• 推广拉美市场方面没有推广能出顶衔推广鲁姆之右。

    There was no promoter who was as ahead of the curve in terms of exploiting the Latin market than Top Rank and Bob Arum.


  • 推广人鲍勃·阿鲁姆说:昨天我们牛仔广场举行记者招待会

    Promoter Bob Arum: Yesterday we held a press conference in Cowboys Stadium. It was truly stupendous.


  • 据报道推广所说的“严重脑震荡之后,目前正在柏林住院观察。

    And he reportedly is in a Berlin hospital for tests after what his promoter called a "severe concussion."


  • 网络推广手段也是众多每个网络推广都有自己深谙熟悉的一些有效推广方法

    Network promotion means is numerous, each network promotion have some effective promotion methods they understand familiar.


  • 给拳击产业带来巨大财富成为显赫推广之一。他最终漂亮波多黎各流行歌手米莉结婚

    He built a fortune in the ring, put large amounts of money into the community, became one of the two biggest promoters in the sport and ultimately married Millie, a beautiful Puerto Rican pop singer.


  • 今天卫报为你揭晓我们的音乐影响力100榜单,向你介绍那些在音乐产业中最有影响力的艺推广管理者

    Today the Guardian reveals its music Power 100 list: the most influential people creating, promoting, managing and making money from music.


  • 战罢罗奇特之后,让印象极深是:很想夺取级别几大组织的所有头衔推广人鲁姆你和霍普金斯比赛。

    KH: After the Lockett fight I got the impression you were more interested in winning all the belts but it was your promoter Bob Arum who wanted the Hopkins fight.


  • 例如有一次,身无分文摇滚音乐推广比尔·格雷厄姆遇到了麻烦,当地法院关闭旧金山音乐厅,因为声响吵扰邻居

    One such, Bill Graham, was a penniless rock-concert promoter whose San Francisco auditorium the locals wanted to close, saying it lowered the tone of the neighbourhood.


  • 这些能够告诉关于推广活动的情况,这些可能会影响流量

    These people can tell you about promotions and campaigns that might impact traffic.


  • 即使走进日本推广战略项目办公室室内装饰也让打不起精神。

    The decor barely brightens even when you enter the offices of “The Cool Japan Promotion Strategy Programme”.


  • 时至今日仅有2000可以使用夏威夷,,夏威夷语弱势地位尚未得到改变,不过当地开展推广夏威夷语学习教学的计划已被证明是行之有效的语言挽救策略。

    Hawaiian’s secondary status can still be felt there today: there are only 2,000 native speakers, although efforts to promote the learning and teaching of Hawaiian are proving somewhat successful.


  • 广义上说,这种广告推广方式广告商们签约超级明星(凯瑟琳·泽塔·琼斯与T -Mobile)超级体育明星(如大卫·贝克·汉姆与摩托罗拉)作为广告活动或产品推广的代言的做法没有什么不同。

    Catherine Zeta-Jones and T-Mobile or superstar athletes e.g. David Beckham and Motorola as spokespeople for AD campaigns or for product endorsement deals.


  • 例如,在所在的社区只有组织活动推广大众科普知识。

    For example, she was the only one to organize an event promoting popular science in her community.


  • 发起必须真正认可项目价值这一点重要,只有这样才能确保推广没有立即见效时资金支持不会随之消失。

    It is important that your sponsor be truly committed to the value of the project to ensure that funds and support are not in jeopardy if adoption is not immediate.


  • 威利斯.科诺菲尔不是爵士音乐然而许多认为爵士乐推广所起的作用音乐史上的任何一位音乐都要大。

    Willis Conover was not a jazz musician. However, many people believe that he did more to spread the sound of jazz than any person in music history.


  • 接下来注意到这样事实就是更高收费意味着更高水平销售推广技能所以有些经理必须自我提升——不然就下岗

    Then I focused on the fact that charging more money requires a higher degree of sales and marketing skill, so some of the managers needed to step up their game — or step out.


  • 1985年发布这个产品只有很少接受微软最终开始推广该产品的时候,将其自身放在公众的考验之下,这简直是个笑话。

    Shipping in 1985 to a ho-hum reception, this was such a joke that Microsoft itself put on a public roast when it finally rolled out the product.


  • :“希望鼓励所有生产石油天然气国家努力推广当地经营和掌控公司。”

    "I would like to encourage all the oil and gas producing countries to endeavor to promote locally owned and controlled companies," Sonjica said.


  • 负责这一项目官员们努力改进机器教学质量决定推广使用解决一些小问题。

    Officials in charge of the project are working to improve the quality of robot teaching and iron out glitches before any decision to expand their use.


  • 现在我们帮助理解公众计划使加油站安装特殊用于驾车提供生物燃料,这些将在全国推广

    Now we are helping people understand that this popular program can also help gas stations install special pumps to provide biofuels to motorists across the county.


  • 布什甚至党合作的潮流推广国外领导

    Mr Bush may even be able to extend this fashion for bipartisanship to foreign leaders.


  • 目前没有计划机器投入市场但是明年可能推广器。

    He said there is no plan yet to actually market the robot, though the sensor could be available as early as next year.


  • 的确,在网上挣钱一个博客、推广自己合伙要困难

    Certainly making money online is a lot more complicated than starting a blog and spreading the word that you're looking for partners.


  • 日本大力推广机器

    In Japan, there's this giant push for robots for the elderly.


  • 来自阿尔巴尼亚广告专员科索沃推广意大利牛奶时,总是碰钉子,因为对于科索沃来说,斯洛文尼亚的牛奶才是最优质的。

    An advertising executive from Albania says he could never market Italian milk successfully in Kosovo because, for Kosovars, Slovene milk is the gold standard.


  • 湖北省大近日正在考虑通过保护未成年隐私法案禁止家长孩子手机短信,您认为这种做法是否值得推广

    Hubei lawmakers are considering passing a bill to protect minors' privacy, which forbids parents to check children's cell phone messages.


  • 家长们可以通过推广良好解决问题的方法来帮助孩子避免学校欺负或者欺负

    You can help your child avoid becoming a bully or a victim at school by promoting good problem-solving skills. Tips.


  • 家长们可以通过推广良好解决问题的方法来帮助孩子避免学校欺负或者欺负

    You can help your child avoid becoming a bully or a victim at school by promoting good problem-solving skills. Tips.


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