• 正如作业成本管理会计学中的重要概念投入产出分析也是统计学中的重要概念。

    Activity-based costing(ABC)is an important concept in Management Accounting, and the same is true with input-output analysis in Statistics.


  • 波及效应投入产出分析核心问题

    Spread effect is the key problem in inputoutput analysis.


  • 投入产出分析应用矿山,编制矿山生产经营计划

    The input-output analysis method has been applied to production-management plan of mine in this paper.


  • 而言之,一项投入产出分析表明赞成马上进行有序重组

    A cost-benefit analysis, in short, argues in favour of carrying out an orderly restructuring now.


  • 灰色矩阵理论基础上,提出较完整灰色投入产出分析基础。

    With the help of grey matrix theory, we propose the grey input-output analysis.


  • 投入产出分析方法分析水资源使用效率使用效益重要方法。

    The input-output analysis is a major method for analyzing the efficiency and benefit of the utilization of water resources.


  • 论述南方红壤低丘岗地银杏种植业意义,种植布局策略模式投入产出分析

    This Paper discussed the significance, distribution, countermeasures and pattern of Ginkgo-growing in southern red soil hillock, and analysed its invest and yield.


  • 利用这些数据资料进行了复回归分析得到方程模型进行边际投入产出分析

    This information is used to do multidimensional regression analysis, and an equation is gained, then the model is used for marginal and input-output analysis.


  • 本文运用投入产出分析方法计量模型分析新疆外贸结构合理性进行了实证分析

    This paper analyzes rationality of foreign trade structure of Xinjiang through econometrics and input-output model.


  • 本文在现有理论基础上,运用投入产出分析工具实证分析中国美国出口产品隐含碳排放

    In this dissertation, we focus on using input-output and empirical analyze the embodied carbon in export of China to America.


  • CGEM为基础,综合运用投入产出分析最优控制理论设计一个二层次宏观经济管理模型

    Based on CGEM and with the application of input-output analysis and optimistic control theory, a two-level model of macroeconomic management is established.


  • 经济研究中的投入产出分析一种利用数学分析电子计算机进行经济分析经营管理重要方法

    The analysis of input and output in economical research is an important method which employs mathematical analysis and computer aided economic analysis and management.


  • 投入产出分析方法,根据2002年北京市投入产出分析2008年北京奥运会北京市经济影响

    Based on 2002 input and output table, this paper discussed the effect of 2008 Olympic Games on Beijing economy.


  • 关注有限的金钱投入下,我们能够依靠已有的投入产出分析结果决策从而推进艾滋病斗争至关重要的。

    With attention and money flagging, it is vital that we step up our fight against this disease by adding lessons from cost-benefit analysis to our arsenal.


  • 区域宏观经济水资源投入产出分析水资源规划管理重要组成部分水资源规划与管理行之有效一种方法。

    The I/0 analysis of regional macroeconomic water resources is a major component for the establishment of water planning and management targets .


  • 根据本文研究目的意义,建立系统工程水价的基本定价理论投入产出分析基础的水价系统仿真数学模型

    Based on this paper's objective and meaning, the water price system simulation model that is based on the system engineering, water price theory, input-output analysis is presented.


  • 最后运用关系合约理论分工理论投入产出分析探讨休闲产业集群集聚度测度方法,并构筑绩效评价指标体系

    At last, the paper discusses the appraisal method of leisure industrial cluster using complementary theory, dividing theory, and input-output analysis.


  • 可以说投入产出分析方法作为国民经济管理重要工具手段我国经济生活中发挥重要的、不可替代作用

    It is to say that the method of analyzing input-output has been playing a significant and irreplaceable role in our nation's economy as an important tools and means of national economic management.


  • 结果表明,方法用于输入、输出投入产出分析,对变换后样本使用DEA模型可得到一个单元的合理评价结果。

    As a result, the method can be used to analyze the devotion and output with multi-input and single output, and can get a reasonable estimate result by transformed sample set using DEA model.


  • 本文充分运用投入产出分析最新技术,进一步提出定量方面研究北京奥运经济方法,从而设计出北京奥运经济投入产出模型。

    Using the newest technology of Input - Output analyses, the paper puts forward the research methods on quantify - analyses, designs Beijing Olympic economy Input - Output model.


  • 运用投入产出分析建立了工业产品进出口污染足迹计量模型,计算了中国20个进出口工业部门6污染物排放系数排放量等数据。

    The pollution footprint model was built on the basis of the input-output analysis to measure the discharge coefficient and amount of 6 pollutants in 20 Chinese industrial sectors.


  • 本文运用投入产出法对十堰市这一特定经济区域内的各产业之间相互关系相互作用进行了深入分析

    This paper gives an input-output analysis of the relations and effects between the industries in the special economy zone of Shiyan City.


  • 通过投入产出变动模型分析经济系统各个部门之间的投入产出相互依存关系

    This article, by means of the model of input output alternations, analyzes the interdependent input output relationships with various branches in economic system.


  • 商业银行投入产出进行了深入的理论分析界定

    The paper deeply analyzes the definition of the input and output of the bank.


  • 分析图书馆拥有模式存取模式投入产出情况试图经济学角度不同模式选择提供一种思考的依据

    Analyzes the input - output condition in different modes of access and ownership at libraries, tries to provide a basis of decision for different mode selections from economical point of view.


  • DEA方法客观评价财政支出效率有力手段建立合理投入产出指标体系是应用分析框架前提

    DEA technique is a good tool for efficiency evaluation of public expenditure, and setting up indicators of inputs and outputs is the basis for analysis in this framework.


  • 系统分析方法确定投入产出要素之间相互作用,用邹氏检验法确定验证临界点

    The interaction between the input and output was discussed with system analysis method, and the critical point was determined and validated with Chow test method.


  • 系统动力学(SD)模型为主体,结合投入产出乘数计量经济学模型,进行港口经济影响分析

    Analysis of port's influence on economy is conducted based mainly on system dynamics (SD), combining also input-output method, the Mulitplier, and econometrics model.


  • 系统动力学(SD)模型为主体,结合投入产出乘数计量经济学模型,进行港口经济影响分析

    Analysis of port's influence on economy is conducted based mainly on system dynamics (SD), combining also input-output method, the Mulitplier, and econometrics model.


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