• 订单详细页面中,点击修改拒绝订单按钮

    Click "the modification be refused order" to press button in the order detailed page.


  • 系统自动拒绝订单中的所有产品重新添加购物车中。

    The system auto will be refused all products in the order re - adding a shopping car.


  • 促使供应商web服务检查仓库银行服务然后确认拒绝订单

    This will cause the supplier web service to check with the warehouse and the bank services, and then confirm or reject the order.


  • 修改拒绝订单1进入订单管理点击订单查询按钮找到订单状态拒绝订单

    The modification is refused order 1. Get into an order management, click "order search" button, find out the order appearance as the order of "have already refuse".


  • 经理批准拒绝订单之后BPEL过程通过调用业务状态机上一个操作人工任务结果返回业务状态

    Once the order is approved or declined by the manager, the BPEL process will return the result of the human task to the business state machine by invoking an operation on the business state machine.


  • 如果任何一家制造厂拒绝无法处理订单那么订单整个制造流程就会撤消并且系统会向客户通知这个问题

    If any of the manufacturing plants reject or fail to process an order, then the complete manufacturing process for the batched orders is revoked, and the system notifies the customer of the problem.


  • 那家电镀厂的老板杨光华说,正在拒绝那些已债务缠身三个久的客户部分订单

    Yang the electroplating factory owner says he is holding back on some orders for customers who are three months in arrears.


  • 如果已经选择拒绝订单那么系统日志看到行为SendRejectionMail已经得到了处理如图18所示。

    If you have chosen to reject this order, you'll see in system log that the activity Send Rejection Mail has been processed as shown in Figure 18.


  • 空客发言人拒绝订单取消作出评论但是提及在线公布实际订单数量。

    An Airbus spokesman declined to comment on the cancellations, but referred to the actual order book posted online.


  • 我方一名中介经纪执行贵方订单前,任何时候接受拒绝贵方的要约(依具体情况而定)。

    We may accept or reject your offer to buy or sell at any time until the order is executed by us or an intermediate broker, as the case may be.


  • 订单军事建设掩体下面大道半透明盾牌海军拒绝自己这些吓倒。

    Lower military orders were ensconced in bunkers beneath the Boulevard's translucent shields, but the Admiral refused to let himself be cowed into those.


  • 请你方注意我们保留日期之后取消订单拒绝接受所发运货权利

    We would like to remind you that we reserve the right to cancel it and refuse delivery after this date.


  • 如果拒绝代销关系请求那么代销商不会日后订单获得佣金

    If you decline the relationship request then they will not receive commission on future orders.


  • 如果供应商收到撤销订单通知后拒绝,则订单撤销最超过该时间生效。

    Call-off orders shall become binding, at the latest, if they are not refused by the Supplier within two weeks of receipt of the call-off orders.


  • 假名注册威瑞森无线通讯公司的网站,结果他们拒绝订单该死,我以为我们自由的呢!

    I used my fake name to sign up for Verizon. they declined my order! Damn. I thought we are FREE!


  • 由于生产能力有限他们被迫拒绝掉了90%潜在业务接受客户订单

    Due to limited production capacity, they are forced to turn down 90 percent of their potential business, only accepting orders from old clients.


  • 周武说:“高峰期,你不断若干订单,你不能拒绝。”曾经在亿个小时内向八个瞬时的的地方食物

    "In the peak hour, to deliver, " said Zhou, who once delivered food to eight different places in one single hour.


  • RED有权拒绝取消任何此类订单,而无论订单是否得到确认以及信用卡是否已扣款

    RED will have the right to refuse or cancel any such orders whether or not the order has been confirmed and your credit card charged.


  • 你们拒绝修改信用证等于取消订单

    Your refusal to amend the L/C is equivalent to cancellation of the order.


  • 公司拒绝接受任何超过网站列之最低购买金额订单

    The Company will decline to accept any orders for the Products which do not exceed the minimum order amount as stated in the Site.


  • 乙方收到的“产品订单立即转给甲方以便予以确认拒绝

    Any "products" orders to Party B ought to be transferred to Party A in order to be confirmed or refused.


  • 而且由于原料短缺生产厂家已经拒绝我方订单

    What's more our manufacturers have declined orders because of shortage of raw materials.


  • 客户未能提交订单审核需要完整信息指定时间内提交MBTF可能直接拒绝受理。

    A customer's failure to submit the required information for a trade review or within the specified time period may be rejected at the sole discretion of MBTF.


  • 进入订单管理点击订单查询按钮找到订单状态拒绝订单

    Get into an order management, click "order search" button, find out the order appearance as the order of "have already refuse".


  • 如果贵方希望上述订单隶属的条款提供产品服务,请贵方必须特快书面通知说明贵方拒绝订单

    If you wish to supply the Goods and Services on any terms other than those to which the Order is subject as described above you must give us express written notice that you reject the Order.


  • 如果贵方希望上述订单隶属的条款提供产品服务,请贵方必须特快书面通知说明贵方拒绝订单

    If you wish to supply the Goods and Services on any terms other than those to which the Order is subject as described above you must give us express written notice that you reject the Order.


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