• 深具开拓精神企业家彼得·戴曼斯说过,预测未来最佳方法就是开创未来。

    The pioneering entrepreneur Peter Diamandis says the best way to predict the future is to create it.


  • 竞赛强迫参加者为种种有关私人太空飞行的规范责任归属问题寻找对策,并且决定较为实际价格

    The race, Diamandes says, is forcing contestants to work through the many regulatory and liability issues related to private spaceflight and to determine real-world costs.


  • 对于过去做的一些项目回忆说:“有时下来有人真的在乎吗?’”

    "Some days I used to sit there thinking 'does anybody really care?'" recalls Mr Dykeman about some past projects.


  • 29岁的海瑟薇昨日布鲁克林拍到男友亚当·舒尔在一起戒指,随后确认了订婚消息

    The actress, 29, confirmed the news after she was photographed wearing a ring in while with her boyfriend Adam Shulman in Brooklyn yesterday.


  • 海军陆战队上校五角大楼发言人之一夫·拉潘星期一说这次未经授权文件泄露事件被列为嫌疑犯

    Marine Col. Dave Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman, said Monday that Manning has "neither been ruled in or ruled out" as a suspect in the new unauthorized disclosure of documents.


  • 萨吉诺市谢莉•E伍德钩针塑料袋编成作品不仅了手袋购物,她帽子围巾,脚上的拖鞋和地上的小地毯也是自己的。

    Cheri E. Woodman, of Saginaw, crochets things from plastic bags. Not only does she make hand and shopping bags, she wears a hat and shawl she made.


  • ·拉潘回应说:现在不能确定泄露资料其他人陆军有权其它兵种成员进行调查

    Lapan says it's not clear whether the latest material came from Manning or someone else. The Army will have the power to investigate members of other military branches.


  • 战争持续时间海伦发现自己爱着拉斯,于是俄底修斯奥米底斯化妆进城来窃取帕拉斯(守护特洛伊城的神像)神像时,帮助了他们

    The battle continued for a very long time, Helen felt she still loved Menelaus, and she helped Odysseus and Diomedes when they came in disguise to steal the Palladium.


  • 汤姆·汉克斯、摩根·弗里米恩·路易斯、赛缪尔·杰克逊、汤姆·克鲁斯里维斯还有汤姆贝伦杰名单的前头。

    Tom Hanks, Morgan Freeman, Damien Lewis, Tommy Lee Jones, Samuel L. Jackson, Tom Cruise, Ron Livingston, and Tom Berenger are at the top of my list.


  • 乔治帕金斯,鲍勃利, 塞布丽娜,马特巴里,大卫格罗斯, 格林斯坦马尔科等人一同担任该片的制片人.

    Cherry is executive producer, along with George W. Perkins, Bob Daily, Sabrina Wind, Matt Berry, David Grossman, Jeff Greenstein and Marco Pennette.


  • 马克·切里这一系列剧的编剧。,并乔治·帕金斯鲍勃·利,塞布丽娜,马特·巴里,大卫·格罗斯,格林斯坦马尔科等人一同担任该片的制片人

    Marc Cherry created the series. Cherry is executive producer, along with George W. Perkins, Bob Daily, Sabrina Wind, Matt Berry, David Grossman, Jeff Greenstein and Marco Pennette.


  • 为了加快研究进度,桑基学生埃里克.(Eric Dykeman)开发一种计算单个病毒原子震动模式的方法

    To expedite this search, Sankey and his student Eric Dykeman have developed a way to calculate the vibrational motion of every atom in a virus shell.


  • 天鹅》(Black Swan)一部2010年上映的的心理惊悚影片·艾洛诺夫斯基导演娜塔莉·波特、凡松·卡塞、米娜·古妮丝主演

    Black Swan is a 2010 American psychological thriller film directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, and Mila Kunis.


  • 可是2001年,内布拉斯加州州长·海涅试图阻止管道因为管道将会该州脆弱沙丘地区穿过。

    But in 2001, Nebraska's governor Dave Heineman tried to block the pipeline because it would run through the state's fragile Sandhills region.


  • 记得娜塔莉·波特电影这个杀手不太冷》(1994)中的颈链吗?

    Do you still remember the choker Natalie Portman wore in the movie Leon: the Professional (1994)?


  • 最后社区图书馆借本书·雷斯的《改善财务状况大全》。

    Finally, go to your local public library and borrow Dave Ramsey's The Total Money Makeover.


  • 经济学家算法并非这么简单·蒙德?莱奇就职美国企业研究所指出希腊预算大削减导致深度衰退

    But other economists say the mathematics is not that simple. Desmond Lachman is with the American Enterprise Institute. He notes that deep budget cuts in Greece have produced a deep recession.


  • 29岁的海瑟薇昨日布鲁克林拍到男友亚当·舒尔在一起戒指,随后确认了订婚消息

    Thee actress, 29, confirmed the news after she was photographed wearing a ring in while with her boyfriend Adam Shulman in Brooklyn yesterday.


  • 没有道德技术野蛮的;没有技术的道德是软弱-弗里j干着急

    Technology without morality is barbarous; morality without technology is impotent - Freeman J. Dyson; felt impotent rage.


  • 吴玉琴,叶俏,陈小珍,张纯,训芬,李约,张飞云,李跃,郑承婉,胡洪佩目的昏迷患者呼吸道感染危险因素采取相应降低感染率护理措施。

    Objective To study on risk factors of ICU coma patients who suffered from low respiratory tract infection(hospital acquired pneumonia, HAP), then perform relevant nursing care to reduce the HAP rates.


  • 纽卡经理阿勒报道在追逐中场乔伊巴顿。他是帕克的代替者。

    Newcastle's new manager Sam Allardyce is reported to be eyeing out-of-favour Manchester City midfielder Joey Barton as a potential replacement for Parker.


  • 我们感到震惊的比尔觉得现在可以回到保护区布须未了断。

    We are dismayed that De Beers feels that it can now return to the reserve whilst the situation with the Bushmen is still unresolved.


  • 这儿一个关于歌·基多少知道趣闻以前出演电影的全鼻子除了《此时此刻》这部以外。

    Now here's an interesting fact about Nicole Kidman - not a lot of people know this - Nicole Kidman has worn a fake nose in every movie she's ever made, except The Hours.


  • 这儿一个关于歌·基多少知道趣闻以前出演电影的全鼻子除了《此时此刻》这部以外。

    Now here's an interesting fact about Nicole Kidman - not a lot of people know this - Nicole Kidman has worn a fake nose in every movie she's ever made, except The Hours.


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