• 可见光H-alpha数据位于智利南半球天体物理探测望远镜获得的。

    The optical and H-alpha data were obtained with the Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) Telescope in Chile.


  • 如果复仇者存在,美国太空总署最新的广角红外线探测望远镜(WISE)可能发现

    If Nemesis exists, NASA's new WISE telescope should be able to spot it.


  • 广角红外线探测望远镜需要扫描天域2以便生成时间释放图像天文学家这些图像侦测太阳系天体

    WISE needs to scan the sky twice in order to generate the time-lapsed images astronomers use to detect objects in the outer solar system.


  • 2009年1214发射升空以来广角红外线探测望远镜开始环绕绕地球极地轨道11抓拍一张照片

    Since its launch Dec. 14, 2009, the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer has been circling the Earth in a polar orbit and snapping images every 11 seconds.


  • 广角红外线探测望远镜(WISE)斯皮策太空望远镜使研究人员能够从RCW86灰尘组成测量温度 -零下325氏度零下200摄氏度。

    Observations from Wise and Spitzer allowed the researchers to measure the temperature of the dust making up RCW 86 – approximately minus 325 degrees Fahrenheit, or minus 200 degrees Celsius.


  • 2011年9月29日。美国航空航天局举行一个会议更新我们太阳系中,有关近地小行星的数据库信息广角红外线探测望远镜WISE跟踪的。

    Sept. 29, 2011. NASA held a conference for updating information about the database of near-Earth asteroids in our solar system, tracked by Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) telescope.


  • 美国太空总署最新望远镜,广角红外线探测望远镜Wide -field Inf raredSurveyExplorer (WISE)可能会一劳永逸地回答关于复仇者”的各种问题

    NASA's newest telescope, the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), may be able to answer the question about Nemesis once and for all.


  • 城市附近空气会散射出灯光强光产生一种照明,将暗的星星隐藏起来,限制望远镜探测距离

    Near cities, the air scatters the glare from lights, producing an illumination that hides the faintest stars and limits the distances that can be probed by telescopes.


  • 美国物理学家称,银河中心暗物质湮灭这一设想,可以解释近年来空间望远镜探测到的信号

    Annihilating dark matter at the heart of the Milky Way could account for signals detected by two space telescopes, according to a pair of US physicists.


  • 作为一个价值千金天文望远镜,这个仪器需要一些能够掩盖星光方法从而使其更好的探测行星的反射光

    That instrument, an even more expensive space telescope, will require some means of blocking the light from a star in order to detect light reflected by its planet.


  • 不像在它之前射电望远镜,只能有限周期内扫描天空艾伦望远镜阵列可以昼夜不停地探测宇宙

    Unlike previously existing radio telescopes, which scan the sky for limited periods, the Allen telescope Array probed the universe round the clock.


  • 费米太空望远镜这些伽马射线脉冲灵敏,以至于甚至需要调整位置对准雷暴的正上方,就能探测TGF信号。

    The Fermi Space Telescope is so sensitive to these gamma ray bursts that it doesn't even need to be positioned right over a thunderstorm to detect the TGFs.


  • 设置月球巨大光学干涉望远镜阵列探测太阳系周围其他星球而且它们的环境特征是否具备生存条件进行分析

    Very large optical interferometry telescope arrays on the Moon will not only detect planets around other stars, but also analyze their atmospheres and characterize their habitability.


  • 暗物质发射不吸收光线因此即便是强大的天文望远镜无法直接探测

    It doesn't emit or reflect any light, so the most powerful telescopes have no hope of spying it directly.


  • 结果带来另一条让人感兴趣推论白矮星双星相对难以探测哪怕是使用最好望远镜

    Another intriguing consequence of this result is that a pair of white dwarfs is relatively hard to spot, even with the best telescopes.


  • 哈勃太空望远镜先进探测照相机记录下星云电离气体辐射造成彩色地图

    The colors map emission from ionized gas in the nebula were recorded by the Hubble Space Telescope's Advanced Camera for Surveys.


  • 这样的伪时间旅行每天发生我们人类探测工具(几个例子,如哈勃空间望远镜、设置在夏威夷一部庞大凯克望远镜钱德拉X射线观测卫星拍摄下来。

    Pseudo-time travel like this happens every day, with pictures taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, the mammoth Keck telescopes in Hawaii and the Chandra X-ray Observatory satellite to name just a few.


  • 望远镜运行到埃及上空,探测到了来自赞比亚,这个南方1800公里远的地方的活跃的雷暴的TGF信号。

    In one case, the telescope was orbiting over Egypt, but the TGFs it detected came from an active storm in Zambia, a good 1,800 miles south.


  • 不幸的是,Turner当前天文望远镜不足以探测其它星系的城市之光。

    Unfortunately, Turner says, no telescopes currently in the works would be powerful enough to identify city lights in other planetary systems.


  • 一个太空望远镜能够观察行星主星(恒星)造成最微弱的亮度变化。如果允许我们探测类似地球的行星,那么需要达到该亮度变化的十万分之一。

    It's a space-borne telescope that will be able to measure the tiniest dimming (caused by a planet crossing in front of the host star), to one part in 100,000, allowing us to detect Earth-like planets.


  • 为了发现相似星体,斯皮太空望远镜装配了能够探测类冷天体的仪器,在近期发现两个这样的物体,很快就能得出它们的精确温度了。

    The Spitzer Space Telescope is equipped to find similarly cool objects and recently spotted two that await precise temperature measurements.


  • 小型天文望远镜视场更广但是只能探测较强烈信号

    Small telescopes see a lot of sky but can detect only strong signals.


  • 巨大质量星系团望远镜强力使天文学家探测到了一个5.58遥远星系

    The power of this massive cluster telescope has allowed astronomers to detect a galaxy at the distant redshift of 5.58.


  • 望远镜命名为“立方”,工作原理是:一个微中子撞击中的分子原子时望远镜就会探测这些罕见场合中产生闪光

    Called IceCube, it will work by detecting the flashes of light generated on those rare occasions when a neutrino hits one of the atoms in a molecule of water in the ice.


  • 射电望远镜安装月球背面可以探测那些无法地球表面被检测到长波因为它们地球大气层外层吸收了

    A lunar-based radio telescope would be able to detect long wavelengths that cannot be sensed on Earth because they are absorbed by the outermost layers of the planet's atmosphere.


  • 艾伦望远镜阵列,即加利福尼亚为搜寻外文明计划而建造组射电望远镜显著提高其速度达到能够探测那些星系的程度。

    The Allen telescope Array, a cluster of radio telescopes being built in California with SETI in mind, will dramatically speed up the rate at which such systems can be explored.


  • 位于北加州干旱高原建造艾伦望远镜阵列天文学家所探测信号恒星系统数量大大地增加了。

    The construction of the Allen Telescope Array on an arid plateau in northern California greatly expands the number of star systems from which astronomers could detect signals.


  • 位于北加州干旱高原建造艾伦望远镜阵列天文学家所探测信号恒星系统数量大大地增加了。

    The construction of the Allen Telescope Array on an arid plateau in northern California greatly expands the number of star systems from which astronomers could detect signals.


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