• 条缀一颗皮带

    He wore a belt with a large brass buckle.


  • 双鞋旁边

    These shoes buckle at the side.


  • 十分。

    Ten points will be deducted for a wrong answer.


  • 皮带到窗沿里面

    My belt buckle slips inside the windowsill.


  • 爸爸过了10分钟开始皮带抽打厄尔。

    Papa waited 10 minutes before he beat Howell with his belt buckle.


  • 四个组成条坚韧柔软皮带

    The four states make up the brass buckle on that tough but pliable leather belt.


  • 穿了一蓝色开士米羊绒连衣裙,有些地方还保留少量天鹅绒还有许多

    She wore a dress of blue cashmere, with small reservations of velvet here and there, and with steel buttons abounding.


  • 设计师克里斯提·布鲁托花瓣凉鞋一种脚踝带上繁复面上有两个花瓣趾鞋尖的浅粉色凉鞋。

    Designer Christian Louboutin Petal Sandals Light Pink is a kind of pink sandals with buckle detail at ankle strap, two petals along vamp, and a round open toe.


  • 如果迟到了,就要工资

    If you're late, your wages will be docked.


  • 欧洲对外政策美国紧密

    Europe's foreign policy is inextricably linked with that of the US.


  • 这件连衣裙是后背系的。

    The dress fastens at the back.


  • 维多利亚时代的服装很多钩子

    There were lots of hooks and eyes in Victorian costumes!


  • 威胁费用

    He threatens to dock her fee.


  • 向来都懒得外衣

    He never bothers to do his jacket up.


  • 拨弄提包

    She fiddled with the catch of her bag.


  • 裙子后面

    The skirt does up at the back.


  • 衬衫松开了。

    Her blouse had come undone.


  • 看到几个警察绿色奔驰车加上丹佛

    I watched a couple of cops put a clamp on a green Mercedes.


  • 和她十指

    He entwined his fingers with hers.


  • 尽管该城不再车辆违规停放车辆拖走

    Though the city will no longer clamp cars, illegally parked vehicles will be towed.


  • 看起来像一个小的钥匙,可以放在你的物品上。

    It'll look like a small key tag that can be put on your objects.


  • 带子着的,而且前面一个

    It's straps closed, and it has a buckle in the front.


  • 一条深红色丝绒马裤、一对丝袜一双银拖鞋构成装束

    Breeches of crimson velvet, silk stockings, and low, silver-buckled slippers completed his costume.


  • 如果快速有力地扳机并不扳机射出的更加快更加有力

    If you squeeze the trigger of a gun really hard and really fast, it doesn't fire any faster or harder than if you just squeezed it gently.


  • 除了相互交错相地下走茎外它们还有另一种进化……我们回到渗透

    In addition to the interlocking underground rhizomes, they have yet another adaptation, and it is ... well, we are back to reverse osmosis again.


  • 波什运球晃加内特毫无竞争进篮筐。疲惫挫败的加内特,只能眼睁睁地下面看着波什高高跃起。

    Bosh blew by Garnett off the dribble and dunked the ball uncontested. Garnett, tired and beaten, could only watch Bosh's ascension from below.


  • 完善蕾——一道通过烘培鸡蛋制作的甜品,引入了厨师标准制服——同样双排大衣白色高帽至今仍许多厨师穿戴。

    He also perfected the soufifle—a baked egg dish, and introduced the standard chefs uniform—the same double-breasted white coat and tall white hat still worn by many chefs today.


  • 学员蓝色礼服包括件六衬衫

    The new cadets' blue full dress consisted of a six-buttoned shirt.


  • 能快速找到赞助商

    Fastenal could find sponsors quikly.


  • 多耐福紧固件美国军事和执法机构选择

    Duraflex clips and fasteners are the choice of the U.S. military and law enforcement.


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