• 任何对外探险活动必须安全主管报告安全部门安排武装人员陪同经过我的批准才能进行。

    All forays outside the perimeter must be accompanied by one or more SECFOR troopers, and must be authorized by his office, and scheduled with the head of security.


  • FDIC讼词中称印地麦克银行的管理人员疏忽大意”地批准贷款房屋建筑商,而批贷款实际偿付可能性很小

    The FDIC alleges in the suit that the four IndyMac officers "negligently" approved loans to homebuilders around the country that had slim chance of being repaid.


  • 上周加州联邦法官初步批准了一项有关FacebookBeacon(灯塔)广告计划群体诉讼协议

    Late last week, a federal judge in California gave preliminary approval to a settlement of the class action lawsuit regarding Facebook's Beacon program.


  • 阿里巴巴对此作出回应,表示此交易获包括一雅虎代表在内的董事会批准,阿里巴巴已向雅虎支付一定赔偿;并称进一步讨论此问题。

    representative. It added that some compensation had been paid and there would be further discussions.


  • 经理最近邮件文档归了所以手头上没有所有批准邮件

    A manager has archived his mail documents recently, so he does not have all approval emails with him.


  • 犯罪政客已通过最高法院获得暂时性阻止令,一旦批准,这两可以申请候选人。

    Two politicians convicted of crimes gained interim injunctions from supreme-court justices which, if confirmed, would allow them to register candidacies.


  • 克伦威尔主张国会设立一议院包括40至70选任下议院批准——实质等同上议院不过衔有别

    Cromwell supported the creation of an other house in Parliament, which would consist of 40 to 70 people to be chosen by him and then approved by the Commons - a house of Lords in all but name.


  • 以色列批准几十加沙的伤病人员以色列寻求救治

    It has also given authorization for several dozen ill and wounded Gazans to seek medical treatment in Israel.


  • 美国高级官员日内瓦举行会议美国俄罗斯谈判人员接近重要的削减核军备条约达成一项协议,而且美国参议院很可能批准这项条约

    A senior U.S. official says American and Russian negotiators meeting in Geneva are closing in on a deal for a key nuclear disarmament treaty, and the United States Senate would likely ratify it.


  • 米索弗认为鉴于21受试者中的20人此前接受FDA批准治疗方法后均无效果,所以这一研究结果尤其值得重视

    Mithoefer considers the findings especially notable given that 20 of the 21 participants had previously failed to obtain relief from FDA-approved treatments.


  • 现在就连瑞典感受到了这场战争对他们影响了:去年一年,就9000伊拉克人申请到瑞典避难,90%的申请得到了批准

    Even Sweden is feeling the effects of this war: last year alone, 9, 000 Iraqis applied for asylum there, and 90 percent of those requests were approved.


  • 1979年,苏联希望购买更多美国小麦并且打算确保一项新的武器限制条约得到签署批准,50000犹太人前所未有放行了。

    In 1979, when the Soviets were hoping to buy more American grain and wanted to make sure a new arms limitation treaty would be signed and ratified, an unprecedented 50,000 Jews were allowed out.


  • 1979年,苏联希望购买更多美国小麦并且打算确保一项新的武器限制条约得到签署批准时,50000犹太人前所未有放行了。

    In 1979, when the Soviets were hoping to buy more American grain and wanted to make sure a new arms limitation treaty would be signed and ratified, an unprecedented 50, 000 Jews were allowed out.


  • 5月15日宣布批准最新一轮社区治安拨款,增加了我承诺过的10万警察中的4.3万

    On May 15, I announced the latest round of community policing grants, which brought us to 43, 000 of the 100, 000 new police officers I'd promised.


  • 如果批准保持不变在2011年末前增加50万受救济者。

    If acceptance rates stay the same, this would add roughly 500, 000 more people to the rolls by the end of 2011.


  • 圣诞节批准为62罪犯赦免减刑

    Three days before Christmas, I granted executive clemency or commutations of sentences to sixty-two people.


  • 法拍门爆发,是由于GMAC抵押贷款公司(它是Ally Financial公司的一部分)的雇员承认在没有恰当方式审核这些文件的情况下就批准成千上万起楼行动。

    "Foreclosuregate" flared up when an employee at GMAC Mortgage, part of Ally Financial, admitted to having approved thousands of repossessions without properly reviewing the documents.


  • 医药厂商在得到FDA的批准前,并不需要进行所谓的临床试验,因为这种试验着实花费不菲需要数千患者的配合,以观察诸如心脏病等突发疾病的发生率是否有所降低。

    They have not had to conduct so-called outcome or events trials beforehand, which are expensive studies that involve thousands of patients and track whether episodes like heart attacks are reduced.


  • 中心临床试验登记在案的878先前没有接受过化疗患者的临床实验结果支持批准

    The multi-center clinical trial supporting this approval enrolled 878 patients who had not received prior chemotherapy.


  • 这个委员会其它所有常设委员会一样董事会成员主持,对董事会负责。这个常设委员会的行动由董事会批准

    This committee, like all other standing committees, is chaired by a member of the Board, is responsible to the Board, and its actions require Board approval.


  • 美国地方法院法官批准一项临时禁令允许一家物业管理公司不用雇员提供避孕费用,这家公司属于美乐批萨创始人

    US district judge granted a temporary restraining order, allowing a property management company owned by the founder of Domino's Pizza to avoid providing contraception to employees.


  • 2008年度有3在职教师国际奖学金获得批准

    In 2008 3 were approved for the scholarship.


  • 2008年度有3在职教师国际奖学金获得批准

    In 2008 3 were approved for the scholarship.


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