• 抗战时期社会审美风尚转移战争文化规范启蒙压制,是造成启蒙文学思潮衰微的直接原因。

    Transference of social aesthetic trends and repression of war cultural norms on enlightenment directly result in decline of the trends of thought in enlightening literature during Anti-Japanese War.


  • 一趋势与二十年前一些文化战争截然不同,当时倡导者坚持“英语优先”的教育

    The trend flies in the face of some of the culture wars of two decades ago, when advocates insisted on "English-first" education.


  • 写的,《文化资本》不是使大众沉默了,因为没有什么使群众沉默过,而是压制学院,关于文化战争争论

    His book, Cultural Capital, simply silenced not the public, because nothing ever silences the public, but simply silenced the debate about the culture wars in the academy.


  • 纽豪斯神父预言,如果巴马先生自己所说上任第一使堕胎规则自由化,那么美国生活每一层面文化战争都将激化。

    If Mr Obama truly meant, as he said, to liberalise abortion rules from his first day in office, Father Neuhaus foresaw an intensification of the culture wars at every level of American life.


  • 战争之前大家来自外界文化一无所知不过现在那么多人喜欢西方文化”,巴格达大学社会学教授卡瓦科布·萨拉汉·哈米德认为。

    "Before the war, no one knew about the cultures from outside, but now so many people know about Western culture," says Kawakeb Salah Hamed, a sociology professor at Baghdad University.


  • 如果想到某个地方那里战争正在进行,那里处在一个艰难的时代,那里的人们正在受苦,”接着说,“他们总是期待艺术文化。”

    "If you think of every place where there's wars going on, where there are terrible times, where people are suffering," he added, "they always look to music and culture."


  • 如果死者包括在内至少有七十五万人死于这场战争,其中三分之二俄国人,此外,所波及各国引发了重大社会文化变革

    If deaths from disease are included, it cost at least 750,000 lives, two-thirds of them Russian, and it triggered big social and cultural changes in all the countries affected.


  • 所谓的文化战争期间对于人文环境现状警示报告曾经达到了创纪录比例年后现在看来一轮新的浪潮正在席卷而来

    Alarming reports about the condition of the humanities reached epic proportions during the so-called Culture Wars, and now after a relatively quiet few years, it appears that a new wave is upon us.


  • 战争期间所有的都花在了上。那时很快明白了一个世界,另一种文化我们永远融入不了这里

    And I put my money where my mouth was because I went to war, but I understood pretty quickly that this was another place, another culture, and we would never fit in there.


  • 得益于英国文化协会一家致力于帮助战争伤残官兵美国非盈利性组织——鲍勃伍德拉夫基金会的帮助,这部莎士比亚剧院进行演出。

    The plays were put on at the Shakespeare Theatre with help from the British Council and the Bob Woodruff Foundation, an American non-profit organization that seeks to help injured service members.


  • 我们相信当我们的主流文化不再把复杂混乱看成问题而是机会时,我们现代战争有一个全面彻底理解

    We will know that we have graduated into an understanding of modern warfare when our leadership culture comes to view complexity and chaos not as a problem, but as an opportunity.


  • 19世纪20世纪大众观念发生了极大的改变维京美化高贵野蛮人有角的头盔,拥有自豪的文化和可怕的战争力量

    During the 19th and 20th centuries, perceptions changed to the point where Vikings were glamorized as noble savages with horned helmets, a proud culture and a feared prowess in battle.


  • 由于受多年战争影响越南经济文化交通等很多方面落后于世界先进国家体育也不例外。

    Due to the influence of the wars so many years, the economy, culture, transportation and some other aspects in Vietnam lags behind the world 's advanced countries, including sports.


  • 战争使得作家因此失去家园流亡者生活使她们加深了对故乡的思念地域文化成为作家在战争语境下的一种精神依托

    The wars led the writers to the loss of their homes, and their refugee lives made them miss their homes very much, and the region culture became their spiritual support under the war circumstances.


  • 通过战争概念隐喻探讨文化因素思维以及语言表达方式与结构影响

    This paper aims to explore the effect of cultural factor on the thinking pattern and ways of language expression through the discussion of "war" conceptual metaphors.


  • 学科探讨美国如何历史文学流行文化来诉说现代战争故事历经改变美国国家认同观念理解这些故事。

    This subject examines how Americans have told the stories of modern war in history, literature, and popular culture, and interprets them in terms of changing ideas about American national identity.


  • 第二部分,作者简要说明越南战争段历史重点将放在反战运动上,因为这场运动催化大众文化转变过程。

    In the second part, a brief history of the Vietnam war will be presented, with the focus on the anti-war peace movement which was the catalyst for the changes in two specific pop cultural aspects.


  • 本文通过战争概念隐喻探讨文化因素思维以及语言表达方式与结构的影响

    The paper aims to explore the effect of cultural factor on the thinking pattern and ways of language expression through the discussion of "war" conceptual metaphors.


  • 裴李岗文化时期外,地区史前文化始终表现出多样复杂文化面貌,依据相关考古文献资料,一现象可能华夏蛮(或称三苗)集团之间经常发生冲突战争有关。

    Except of Peiligang Period, the prehistory culture in the area shows a various and complex cultural ooutlook, which is related to the conflicts and war taken place between Huaxia and Miaoman.


  • 本文传统文化视角中国古典诗歌思乡主题战争主题、爱情主题以及咏史怀古主题进行了文化角度的分析,为我们更好地欣赏和理解古典诗歌文学现象提供了一个新的视角。

    From the perspective of traditional culture, this paper examines the culture of the theme for missing hometown, war, love and remembering the ancient times in Chinese classic poems.


  • 试着想象这样一种文化这种文化辩论不再被看作战争有人防御有理或无理不在任何意义

    Try to imagine a culture where arguments are not viewed in terms of war, where no one wins or loses, where there is no sense of attacking or defending, gaining or losing ground.


  • 蜜岩传统文化气息浓厚,氏家族对于教育高度重视,为解决读书问题,“甲午战争”后,村人应文生及其应桂馨创办义学堂”,免费纳村中子弟;

    In order to solve the problem of village people's reading, the village should build the Chongyi School by Ying-Xin and his son, and recruiting the children in the village free of charge.


  • 蜜岩传统文化气息浓厚,氏家族对于教育高度重视,为解决读书问题,“甲午战争”后,村人应文生及其应桂馨创办义学堂”,免费纳村中子弟;

    In order to solve the problem of village people's reading, the village should build the Chongyi School by Ying-Xin and his son, and recruiting the children in the village free of charge.


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