• 战争开始情况就已经发生了很大的变化,想到

    Things were very much changed since before the war, he reflected.


  • 又一战争开始

    Another war started.


  • 北约阿富汗几起袭击造成名士兵丧生继续使今年成为自年前战争开始以来联军死亡人数最多的一年

    NATO says separate attacks have killed five of its service members in Afghanistan, continuing the deadliest year for coalition forces since the war began nine years ago.


  • 战争开始北方拥有22,000英里铁轨南方仅有9,000英里;而且北方拥有几乎全国的铁轨机车制造厂

    When the war began, there were 22, 000 miles of railroad track in the North and just 9, 000 in the South, and the North had almost all of the nation’s track and locomotive factories.


  • 一旦战争开始”,同事继续说,“抗拒抗议批评抱怨,都会可能会招致最严重惩罚。”

    Once the war began, "my colleague continued," resistance, protest, criticism, complaint, all carried with them a multiplied likelihood of the greatest punishment.


  • 1701年,西班牙战争开始海盗停止了劫掠船只他们法国英国并肩作战对抗他们的敌人- - -西班牙。

    In 1701 the war of Spanish Succession began and the buccaneers stopped capturing ships and went to war with France and Britain against their enemy, the Spanish.


  • 1939年战争开始几个期间英国海军部要求澳大利亚皇家海军派遣船只欧洲地中海水域战时服役

    During the first few months of the war in 1939, the British Admiralty requested the ships of the Royal Australian Navy be despatched for war service in the European and Mediterranean waters.


  • 原告19942001,7856个服役人员因政策退役。但是自从2002年战争开始到2009年,5167服役人员退役

    From 1994 to 2001, 7, 856 service members were discharged under the policy, while from 2002, when fighting began, to 2009, 5, 167 were discharged, according to the plaintiffs.


  • 原告19942001,7856个服役人员因政策退役。但是自从2002年战争开始到2009年,5167服役人员退役

    From 1994 to 2001, 7,856 service members were discharged under the policy, while from 2002, when fighting began, to 2009, 5,167 were discharged, according to the plaintiffs.


  • 即便当时战争开始还没有多久,也完全不同意的说法,因为这个说法像是在说我们原本好战的,而且希望战争残酷越好

    Even back then, early in the war, his opinion differed considerably from Lees, for it appeared to him that we like fighting plenty, and the more terrible it is the better.


  • 令人痛苦是,战争开始至今,第四装甲55名成员作出最后牺牲,成为伊拉克献出自己生命的4,400美国人的一部分

    Most painfully, since the war began, 55 members of the Fourth Stryker Brigade made the ultimate sacrificepart of over 4,400 Americans who have given their lives in Iraq.


  • 一个谢菲尔德市的女孩——战争开始只有岁,而战争结束时已经岁了——还记得她写给圣诞老人的信里请求得到“任何能够出来的小东西。”

    A Sheffield girltwo when the war began; eight when it finishedremembers asking in her letter to Santa Claus for “any little thing you can spare.”


  • 英国对阿富汗行动意见分化尤其严重,711天里损失15名士兵,引起英国公众强烈反响。7月是阿富汗战争开始以来北约盟军死伤最惨重一个月。

    It has been an especially divisive issue in Britain, where a public outcry followed the loss of 15 soldiers in 11 days in July, the deadliest month for allied forces since the start of the war.


  • 今年三月发现了年级有一名不喜欢学习孩子抄袭关于明天战争开始》的读后感。 这本小说创作者是约翰·马士登(JohnMarsden),讲述的是澳大利亚孩子们打败入侵者故事。

    In March one of her most reluctant seventh graders plagiarized a journal entry aboutTomorrow, When the War Began, ” a novel by John Marsden about children coping with an invasion of Australia.


  • 战争深重苦难现在开始了。

    The worst agonies of the war were now beginning.


  • 大多数大型企业战争开始集体化了。

    Most large businesses were collectivized at the start of the war.


  • 这场战争巴格达科威特连夜空袭开始

    The war began with overnight air raids on Baghdad and Kuwait.


  • 我们已经开始抚平战争带给这个社会创伤

    We have begun to heal the wounds of war in our society.


  • 战争,轻易开始

    Love is like war. It's easy to start.


  • 1856开始除了战争年以外,每年举行这项比赛。

    From 1856 on, the race has been held every year except war years.


  • 他们战争年代开始大钱

    They began to make big money during the war.


  • 开始场景展示他们正在庆祝战争突然获救

    The opening scene shows them celebrating their sudden deliverance from war.


  • 多年一直研究士兵,记录他们战争中的生活开始好奇他们生活其他方面尤其是他们的个人生活。

    After years of researching soldiers and chronicling their lives during battle, I just started wondering about other facets of their lives, especially their personal lives.


  • 参议院武装部队委员会名成员星期四召开记者会表示,伊拉克应当开始支付伊拉克战争重建部分费用。

    Three members of the Senate Armed Services Committee told a news conference Thursday that Iraq should begin paying some of the costs of the war and reconstruction of the country.


  • 格兰特将军开始学习到战争中一门重要课程防御战术进步已经大于进攻战术的进步。

    General Grant was beginning to learn an important lesson of the war. The methods of defense had improved much more than the methods of attack.


  • 格兰特将军开始学习到战争中一门重要课程防御战术进步已经大于进攻战术的进步。

    General Grant was beginning to learn an important lesson of the war. The methods of defense had improved much more than the methods of attack.


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