• 一番直接了当的分析调查确定哪里联结顾客最佳地方”,她指出,“全力投入两个社交工具上远胜于在多个目标上分散用力。”

    Do an upfront analysis and research where the best places to connect with customers are,” she suggests.“It is best to exert energy into a few social tools then to put little time into many.


  • 一般个人小组投入创造力开发工具背后核心思想

    Typically an individual or small group invests creative effort to develop the core ideas behind the tool.


  • 如果过从非常详细视角审视一下你投入资金这个工具就可以做到

    If you ever wanted to see money put into very detailed perspective, this will do it for you.


  • 以下认为数据共享工具值得投入三大理由以及如何你所在公司PLM战略联系起来。

    Here is my take on top three reasons why you need to invest in data - sharing tools and how it can be related to PLM strategy in your company.


  • 正如任何管理工具技术成功程度取决于投入质量执行方式

    As with any management tool or technique, the level of success achieved depends on the quality of the inputs and the way in which the system is implemented.


  • 标准监测婴幼儿生长评估全球战略执行投入关键工具

    A: the standards are a crucial new tool for monitoring infant and child growth and for evaluating efforts to implement the global strategy.


  • 产品工具数据中心已经投入使用或者正计划使用。

    Products and tools already in use or planned for use in the data center.


  • 如果看不到工具价值人们不会把他们宝贵的时间投入学习如何使用这些工具中。

    If people don't see the value in the tool, they won't invest their precious time in learning how to use it.


  • 本文讨论质量关注投入一个组织中所带来益处同样将讨论用以支持关键变革可以采取步骤可以使用IBM工具

    This article will discuss the benefits of infusing concern for quality into an organization, as well as steps you can take and IBM tools you can use to support this key change.


  • 整个投入工作中,主持一些谈话这些谈话需要我和参与者共同创造工具形式以及谈话过程

    I bring my whole self to the work and host conversations that invite us to co-create the tools and forms and processes we need to move.


  • 这些工具促进软件开发过程工业化降低了投入市场成本时间同时还提高了生产率加快了对进化需求反应

    These tools promote industrialization of the software development process, and reduced costs and time to market, allowing increased productivity and faster reactions to demands for evolution.


  • 最终挫败这些攻击需要投入自觉努力经过培训人员有用的工具以及良好的安全制度

    Combating these attacks ultimately requires a conscious effort, trained individuals, useful tools, and sound security policies.


  • 在下面的范例之中,进一步详细解释可以RationalApplication DeveloperWeb 2.0工具投入实际的运用之中。

    This will be explained in further detail in the next example, where we put the Rational Application Developer Web 2.0 tools into practice.


  • 意味着重用Flash应用程序创建UI组件对于创建组件工具已经有所投入公司来说有吸引力的。

    That means using UI components created for Flash applications, which might be appealing for companies which have already invested in creating component toolboxes.


  • 德瑞斯顿银行49亿欧元不太稳定未加保护资产投入一个特殊的金融工具

    Around 4.9 euro billion of Dresdner's wobblier exposures will be placed in a special vehicle.


  • 本文在现有理论基础上,运用投入产出分析工具实证分析中国美国出口产品隐含碳排放

    In this dissertation, we focus on using input-output and empirical analyze the embodied carbon in export of China to America.


  • 因此祖母父母告别,带自己装备全身心投入远征中,他工具母亲用布缝制的。

    Accordingly, he made a farewell to his grandmother and parents, and flung himself to the expedition with a manual kit, which was made of the fabric that was weaved by his mother.


  • 可是即使那些事先测试工具培训投入很大公司里,测试脚本也常常变成摆设不再被使用

    And yet, even in companies which have made a considerable up-front investment in tools and training, the automation scripting often becomes shelfware.


  • 如果知道需要算法需要得到投入生产许多这些工具执行不好或是容易的集成

    If you know which algorithm you need and need to get it into production, many of these tools will not perform good enough or be easy enough to integrate.


  • 绩效考核作为人力资源管理工具方法很多单位进行了积极探索投入较大精力

    Performance appraisal as a human resources management tools and methods, many units have actively explored, and put into a larger energy.


  • 船舶作为技术复杂大型水路运输工具具有投入多、风险事故后果严重特点

    As a large water transport tool with complicated techniques, ship has the features of great capital-investing, high risk-taking and serious accident aftermath.


  • 强大的单位管理工具用户可以指定输出代动力学参数单位以及投入时间来自大规模测量单位名单中的集结单位。

    With a powerful unit management tool, user can specify the output pharmacokinetic parameter units as well as input time and concentration units from an extensive list of measurement units.


  • 我们必须明确,企业是否效力最强学习工具——辅导培训,提供了足够资源投入

    We must, however, ask whether sufficient resources are being devoted to that most powerful of learning tools - coaching.


  • 检测工具应用部署投入,快速检测客户端部署状态效果SEP项目验收网络维中广泛应用。

    The testing tool has such advantages as low investment and good testing efficiency and can be widely applied in SEP project acceptance check and network operation and maintenance.


  • 用户不需编程便方便地完成投入产出编制,企业计划管理提供了一种决策工具

    Users can easily work out tables without programming. The GSIO provides a tools of decision making for the plan management in some business.


  • 用户不需编程便方便地完成投入产出编制,企业计划管理提供了一种决策工具

    Users can easily work out tables without programming. The GSIO provides a tools of decision making for the plan management in some business.


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