故障检测方法的有效性直接影响

    Simulations proved that the direct approach possesses better fault detectability than indirect one, but the selection of sample period had obvious affection on effectiveness of direct fault detection.


  • 中心可靠性小组负责开发预防故障早期检测以及提高开发测试周期效率核心的研究技术

    The center's Reliability group investigates research technologies with a focus on prevention, earlier detection of defects, and improving the effectiveness of the development and test cycle.


  • 电泵故障模式调查和统计表明,潜油电泵机组使用寿命影响电泵井检修周期主要因素

    The lifetime of the electrical submersible pumping unit is the main factor affecting the overhaul period of electrical pumping unit.


  • 利用更换周期具有马尔可夫性质,以系统首次故障平均工作时间大为目标建立了确定最佳更换周期模型

    Using the property of Markov at the points of replacement period, a model of determining the optimal period is developed with objective of maximizing the mean time to first failure of system.


  • 系统周期故障通过系统进行记录操作者进行观察

    System and cycle faults should be registered by the system and observed by the operator.


  • 出现设计周期中的离散上:第一个芯片设计阶段、在可靠性研究阶段现场故障分析阶段。

    And it occurs at discrete points in the design cycle: during first silicon bring-up, during reliability studies, and during field failure analysis.


  • 由于傅氏算法原理局限,它不能完全除非周期分量尤其电流故障常见衰减直流分量的抑制能力很差

    Because of the limitation of theory, Fourier algorithm is unable to filtering the periodic component, and especially poor in restraining decaying DC component which is common in current malfunction.


  • 机械设备振动信号是否存在周期冲击分量其有故障重要标志

    Whether there exists a periodic impulse component in a vibration signal is an important sign of a mechanical device being faulty.


  • 机械设备振动信号是否存在周期冲击分量其有故障重要标志

    Whether there exists a periodic impulse component in a vibration signal is an important sign of a mechanical device being faulty.


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