• 资本支出2002年三倍

    Capital expenditure was treble the 2002 level.


  • 政府经常超过原本支出目标

    The government usually overshot its original spending target.


  • 新的惩罚措施旨在抑制消费者支出

    The new penalties were aimed at dampening down consumer spending.


  • 艺术公共支出严重不足。

    Public expenditure on the arts is woefully inadequate.


  • 政策试图检查公共支出快速增长

    The policy tried to check the exponential growth of public expenditure.


  • 支出可能超过行业生产这些货物能力

    Spending could outrun the capacity of businesses to produce the goods.


  • 私营经济支出急剧地攀升导致经济过热

    The private sector is increasing its spending so sharply that the economy is overheating.


  • 消费者支出夏季经济增长背后推动力

    Consumer spending was the driving force behind the economic growth in the summer.


  • 货币供应量改变随即引起支出相应改变。

    A change in the money supply brings a corresponding change in expenditure.


  • 我们这个经济衰退期允许增加支出借款

    We have allowed spending and borrowing to rise in this recession.


  • 政府地方议会经费支出规定最高限额。

    The government has placed a cap on local council spending.


  • 财政紧缩时期显然公共支出进行严格审查。

    In times of financial stringency it is clear that public expenditure has to be closely scrutinized.


  • 没有几个观察家认为总统做出彻底改变开始增加支出

    Few observers believe the president will do an about-face and start spending more.


  • 作为一项业务支出,汽车消费部分贷款利息可以扣除的。

    Part of the auto-loan interest is deductible as a business expense.


  • 使儿童看护规范化的家长最大程度地强化了控制,节约了支出

    Parents who routinize child care are minimizing expense and maximizing their control.


  • 这样支出不仅仅虚荣心

    Such spending is not mere vanity.


  • 然而去年手机网络上的广告支出1美元。

    Yet spending on ads carried over cell-phone networks last year amounted to just $1.


  • 然而去年手机网络上的广告支出1美元。

    Yet spending on ads carried over cell-phone networks last year amounted to just $ 1.


  • 全面支出审查政府机会帮助纠正一问题。

    The comprehensive spending review offers an opportunity for the government to help rectify this.


  • 因为如此多的支出人为的,令人满意的。

    Because so much spending was artificial, it would be unfulfilling.


  • 他们来说一种记录支出非常有效方法

    It was a very effective way for them to keep track of their spending.


  • 更多支出大的胜利之间几乎没有任何关系

    There was barely any relationship between more spending and a bigger victory.


  • 中国例外过去年里,中国的支出其他国家

    The big exception is China, where spending has far surpassed other countries over the past decade.


  • 相反半导体公司只是现有研发支出中榨取更多专利

    Instead, semiconductor firms simply squeezed more patents out of existing research and development expenditures.


  • 能源支出本质上一个预算编制过程财务预算一样。

    The expenditure of energy is essentially a process of budgeting, just as finances are budgeted.


  • 消费者可能企业社会责任支出视为企业产品质量信号”。

    Consumers may take CSR spending as a "signal" that a company's products are of high quality.


  • 我们怀疑消除许多不必要甚至危险检测治疗支出下降

    We suspect that spending would come down through elimination of a lot of unnecessary or even dangerous tests and treatments.


  • 垄断生产商等同于研究的大量支出一个极其严重的错误

    It would be an egregious error to equate the monopolistic producer with bountiful expenditures on research.


  • 各种研究表明教育支出增加并没有学习成果带来明显改善

    Various studies have shown that increased spending on education has not led to measurable improvements in learning.


  • 尽管佃农稻米产量有所增加,但地主们的收入跟不上他们支出

    Overlords' income, despite the increase in rice production among their tenant farmers, failed to keep pace with their expenses.


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