• 灵,托布,甲基托布,苯菌灵。

    Carbendazim, Thiophanate, Thiophanate-Methyl And Benomyl.


  • 参与者是徒步勃朗峰然后攀登北非最高峰卡尔

    These range from treks around Mont Blanc to an ascent of North Africa's highest mountain, Mount Toubkal.


  • 艺人例子马利·里安,歌手托布•穆特,君临铁匠大师

    Examples of Artisans: Marillion, the singer; Tobho Mott, master blacksmith of King's Landing.


  • 与此同时托布播出工作衣服威尔逊企图提供他的公寓

    Meanwhile, Taub AIRS his dirty laundry at work, and Wilson attempts to furnish his condo.


  • 稀释200070%甲基托布预处理桃树可以提高接种成活率

    Trial materials (Prunus persica) were pretreated with diluted 2000times 70% thiophanate-methyl, the survival rate of inoculation has risen greatly.


  • 根据的说法,安装防护笼其他安全设备的费用通常造一个类人机器人的费用还高。

    And according to Taub, installing cages and other safety measures often costs more than the robot itself.


  • 托布-迪克斯,要注意并不是所有食品纤维含量每份有5更多的纤维。

    Note that not all whole grains are high in fiber, meaning 5 or more grams of fiber per serving, says Taub-Dix.


  • 詹妮弗。s .托布马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校伊森·伯格管理学院商法项目讲师协调员

    Jennifer S. Taub is a Lecturer and Coordinator of the Business Law Program at the Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.


  • 利用杀菌剂植物生长调节剂防治烟草气候试验结果表明70%甲基托布津wp0

    The mixture of fungicides and plant growth regulator was used to control tobacco weather fleck, and the test results showed that the mixture of 70% thiophanate-methyl WP and 0.


  • 短时中应用最小方法提取子波,可以导出一种对称矩阵算法不同常用托布里兹矩阵算法。

    For us to extract wavelet by least square method in short window can derive a symmetric matrix algorithm, which is different from the algorithm of commonly used Toeplitz matrix.


  • 我们NASA一个共同议程,”通用公司全球研发部门总裁艾伦·托布(AllenTaub)

    "We had a common agenda with NASA," says Allen Taub, vice President of global research and development at GM. "They wanted to make a robot that could work next to an astronaut," he says.


  • 展望R2改装成适应太空空间站环境的情形,在那里笨重防护设备限制了人类清理房间或者设施时的灵活性

    Taub and Diftler also envision R2 being adapted for workplace environments where bulky protective gear limits human dexterity, such as clean rooms or nuclear facilities.


  • 我们认为公司方式设计这些机器人完成工作,”,“虽然有趣而且很让人兴奋,但目前还没法为我们工作。”

    Way we refer to it in the company, is that we've designed these robots to do work, "Taub says." Although it is fun and exciting, this is not show and tell.


  • 将R2视作一次概念验证,如同公司机器人雪佛兰TahoeBoss证明的一样,2007年Tahoe Boss赢得了美国国防部高级研究计划局(DARPA)举办的城市挑战赛(Urban Challenge)。

    Taub considers Robonaut2 a concept demonstration, analogous to what the company proved when its robotic Chevy Tahoe, Boss, won the DARPA Urban Challenge in 2007.


  • 赖恩先生还要查阅美国记者安东尼·斯卡杜本书

    Mr. Bryan also referred me to a book by the American journalist Anthony Scaduto.


  • 例如指出部署女士上次集会地点周围屋顶上警察配备双筒望远镜,没有

    For example, it notes that police deployed on rooftops around the site of Ms. Bhutto's last rally were supposed to have binoculars, but did not.


  • 政府躲避袭击时候,爆炸产生威力使天窗上导致头骨碎裂而死亡

    The government said that while Bhutto dodged the attack, the power of the blast struck her head against the car's skylight, causing her skull to crack and die.


  • 设计师克里斯提·花瓣凉鞋一种脚踝带上繁复带扣、面上有两个花瓣趾鞋尖的浅粉色凉鞋。

    Designer Christian Louboutin Petal Sandals Light Pink is a kind of pink sandals with buckle detail at ankle strap, two petals along vamp, and a round open toe.


  • 已经就联盟的事情女士谈判了一时间。

    He has been negotiating with Ms Bhutto about this for some time.


  • 长达一年权力分享谈判之后,贝·穆沙拉夫将军双方达成协定。

    This trade-off was a product of year-long power-sharing negotiations between Miss Bhutto and General Musharraf.


  • 作为谈判一个阶段寻求穆沙拉夫将军保证,不再以前那样操控选举来反对党派

    As the next stage of these negotiations, Miss Bhutto is seeking guarantees that General Musharraf will not rig the election against her party, as he has done before.


  • 如果女士出人意料地横扫选举可能会抛弃将军

    If, for example, Ms Bhutto unexpectedly swept the election, she might dump the general.


  • 也许可以解释一些低级警察部门官员和不愿进行调查遇害以防ISI插手此事。

    This might explain some of the shoddy policingwith officials reluctant to investigate Ms Bhutto's killing in case the ISI had a hand in it.


  • 那次演说之后莱·考顿小学校长戴夫·斯特拉德威克决定设法学生们一道一个有独创性研究项目孩子们可以完全控制项目。

    After the talk, Lotto and Dave Strudwick, Blackawton Primary School's head teacher, decided to try to do an original research project with the students where the kids would have full control.


  • 写到巴基斯坦历史自己其中角色时,夫人的论述存在着不小的问题

    When it comes to Pakistani history and her own role in it, Ms. Bhutto's account is considerably more problematic.


  • 志向远大的印度人甘地巴基斯坦而言,凭借家族名声谋上一官半职简直轻而易举

    For an aspiring Gandhi in India, or a Bhutto in Pakistan, exploiting the family name to get into politics is relatively simple.


  • 一周以前拉瓦尔品第参加议会竞选活动遇刺身亡。

    Ms. Bhutto was assassinated in the city of Rawalpindi a week ago while campaigning for parliament.


  • 女士长期合作者合作帮助发表最后一本书的西格尔这样大规模选举舞弊非常难以实施

    A longtime associate of Ms. Bhutto's who collaborated with her on her just-published final book, Mark Siegel, tells VOA such figures make massive vote fraud very difficult.


  • 女士长期合作者合作帮助发表最后一本书的西格尔这样大规模选举舞弊非常难以实施

    A longtime associate of Ms. Bhutto's who collaborated with her on her just-published final book, Mark Siegel, tells VOA such figures make massive vote fraud very difficult.


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