• 拜特博士说,这是呼叫和手势之间的一个显著区别。

    This was a significant difference between calls and gestures, Dr. Hobaiter said.


  • 导这项研究的凯瑟琳·霍拜特博士说,这是动物王国中唯一被记录的有意图的交流方式。

    Dr Catherine Hobaiter, who led the research, said that this was the only form of intentional communication to be recorded in the animal kingdom.


  • 以色列北部靠近基布兹拜特哈奥伦地区,极端正统派犹太男子注视着正在燃烧森林大火

    Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men look at a forest fire that broke out near kibbutz Beit Oren in the north of Israel.


  • 加沙地带东北部拜特汉诺地区的人们,修理好之后,能够给他们提供饮用水用来灌溉良田

    Islamic Relief is fixing this well to aid members of the community of Beit Hanoun, a city on the northeast edge of the Gaza Strip, to provide drinking water and water for crops.


  • 学学人家罗尼·考拜特后者:“真是了,我是英国唯一一个护照里使用全身照的了。”

    He must be more like Ronnie Corbett, who once said: "I'm so short, I'm the only person in the UK with a full-length photo in their passport."


  • 19世纪出现西方朝圣潮之前,祖先还保持传统雅各埋葬妻子雷切尔Rachel)之后在拜特萨霍确定此传统。

    Well before a new wave of Western pilgrims turned up in the 19th century, his forebears maintained the tradition that Jacob had settled in Beit Sahour after burying his wife Rachel.


  • 一位当地住民抱怨,“比杰拉已经失去一半土地,伯利恒中心区失去了四分之一,拜特萨霍也丢了三分之一”,这是最近城市边界变化公平总结

    “Beit Jala has lost half its land, central Bethlehem has lost a quarter, and Beit Sahour a third,” grumbles one resident—a fair summary of recent changes in the city's boundaries.


  • 一位当地住民抱怨,“比杰拉已经失去一半土地,伯利恒中心区失去了四分之一,拜特·萨霍也丢了三分之一”,这是最近城市边界变化公平总结

    "Beit Jala has lost half its land, central Bethlehem has lost a quarter, and Beit Sahour a third," grumbles one resident-a fair summary of recent changes in the city's boundaries.


  • 最后公信力发生主张上——这是一个过程相当于哲学家安妮·描述思想一致性。

    In the end, credibility "happens" to a discovery claim—a process that corresponds to what philosopher Annette Baier has described as the commons of the mind.


  • 一年一度罗伊·瓦格纳音乐节得到门票可不是件容易事等待时间消除矮人身上的诅咒所需日子一样长:

    GETTING a seat at the annual Bayreuth Festival of Richard Wagner's operas is about as easy as shaking off a dwarf's curse: the average waiting time is nine years.


  • 联合国儿童基金会发言人本诺依? 马利科说:“这个公厕设计我们第三世界国家使用的厕所差不多——旱厕。

    "The latrine was of the same design as we use in third worldcountries -- a dry latrine -- and we formed the longest queue thismorning," UNICEF spokesman Benoit Melebeck said.


  • 欢迎犹太人罗伊演出,喜欢威尔第多尼采蒂旋律优美音乐

    He welcomed Jewish performers to Bayreuth, and enjoyed the tuneful, popular music of Verdi and Donizetti.


  • 欧洲大学经常不同种类学位服,纽约奥尔巴尼的加德纳·科尔·纳德所赐,美国的大学采用了一套规格确定的学位服。

    European institutions have always had diversity in their academic dress, but American institutions employ a definite system of dress thanks to Gardner Cotrell Leonard from Albany, New York.


  • 保护家族财产了一规矩就是罗伊的掌门人一定要是瓦格纳家族的成员。

    He secured the family fortunes and ensured that "as a rule" the succession would go to a Wagner.


  • 主张的对阿富汗政策麦克里斯支持的政策局限性大。

    Vice President Joe Biden, who favored a far more limited approach in Afghanistan than the one McChrystal advocated.


  • 发言人-斯科用户删除一张照片时,在90天内删除公司服务器所有副本。

    The spokesman, Barry Schnitt, said that when a photograph was deleted by a user, it was removed from all of the company's servers within 90 days.


  • 没人怀疑沙利回家会推高卞亚民·内塔尼亚胡公众支持率,但是耶路撒冷邮报》的专栏作家乔纳森·警告首相赌博以获得公众好感

    Few doubt that securing Shalit's return has boosted prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu's popularity but Jerusalem Post columnist Jonathan Spyer warns he has taken a gamble for public affection.


  • 联合国儿童基金会发言人本诺依·马利:“这个公厕设计我们第三世界国家使用的厕所差不多——旱厕。今天早上我们创造了排队上厕所人数最多的纪录。”

    "The latrine was of the same design as we use in third world countries — a dry latrine — and we formed the longest queue this morning," UNICEF spokesman Benoit Melebeck said.


  • 这种对比得恰到好处,且对于两个时代都有深刻见解时,两条线就能够合二为一,编织豪华的迈克尔·坎宁安的“时时刻刻”,以及的“隐之书”都是文学小说里的成功例子。

    When the counterpointing is done with care and insight, in literary fiction such as Michael Cunningham’s “The Hours” and A.S. Byatt’s “Possession”, the strands weave together into a rich tapestry.


  • 慈善商店外面29街的夫人好奇他点头打招呼。

    Further along, outside the charity shop, Mrs Barret from number twenty-nine nods an inquisitive greeting.


  • 每日邮报消息,德拉姆兰戈堡收藏有达芬奇勃朗汉斯·荷尔因等人价值6亿5百万作品

    The castle is home to an estimated $650 million worth of works by da Vinci, Rembrandt and Hans Holbein, according to the Daily Mail.


  • 年度布克提名名单于今天公之于众,文学界重量级人物如ASByattJM Coetzee)均榜上有名。 一同入围的还有位号称“‘泰山黑猩猩”的新人作家

    Literary heavyweights AS Byatt and JM Coetzee were today named on this year's longlist for the Booker prize – which also features a first-time writer purporting to be Tarzan's chimpanzee.


  • 8月30日飞往哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳,同行的众议院议长丹尼斯·哈斯另外位众议员,参议院·另外参议员还有位内阁成员

    On August 30, I flew to Cartagena, Colombia, with Speaker Dennis Hastert and six other House members, Senator Joe Biden and three other senators, and several cabinet members.


  • 1748年设计罗伊剧院内部装修。

    He designed the interior of the theater at bay reuth in1748.


  • 大家好·斯,MTA工作这里环境能源组织主管

    Hey, my name is Peter Bass, and I work for the MTA. I am the director of Environmental and Energy Policy.


  • 额赌注赌家看好的托比比·托厄斯赢得追逐赛。

    The Martell Cup Chase was won by the evens favourite Toby Tobias.


  • 的代表作《占有》历史上三个不同时期女性生命历程为主要叙事线索

    S. Byatt, is mainly clued with female life undergoing in three different historical stages.


  • 的代表作《占有》历史上三个不同时期女性生命历程为主要叙事线索

    S. Byatt, is mainly clued with female life undergoing in three different historical stages.


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