• 信件批地涌到

    Letters come in showers.


  • 一般而言花束总是一批地被呈献给消费者,它外观消费者购买决定具有举足轻重的影响

    Posies are normally presented to consumers in batches. The appearances of these have powerful effect on consumer decision.


  • 然而这个城市永远都有清新纯净女孩子批地涌进来。她们为新的考验惊讶时,目不转睛看着。

    In this city, though, fresh batches of dewy girls spring eternal and I do not roll my eyes when they marvel at new-to-them benchmarks.


  • 对于一个具体的困难我们采取认真对待的态度,创造必要的条件,讲究对付方法个一个、一批地它们克服下去。

    We must adopt a serious attitude towards each specific difficulty, create the necessary conditions, study the methods for coping with them and overcome them one by one and batch by batch.


  • 白公馆处决进行,直到晚上怎么结束,也就是那时还活着的二十个狱友一个同情他们看守帮助下逃走了

    At Bai Mansion, the executions were carried out in batches, still not quite finished by the evening, at which point the remaining twenty prisoners, with the help of a sympathetic guard, fled.


  • 谷物可以简单牛奶一起进去,它们开始成熟。

    Grains can be simply thrown in with a batch of milk for ripening to begin.


  • 第一美国建立永久殖民英国定居者不是普利茅斯而是在切萨皮克以西詹姆斯沿岸

    The first English settlers to establish a permanent colony in America did it not at Plymouth but along the shore of the James River west of Chesapeake Bay.


  • 人中,以崔·德兰为例,1986年乘船离开越南身无分文来到圣何塞,后来成功进入麻省理工学院读书,之后创立食品配送平台芒奇里,如今估值达3亿美元。

    People like Tri Tran, who fled Vietnam on a boat in 1986, showed up in San Jose with nothing, made it to MIT, and then founded the food delivery start up Munchery, which is valued at $ 300 million.


  • 去年10月成功轧出第一合金槽钢。

    Last October the first batch of low-alloy channel steel was successfully rolled.


  • 正如名外交官一语双关指出那样宿命论者认为俄罗斯使我们处于困境”。

    A larger group of fatalists who think that Russia "has us over a barrel", as one diplomat punningly puts it.


  • 人工饲养他们几乎可能繁殖——但是瑞士巴塞尔动物园工作人员成功再造了它们自然条件新的小型水母诞生了。

    When captive they are incredibly difficult to breed - but staff at Basel Zoo, Switzerland, have managed to imitate their natural conditions and a new batch of tiny jellyfish have been born.


  • 存储过程中的外部创建访问加载卸载支持允许您轻松执行加载和卸载操作。

    Support of external table creation, access, load, and unload from within the stored procedures makes it easier to perform the batch load and unload operations.


  • 天使项目试图获得联邦非盈利许可但是尚未不过获得了总部所在密歇根州的认可。

    The Archangel project has sought, but not yet been granted, federal nonprofit status, though it is recognized by the State of Michigan, where it is based.


  • 19世纪初期这个国家开立第一高等学府,大多数国家早得多

    The country's first modern schools opened in the early 19th century, far earlier than in most of the region.


  • 如果文档只是简单拷贝存储库输入字典,服务器自动修订这些文档,并将结果保存输出字典中,如图3所示。

    If documents are simply copied to the input directory of the batch repository, the server will automatically redact those documents and save the results in the output directory, as shown in Figure 3.


  • 现在来到托瓦尔兹补丁终于成功冒险通过维护人员他们不断变化源代码

    Here comes Torvalds: eventually your patch will have successfully ventured through these legions of guardians and their varying source code trees.


  • 卢默秋天色彩在你脚下在你头上生长很慢印度大黄强有力英国枫树,在的一颜色可以使彩色蜡笔也会为之嫉妒

    In Plumas County, the fall color is underfoot and overhead: from the low-growing Indian rhubarb to the mighty English maples, the array of colors in this region could make a box of crayons jealous.


  • 我们都是毕业生,”剧中角色骄傲提醒着个角色,因为他们属于一个有着无穷机会时代第一接受大学教育人,然而这份骄傲戳痛人心。

    We’re all graduates,” one character reminds another, with the prickly pride of belonging to the first generation to receive a university education in an era of expanded opportunity.


  • 拍摄第一行星的图片

    It would take the first pictures of Earth-like planets.


  • 劳·维斯认为第一亚洲移居北美洲开拓殖民人们,据说所有现在印第安部落祖先

    The Clovis people were believed to be the first to colonise North America after emigrating from Asia, and are said to be the ancestors of all present day Native American tribes.


  • 我们已经成功……避开就是我们款项事情

    We've been successful in … circumventing him and that's what we'll do with this money.


  • 过去一个月中俄罗斯英国报纸已经出现了不少传闻北冰洋”号秘密运载S- 300防空导弹目的德黑兰

    Over the past month, speculation has swirled in Russian and British papers that the Arctic Sea was carrying a secret consignment of S-300 anti-aircraft interceptors, destined for Tehran.


  • 目的卢加沿岸,货物几乎全都是哈瓦那雪茄,白葡萄酒马拉葡萄酒

    This new cargo was destined for the coast of the Duchy of Lucca, and consisted almost entirely of Havana cigars, sherry, and Malaga wines.


  • 米老鼠米妮普路托卡通形象的支持下华特迪斯尼公司期望IBM永远不可能做的事:成功销售专门孩子设计计算机系统

    Backed by a posse of Mickey, Minnie, and Pluto, the Walt Disney Co. is looking to do what IBM never could: successfully market a computer system designed specifically for kids.


  • 一定会如果陶制花瓶能完好无损留存至今那么两千多年沧桑中,就会有更多的花瓶落得破碎下场。

    You gotta think though that over a couple of thousand years, if there are still a pile of vases each in one piece, there must have been many more that were dropped and got broken over the years.


  • 事实上,在档案馆披露的最后一文件中,还包含了英国国防部(MOD)位英国高级将领通信记录。这两位将领固执认为,U FO问题应当严肃对待

    In fact, the last batch of files includes correspondence between the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and two high level military officials who were adamant that UFO cases should be taken more seriously.


  • 事实上,在档案馆披露的最后一文件中,还包含了英国国防部(MOD)位英国高级将领通信记录。这两位将领固执认为,U FO问题应当严肃对待

    In fact, the last batch of files includes correspondence between the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and two high level military officials who were adamant that UFO cases should be taken more seriously.


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