• 理查无视医生建议,上周六比赛提前使用氧气帐篷肌腱伤势中恢复

    Richards had defied doctors by using an oxygen tent to recover from his hamstring injury ahead of schedule to play in the showpiece last Saturday.


  • 就是所说信息提前使用意思

    This is what I mean by proactive use of the information.


  • 大量花钱提前使用自己收入明智的。

    It is unwise to anticipate your earnings by spending a lot of money.


  • 人们很感兴趣的特性可以里程碑版本中他们提前使用

    People who are highly interested in those new features can then even use the milestone builds to get their hands on it early.


  • 存储级别数据可以用来计划货架提前使用例如

    On the store level, this data can be exploited to plan shelf-use in advance, for example.


  • 可以提前使用后几个休假吗?或者可以积攒几个月的无薪休假一起使用吗?

    May I take no pay leave in advance for months ahead? Or accumulate them for consumption in next months?


  • 工程未经验收甲方提前使用擅自动用,由此而发生的质量其他问题,由甲方承担责任;

    Party A shall take responsibility for quality problem or others if Party A puts the project into advance use before acceptance or without authorization.


  • 就是为什么一些使用策略,并允许构建阶段工作提前到下一个迭代

    This is why some people use the strategy of only being allowed to work one iteration ahead during construction.


  • 这种情况下具备的sql脚本安装过程运行的,您并不能提前知道用户使用哪个数据库

    In this case, you will have SQL scripts that you want to run during a component's installation, but you will not know ahead of time which database the consumer will be using.


  • 使用方法并不是原创主意提前一天衣服放在办公室

    The solution I’ve been using (and it’s not an original idea) is to bring my clothes to work the day before.


  • 与之前发现最好的证据相比,此次发现将人类祖先使用石器食肉的时间提前了一百万

    That's a million years earlier than our best previous evidence for human ancestor stone tool use and meat eating..


  • 如果已经预料到这个时间,那么就使用同样时间,只是不要提前这个时间。

    If that time is already expected, use that same amount of time, just don't do it up front.


  • 使用群集一个主要劣势用户需要提前知道创建的组的数量

    A major disadvantage of using clustering is that the user is required to know ahead of time how many groups he wants to create.


  • 即使影响提前释放内存范围代码本地化,内存使用仍然可能取决于应用程序甚至(极端情况下)不同进程中的其他执行位置。

    Even if the code affecting the prematurely-freed memory range is localized, use of the memory might depend on execution elsewhere in the application or, in extreme cases, even in a different process.


  • 使用幻灯片其他辅助手段会增加时长——稍微提前一点结束延长时间要好

    Using a flip chart or other visual AIDS also adds to the time. Remember - it is better to finish slightly early than to overrun.


  • 首先可以编写一些程序提前生成一些数据供运行使用

    First, you can write programs that will pre-generate tables of data for use at runtime.


  • 可以提前定义cgtt并且用户可以像普通一样使用

    CGTT tables can be defined up front, and users can use them much like regular tables.


  • 目标人们慢慢变得不再提前考虑那些将来使用方法

    The goal of TDD is to reduce the need to determine ahead of time which classes and methods you're going to implement for an entire story.


  • 服务实现可以检验WS - Security是否恰当应用传入的消息但是客户机需要提前知道它们必须实现什么才能使用服务。

    The service implementation can verify that WS-Security has been properly applied to incoming messages, but clients need to know in advance what they must implement in order to use the service.


  • 使浏览器表现一致的行为,必须使用em提前计划web门户创建测试显示。

    To get the browsers to behave in the same way, you must plan ahead on creating, testing, and deploying Web portals using the em values.


  • 可以使用VMM阈值配置提前读取页面数量

    The number of pages to be read ahead can be configured using VMM thresholds. With JFS2, make note of these two important parameters


  • 如果提前知道用户将要请求哪些信息可以使用Ajax机制提前请求数据

    If you could know in advance which information a user was going to ask for, you could use Ajax mechanisms to "get ahead of the game," asking for the data before it's required.


  • 较低优先级上的默认JIT编译最初使用提前(Ahead - of - time,AOT)编译代码

    Default JIT compilation at low priority with Ahead-of-time (AOT) compiled code used initially.


  • RNGzip 中,发送方接收方必须提前同意使用相同模式

    In RNGzip, the sender and receiver must agree in advance on precisely the same schema.


  • 使用Gmail提供任务提前知道任务考试项目预期时间

    Use the Tasks available in Gmail as a way to stay on top of assignments, exams, and project due dates.


  • Ceylon创建了fail,在for循环中使用它处理循环提前中断的情况。

    Ceylon also creates what is called a fail block that is used with for loops to identify when they do not break prematurely.


  • 许多较小门户中简化流程小型团队他们相互协作,管理提前准备系统功能使用

    In many smaller portals there are streamlined processes or small teams who work together quite well to manage and advance the functionality and use of the system.


  • 例如,在考虑使用欺诈服务事务使用欺诈服务的事务时:如果调整正确,则很难提前确定该服务是否满足需求

    For instance, consider transactions that use fraud services along side transactions do not: Without the right sizing, it's difficult to determine in advance whether load requirements are met.


  • 例如,在考虑使用欺诈服务事务使用欺诈服务的事务时:如果调整正确,则很难提前确定该服务是否满足需求

    For instance, consider transactions that use fraud services along side transactions do not: Without the right sizing, it's difficult to determine in advance whether load requirements are met.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定