• 网络性能分析排队性能一个重要指标

    In network performance's analysis, queuing performance is a key point.


  • 然后我们不同角度利用不同方法讨论了自相似网络通信量对于网络排队性能影响得到一些有用结论

    Then the impact of self-similar network traffic on queueing performance is discussed at different points of view with different methods and some useful results are obtained.


  • 事件排队性能验证发生组件内部

    Event queuing and performance validation happen inside the component.


  • 下一步中,路由器会将排队请求可用的服务策略相关可能会更改请求满足性能目标

    In the next step, the router correlates the queued requests to the available service policies, and possibly changes the request flow to meet the performance goals.


  • 请求排队时,性能会急剧下降

    Performance drops off precipitously when requests are queued.


  • NET性能计数器关于排队请求平均等待时间统计信息?

    NET performance counters for stats regarding queued requests and average wait times?


  • 行车自动化系统实时性能改进分析使用排队论理论传统行车自动化系统结构提出的两种改进结构进行分析。

    To analysis of the performance improvement of real time of transport automation system, we use queueing theory for the analysis of the traditional transport automation system and the proposed system.


  • 实验结果表明,从分组层次建立排队模型性能优于ON - OF F层次上的模型。

    The experimental results suggest that the queuing models established in packet level have better performance than those in ON-OFF sources level.


  • 采用排队方法对时隙动态分配方案优先级别不同用户请求的报文延时性能进行了分析对比

    Using the queue theory, the time delay performance of the scheme is analyzed and compared between two kinds of users' requirements with different Priority.


  • 这样路由器性能分析通常采用优先排队系统分析技巧。

    Thus, priority queueing systems are usually adopted in the performance analysis of a router.


  • 本文给出isdn信令系统排队模型近似地分析性能方法

    This paper provides a queuing network model and a method of performance analysis for signalling system of ISDN.


  • 本文排队理论马尔可夫过程理论为基础,建立了系统可用性模型性能模型。

    According to the queueing theory and Markov process theory, this paper made all the availability models and performance models of the supply chain system.


  • 研究表明长程相关和短程相关对于排队系统性能具有非常不同影响尤其是缓存较大情况下

    It is showed that long-range dependence has a quite different impact on queueing performance from that of short-rang dependence, especially on the condition of large buffer size.


  • 高速IP路由器一般采用基于定长信元的交换结构,可扩展性性能分别排队策略和调度算法的影响。

    Most high-speed IP routers exploit cell-based switching fabrics, whose scalability and performance are mainly affected by queuing scheme and scheduling algorithm.


  • 文章分析了S-ALOHA协议模型分别马尔克方法离散时间排队网络方法完成了S-ALOHA吞吐量(S)性能分析。

    The model based on S-ALOHA protocol is analyzed in this paper, and the throughput performance of S-ALOHA is computed by the method of Markov chain and the discrete time queue system.


  • 探讨业务量相关性排队系统性能究竟会带来什么样的影响,对于高速网络流量控制机制资源分配算法具有非常重要的意义。

    The impact of traffic dependence on queueing performance is of great significance to traffic control mechanism and resource allocation algorithm in high-speed networks.


  • 文中第二部分分析了ATM通信网通道连接不同排队模型性能

    The performances of various queueing models in the virtual channel connection of ATM communications network are analyzed in the second part of this paper.


  • 几种缓冲区分配方案中分析相似程度排队系统性能影响,进行缓冲区动态分配提供依据

    In several buffer allocation schemes, the analysis of self-similarity on performance of queuing systems provides evidence for the dynamic buffer allocation.


  • 为了对基于询机制的通信系统进行理论设计性能评价,需要平均排队队长进行定量分析

    In order to design and value a polling-based communication system, quantitative analysis of mean queue length is a key point.


  • WFQWF2Q目前性能优越的PGPS算法,其中WFQIETF指定保证业务的参考排队算法

    WFQ and WF2Q are the most excellent PGPS algorithms and WFQ is specified as reference queueing algorithm with service guarantee by IETF.


  • 讨论一类排队网络优化算法。该闭排队网络具有一般性能指标函数,依赖于网络系统状态,又依赖于每个服务者的服务率。

    Optimization algorithms are provided for a class of closed queueing networks with a general performance cost that depends on both the state of the network systems and the service rate of each server.


  • 采用排队论理论传感器网络性能进行分析计算平均等待时间提高传感器系统可靠性

    Queuing theory is used to analyze th system performance and calculate the average waiting time which can improve the reliability of the system.


  • 提出一种新的计算有限容量闭合排队网络系统边界性能分析方法APBA法,和其他近似分析方法相比,APBA法的计算时间复杂度更低。

    In order to cope with the state space explosion problem of CQN-FC solution, a novel approximate performance bounds analysis (APBA) method is proposed, which ha.


  • 最后模拟实验数据表明优先级调度输入—线群多通道输出ATM交换系统模型好地改善了HOL阻塞提高输入排队ATM交换网络性能

    The final simulation experiment shows that the new model can better the HOL block, and improve the performance of input-queued ATM switch dramatically.


  • 应急疏散空间各种不同类型应急疏散排队系统,服务性能主要取决于服务系统极限容量、疏散服务能力的随机性

    Emergency evacuation Spaces have various different type of emergency evacuation queuing network, its service performance mainly depends on the extreme volume, evacuation service capacity, etc.


  • 然后作者排队网络理论集装箱排队系统结合起米,讨论了集装箱排队系统研究稳态性能指标

    Then the author combines the queue network theory with port railway queue systems, and discusses the steady state indications of the port railway queue systems.


  • 加速情况下,MUCF算法可以完全模拟输出类排队调度算法性能

    When the speedup of switch fabric is low, MUCF scheduling algorithm can imitate identically output-queue scheduling algorithms.


  • 利用模型求得了网络中的重要性能话音呼叫的拒绝概率数据业务平均排队长度

    With the solution of this model, we have obtained the voice call blocking probability and the mean packet waiting length.


  • 基于数据存储I/O通道服务器存储”数据中心”两种典型存储结构建立排队模型,利用模型对比分析两种结构的性能特点。

    This article presents a modeling method based on common I/O paths to describe current storage architectures. Queuing network models are presented for server storage systems and Data Centers.


  • AQM通过保持系统队列长度稳定范围内提高路由器中的数据包利用率并且降低系统的排队延时改善网络性能提高网络质量

    AQM queue length by maintaining the system in a stable context, raise the router packet queue utilization and reduce system latency and improve network performance, increase network quality.


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