• 以来我们就适应了在公众场合口罩。

    We have been used to wearing masks (口罩) in public since February.


  • 年二,她的疾病变得更加严重,每天必须至少15小时的呼吸机来帮助她呼吸。

    Last February, her disease became worse and she had to wear a ventilator for at least 15 hours a day to help her breathe.


  • 因此,2000个小时之后,新纪年第36年 124日——也就是以《尼提》的出版为创世之始的36年之后”——“罗恩哈伯德丢弃此生所用肉身

    Ron Hubbard discarded the body he had used in this lifetime.”


  • 10宣布,对基公司持股数超过10%,他成为公司最大股东并且自己投票反对公司出售黑石。

    In October he announced that he had become Dynegy's largest shareholder, with over 10% of its shares, and that he would vote against a sale to Blackstone.


  • 该国在在提出了一项关于禁止面纱的禁令。

    The country introduced a ban on the veil in April.


  • 知道,从某种意义上说,穿西装领带员工强制性要求甚至也是这样,大多数员工是允许首饰的。

    You know, in a sense, a suits and ties are compulsory for male employees even in July, and no jewelry allowed for most of the female employees.


  • 下一个荧屏角色提姆·波导演改编电影《爱丽丝漫游仙境》饰演的“帽子”。电影将于本周五美国其他国家上映,将于中旬在日本上映。

    Depp's next screen role is as the Mad Hatter in director Tim Burton's adaptation of "Alice in Wonderland," which opens on Friday in the United States and other markets and in mid-April in Japan.


  • 首席执行官杰米·929日告诉记者最新金融政策不确定并非摩根大通银行的效益未能提升的“重要”的原因

    Uncertainty about the new financial regulations is the "most important" reason for delaying a hike in JPMorgan Chase's (JPM) dividend, Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon said to reporters on June 29.


  • 耶甚至还影响战争片故事讲述方式——《生于日》、《最后的摩根战士》、《阿甘正传》、《兄弟连》——作为这些影片的高级军事顾问

    Born on the Fourth of July, The Last of the Mohicans, Forrest Gump, and Band of Brothers—they're all productions on which Dale Dye served as senior military advisor.


  • 摩根·斯坦利格林洛认为如果没有达成协议,纳税人1份的时候看到他们薪水支票上被扣掉税收将会平均跳升12%。

    Without a deal, says Dave Greenlaw of Morgan Stanley, taxpayers will see the taxes withheld from their pay-cheques jump by an average of 12% in January.


  • 66日,诺贝尔经济学奖得主彼得•蒙德提名加入美联储董事会,但由于国会上遭到共和党人反对提名最终被撤销

    On June 6th Peter Diamond withdrew his name from consideration for appointment to the Federal Reserve board after his nomination drew opposition from congressional Republicans.


  • 今日声明蒙德现年59岁,在瓦利明年正式离职自下任职总裁

    Diamond, 59, will become deputy CEO next month before Varley steps down at the end of March, the l ender said in a statement today.


  • NASA电视台44日凌晨1开始斯克沃尔佐夫、考德威尔.科尔尼杨科与空间站对接进行直播。

    On April 4, coverage of the docking of Skvortsov, Caldwell Dyson and Kornienko will begin on NASA Television at 1 a.m.


  • 高盛凯文·估计利率可能——也许左右0.25个百分点——上升冰川时代”不太可能危险

    The "glacial pace" at which interest rates are likely to rise-perhaps 0.25 percentage points every three months or so-is unlikely to be dangerous, reckons Kevin Daly of Goldman Sachs.


  • 今年6对夫妻就不再医生了,因为,“我们没什么再告诉他人的了。”

    By June of this year, the couple stopped seeing their therapist because, said Diane, "we no longer had anything to talk about."


  • 819日是47生日在这天宣布来自芝加哥比尔·成为我们北美自由贸易协定》特别工作组的组长。

    On the nineteenth, my forty-seventh birthday, I announced that Bill Daley of Chicago would become the chair of our task force on the North American Free Trade Agreement.


  • 2011年911美国新泽西州泽西,来自夫·迪马斯里奥正在州立自由公园的“空旷天空纪念碑前拍照。

    Dave DiMascio of North Arlington takes a photograph of a name on the Empty Sky memorial in Liberty State Park Sunday Sept. 11, 2011 in Jersey City, n.j..


  • 去年12便开始在苹果电脑公司副总裁·巴拉姆帮助硅谷开展工作

    I had been working on Silicon Valley since the previous December, with the help of Dave Barram, vice President of Apple Computer.


  • 然而鉴于·维纳2000年12九曾亚当·卡里(adam Curry)讨论这个概念,所以我们怀疑纳瓦尔的说法是否应该进一步斟酌。

    Given that Dave Winer first met with Adam Curry to discuss the concept in December 2000, however, we really have to wonder if this claim would hold up under greater scrutiny.


  • 明年1即将结婚25岁老师Nupur Varshney说:“我们必须很多首饰新娘应该看起来显眼,应该向人们展示她们首饰。”

    "We have to wear a lot of jewellery. The bride should always look special and show off her new ornaments, " said Nupur Varshney, a 25-year-old teacher who will be tying the knot in January.


  • 97号正值芝加哥市最佳时节,理查德·了这样一个好日子,发表21年来重要宣告

    RICHARD DALEY chose a good day to make his most important announcement for 21 years. September 7th showed Chicago at its best.


  • 429日一个世俗团体表示,位女士头巾出席公众活动构成犯罪,该团体就此提起诉讼,但检察官却拒绝受理。

    On April 29th a prosecutor quashed a claim from a secularist group that the two ladies had committed a crime by attending public ceremonies in scarves.


  • 9时,支持率下滑区区的35%。

    By September Mr Daley's approval rating had slipped to just 35%.


  • 本周二(913日)英格兰德文郡拍摄新片《黑影强尼·新片吸血鬼造型相当瘆人!

    Johnny Depp looks ghoulish on the set of his latest film Dark Shadows on Tuesday (September 13) in South Devon, England.


  • 位居其后阿什顿·库彻尔·摩尔结婚照张于2005年10登上《OK! 》杂志照片卖价300万美元。

    The picture of the two proud parents was followed by wedding photos taken of Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore at No. 2 that fetched $US3 million in October 2005 from OK! magazine.


  • 位居其后阿什顿·库彻尔·摩尔结婚照张于2005年10登上《OK! 》杂志照片卖价300万美元。

    The picture of the two proud parents was followed by wedding photos taken of Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore at No. 2 that fetched $US3 million in October 2005 from OK! magazine.


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