• 埃洛普执掌诺基亚一天公司市值都缩水了2300万美元,从数据上看,是史糟糕的首席执政官之一

    Each day that Elop spent in charge of Nokia, the company's market value declined by $23 million, making him, by the numbers, one of the worst CEOs in history.


  • 过去那些关系一直非常具有挑战性因为他们(执政官)不想让那样关系发生

    In the past those relationships have been quite challenging because of the influence of the non - physical negative beings because they did not want those relationships to happen.


  • 权力,把这些替身心灵感应可能远远超出那些经常执政官超过补偿缺乏任何物理攻击能力

    The powers of these avatars of psionic might extend well beyond those of the regular archon, more than compensating for their lack of any physical attack capability.


  • 阶级职位,交托给担任执政官监察职责包括人口税赋管理有关金融会计

    An office of high rank, entrusted only to men who had previously served as consuls, the censorship encompassed financial and accounting responsibilities related to taxation and population management.


  • 贡金和富有者担任执政官司法官承担费用外,元老们还要交纳一种硬币支付特别财产税

    Besides the aurum oblaticium, and the obligation of the wealthier of their class to fill the office of consul or of praetor, they were liable to a special property tax paid in specie.


  • 上周加州富有影响力警察群体奥兰治警方执政官联盟站出来反对一举措认为损害法律秩序

    An influential group of Californian police officers, the Orange County Coalition of police and Sheriffs, also came out against the move last week, saying that it would hurt law and order.


  • 撰写篇文章同时,地表光明势力正在进行刚果门户,也就是1996年执政官入侵地球所使用的门户。

    As I am writing this, an important operation of the Light forces on the surface of the planet is healing the Congo portal, the focal point of the Archon invasion of 1996.


  • 鉴于大选中最有可能赢得最高票数席位保守党,克莱格保守党间的协商得到党内议员联邦执政官的共同青睐。

    His decision to begin negotiations with the Tories, as the party that secured the most votes and seats at the election, has been endorsed by both his MPs and his party’s federal executive.


  • 尤其是弗吉尔星球执政官比德·塞恩还极力反对。他甚至大肆羞辱莱娅·奥加纳·索洛逼迫伊索尔德自己进行荣誉决斗。

    Archon Beed Thane of Vergill was particularly opposed, and theatrically insulted Leia Organa Solo in order to provoke an honor duel from Isolder.


  • 美客公司的董事长首席执政官理查﹒德汤普森,这家爱猫餐馆两条主要规定进门的时候检查允许带猫薄荷进入。

    Meow Mix President and CEO Richard Thompson said the feline-friendly restaurant has two main rules: no dogs and no catnip, which must be checked at the door.


  • 试图Kerrigan族控制星球Char上拯救出来的时候,雷诺遇见了无畏的执政官Tassadar获得了后者的尊敬

    While attempting to rescue Kerrigan from the zerg planet Char, Raynor encountered protoss there and gained the respect of the valiant Executor Tassadar.


  • 阿赛洛首席执政官Guy Dollé用“猴子”风趣地回绝了米塔尔钢铁公司老总印度LakshmiMittal今年年初充满敌意收购

    MONKEY money” is how Guy Dollé, chief executive of Arcelor, charmingly dismissed a hostile bid earlier this year from Indian-born Lakshmi Mittal, who runs (and largely owns) Mittal Steel.


  • 阿赛洛首席执政官Guy Dollé用“猴子”风趣地回绝了米塔尔钢铁公司老总印度LakshmiMittal今年年初充满敌意收购

    MONKEY money” is how Guy Dollé, chief executive of Arcelor, charmingly dismissed a hostile bid earlier this year from Indian-born Lakshmi Mittal, who runs (and largely owns) Mittal Steel.


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