• 不便评论政府进一步提供资金承诺

    He says that it is not his place to comment on government commitment to further funds.


  • 关于提供资金或者重要的负责提供资金的细节很少

    There is also very little detail on who will provide the funds or, importantly, who is responsible for their provision.


  • 新的经济适用提供资金50亿英镑资助计划于2015年到期,到时不可能得到延长

    5bn program of grants to fund new affordable housing, set to expire in 2015, is unlikely to be extended beyond then.


  • 上世纪90年代一次实验中普林斯顿大学心理学家乔尔·库珀等人要求参与者关于反对残疾人提供资金文章。

    In one 1990s experiment, a team including psychologist Joel Cooper of Princeton asked participants to write essays opposing funding for the disabled.


  • 话说,支持反对政府艺术提供资金争论如同拥有这些艺术品的艺术家个人风格一样纷繁复杂,且具有多样性。

    In other words, the arguments both for and against government funding of the arts are as many and, and as varied as the individual styles of the artists who hold them.


  • 股票市场成为提供资金另外一个渠道

    Stockmarkets offer another avenue to capital.


  • Mex-Mex提供资金项目包括补充牛奶维生素剂量

    The programme funded by Met-Mex consists only of doses of milk and vitamin supplements.


  • 石油公司的批评者提供资金诉讼设法通过法庭裁定。

    Lawsuits financed by the oil companies' critics are wending their way through the courts.


  • 而且可能使为这些全部赤字提供资金债券购买者受到惊吓

    And that might spook the buyers of bonds that finance all those deficits.


  • 而发达国家开始筹划技术转移适应气候变化提供资金计划。

    Developed countries have begun to lay out a plan for funding technology transfer and adaptation efforts.


  • 客户项目提供资金组织,同时也是接受项目结果报告组织

    The client ensures the financing for the project and is also the party to whom reports on the project result are directed.


  • 国际货币基金组织提供资金速度可能需要更快而且所捆绑的条件也可能需要

    The IMF might have to be prepared to offer funds more quickly and with fewer strings.


  • 投资人拿出交给一个负责为再生能源开发提供资金信托公司管理。

    The money raised would be placed in a trust dedicated to financing renewable energy development.


  • 这种狂热爱尔兰银行巨额借贷提供资金,而借贷资金大部分来自其它欧洲国家。

    The frenzy was financed with huge borrowing on the part of Irish Banks, largely from Banks in other European nations.


  • 此前通过市场汽车借贷提供资金的银行如今必须更多地依赖自己储户存款。

    Banks that once turned to the market to fund its automobile and other lending must now rely more heavily on their deposit base for funding.


  • 瑞安提案核心就是份“老年医保私有化“老年医保”提供资金计划

    The core of the Ryan proposal is a plan to privatize and defund Medicare.


  • 全球救助计划提供资金做法有助于为关于日本如何利用庞大外汇储备争论划上句号

    Providing money for a global bailout plan would help end a longstanding debate over how Japan should put its huge foreign reserves to use.


  • 然而人们看不到,为此提供资金债务海洋,以及增长着的对于如何还款担心

    What isn't as visible is the ocean of debt that financed this binge - and growing concerns about how it will be paid back.


  • 这些研究提供资金组织已经意识到,很多博士发现在劳动力市场他们技能难以得到发挥。

    The organisations that pay for research have realised that many PhDs findit tough to transfer their skills into the job market.


  • 总的来说,比起面向现金紧张的消费者企业现在最好是待公共部门拥有纳税人提供资金的客户

    But, overall, it is a better time to be in the public sector, or have a taxpayer-funded customer, than be exposed to cash-strapped customers and businesses.


  • 卫组织敦促捐助者注射产品提供资金放款适当数量物品尖锐废弃物管理提供资金

    Who urges donors and lenders who finance injectable products to also finance appropriate quantities of items and the cost of sharps waste management.


  • 财政灾难论认为存在风险的补贴住房收费公路土地收购养老院具体项目提供资金的收入债券

    What the fiscal calamity calls in doubt is Revenue Bonds that back specific projects such as subsidized housing, toll roads, land acquisitions, and nursing homes.


  • 房屋提供资金抵押贷款信贷损失以抵押贷款为基础复杂债务金字塔上的信贷损失仍然急剧增加

    The credit losses on the mortgages that financed these houses and on the pyramids of complicated debt products built on top of them are still mounting.


  • 国际开发协会世界银行这些国家提供资金机构)将三年内这些国家提供已经筹集到的大约420亿美元的资金

    About $42 billion in funds are available through the International Development Association, the World Bank’s fund for these countries, over a three-year period.


  • 一开始情报部门认为扮演战斗提供资金角色,但是随着世界各地传来的消息,更具威胁的形象渐渐显现出来。

    First they thought his role was limited to funding militancy but as information came in from stations around the world, a more threatening profile came together.


  • 约翰逊团队目前正在进行一项美国海军研究办公室提供资金更大型研究希望运用广泛数据精确估计军事民事灾祸

    Johnson's group is now working on a larger study funded by the United States Office of Naval Research, hoping to estimate military and civilian fatalities more accurately with more comprehensive data.


  • 空置公寓可能佛罗里达华尔街重新包装了为这些公寓提供资金抵押贷款但是最先受到次贷危机重创的却是欧洲银行

    THE empty condos may have been in Florida and the mortgages that financed them repackaged on Wall Street, but it was banks in Europe that got hit first by the subprime crisis.


  • 空置公寓可能佛罗里达华尔街重新包装了为这些公寓提供资金抵押贷款但是最先受到次贷危机重创的却是欧洲银行

    THE empty condos may have been in Florida and the mortgages that financed them repackaged on Wall Street, but it was banks in Europe that got hit first by the subprime crisis.


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