• 或许就是人们原因

    Possibly, that's why people worshipped the moon.


  • 从此中秋节风俗民间传开了

    From then on, the MidAutumn festival in folk customs of worship months out.


  • 从此中秋节风俗民间传开

    Since then, the Mid-Autumn Festival Baidoa, the custom has spread in the civil.


  • 从此中秋节拜月风俗民间传开

    Since then, the custom on the Mid-Autumn Festival worship spread in a non-governmental.


  • 年后楼带领楼弟子攻击拜月

    Two years later, listen to snow floor in worship with floor on teach against disciple.


  • 我们这些孩子来说拜月游戏兔儿爷成了我们的玩具了

    For those of us children, or game, rabbit doll is a toy.


  • 至于如何辗转拜月中秋节联系在一起的,还没有能够清楚

    How it became so intricately associated with moon worship and the Midautumn Festival — no one can say for certain.


  • 每个国家地区都有各自独特的风俗许多稀奇古怪的习俗在当地影响深远。

    Each nation and region has its own peculiar customs for moon worship with many quaint customs still going strong.


  • 由于中国人传统象征着合家团圆,拜月成为这个节日里件事之一。

    With the full moon symbolizing family reunion in Chinese tradition, moon worship has been one of the must do's during the festival.


  • 相传古代齐国丑女幼年曾虔诚拜月长大后,超群品德被宠幸

    According to legend, the ancient Qi ugly salt, pious worship during childhood on, grow up to superior morality Ru Gong, but was not patronize.


  • 中秋节,因为有了洁白玉润的富于诗意,中秋拜月折桂赋予中秋神秘的色彩。

    The mid-Autumn Festival is associated with the moon. We would eat moon cakes and appreciate the full moon, sharing thoughts with our loved ones under the moon.


  • 某年十五天子见到觉得美丽出众皇后,中秋拜月由此而来。

    A full moon on August 15, Son of Heaven to see her in the moonlight, feeling that her beauty is outstanding, after she was Queen, Mid-Autumn Festival on the resulting worship.


  • 然而很多时候,年轻中国女性另有原因就是希望自己可以嫦娥,那名传说上的女神。

    However, young Chinese ladies also worship the Moon for another reason - in the hope that they can become as beautiful as Chang'e, a girl who, according to Chinese legend, lives in the moon.


  • 亭”苏东坡写道:“小饼,中”,清朝杨光辅写道:“饼饱肉馅雪糕蔗糖霜”。

    "Worshiping-the-moon Pavilion" su Dongpo wrote a poem: "cookies, chewing, is crisp and Yi Qing Dynasty", Yang Guangfu wrote: "eat moon cakes loaded peach meat, ice cream sugar sweet puzzle".


  • 2009年9哈佛大学接受着一项奖项的时候讲到:“使更加下定决心接受新的挑战。”

    That made me all the more determined to take on new challenges.


  • 如果GQ》杂志的排行榜还不够说服力的话,那么《亚特兰大刊》(The Atlantic)今年11刊将贝南克列入27位勇敢思想家”榜单。 (榜单内还包括巴马联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)董事长希拉尔(Sheila Bair)人。)

    If GQ isn't enough for him, The Atlantic's November issue includes Bernanke on its list of 27 'Brave Thinkers' (alongside Barack Obama and Sheila Bair, among others).


  • 今年二第一次见到妲时已经监狱度过了

    When I first met Baida in February, she had already been in jail more than two months.


  • 今年三翻译告诉那家精神病院电话来,说见到我们

    One day in March, an interpreter told me that Baida had called several times from the psychiatric hospital and wanted to see us again.


  • 2010年1该国北部阿塔发生了山体滑坡导致20死亡40所房屋滑入萨河

    A landslide in January 2010 in Attabad village in north of the country killed 20 people which led to around 40 houses sliding into the Hunza River.


  • 1999年4天,学生进美国科罗拉多州哥伦高中枪杀12名学生和1名教师自尽

    In April 1999, a pair of students at Columbine High School in Colorado killed a dozen fellow students and one teacher, as well as themselves.


  • 斯博士同事78000位妇女进行了平均长达12跟踪研究,她们的年龄55岁到74岁之间家族成员没有卵巢癌患病

    Dr Buys and her colleagues followed over 78, 000 women between the ages of 55 and 74 who had no family history of ovarian cancer, for an average of 12 months.


  • 叶戈尔·盖达尔改革家长期朋友去年12去世前不久出版本书中解释了俄罗斯困境

    Yegor Gaidar, a reformer and Mr Chubais's long-time friend, spelled out Russia's predicament in a book published shortly before his death last December.


  • 卡拉附近里库骚校园正在兴建,有望5前竣工,届时阿什西接纳600名学生

    A new campus under construction in Berekuso, near Accra, is expected to be completed by May and will enable Ashesi to accommodate 600 students.


  • 登本人很快美国的对战争联系一起,因为长子德拉瓦州国民警卫队名上尉,将于今年10被派往伊拉克

    Biden will soon have a personal connection to the war in Iraq. His eldest son, Beau, a captain in the Delaware National Guard, is scheduled to leave for a tour of duty in Iraq in October.


  • 今年9里斯本沙地区开业LX精品酒店夜间起价为80欧元

    A night at the new LX boutique hotel, which opened in September in the Baixa district of Lisbon, starts at just 80 euros a night.


  • 美国著名的偶像巨星摇滚乐手妻子卡罗琳现在就已经在他们5个大的宝贝艾顿计划他的未来了。

    The American Idol star already has career plans for 5-month-old Aiden (with wife Caroline, 25)."I've told him, 'Go be a doctor.Don't be an attorney, don't be a musician,' " says Bice.


  • 美国著名的偶像巨星摇滚乐手妻子卡罗琳现在就已经在他们5个大的宝贝艾顿计划他的未来了。

    The American Idol star already has career plans for 5-month-old Aiden (with wife Caroline, 25)."I've told him, 'Go be a doctor.Don't be an attorney, don't be a musician,' " says Bice.


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