• 展览吸引成千上万的参观者

    The exhibition has attracted thousands of visitors.


  • 同盟国投下了成千上万的空降部队

    The allies landed thousands of airborne troops.


  • 成千上万朝圣者台阶磨损了。

    The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of pilgrims.


  • 成千上万的动物辽阔平原活动构成了令人赞叹的奇观

    The wide plain, with thousands of animals on the move, was an awesome spectacle.


  • 银行那些集中在一起,然后成千上万的借款人

    The bank scrambles all that money together, jumbles it all up and lends it out to hundreds and thousands of borrowers.


  • 他们通过支付更高薪水怂恿成千上万的医生城市迁往农村

    They'll entice thousands of doctors to move from the cities to the rural areas by paying them better salaries.


  • 数据库其内部和成千上万的外部链接之间全部设置了超文本链接。

    The database is fully hyperlinked both within the database and to thousands of external links.


  • 个公园有成千上万的游客。

    This park is visited by thousands of tourists.


  • 每天收到成千上万的网络点击量。

    It receives thousands of Internet hits a day.


  • 近,成千上万的蜜蜂找不到回家的路。

    Recently, thousands of bees have failed to find their way home.


  • 年都有成千上万的游客来到山区放松自己。

    Every year thousands of tourists visit the mountain area to relax themselves.


  • 听说届时将有成千上万的客人受邀参加会议。

    I hear thousands of guests will be invited to the meeting then.


  • 所以每天成千上万的游客

    So there are thousands of visitors every day.


  • 图书馆成千上万的书籍

    In the library there are thousands and thousands of books.


  • 发现成千上万的事情

    I shall find out thousands and thousands of things.


  • 每天成千上万的游客

    There are thousands of visitors every day.


  • 花费了成千上万的,发现没有任何毛病。

    Thousands and thousands of dollars later, there was nothing.


  • 成千上万天才男女都处在能力连续统上。

    Along the continuum of abilities are hundreds of thousands of gifted men and women, boys and girls.


  • 每年世界各地成千上万的游客意大利旅游。

    Every year, thousands of tourists all over the world come to visit Italy.


  • 传统画面成千上万奴隶雪橇拖着石头

    The conventional picture is that tens of thousands of slaves dragged stones on sledges.


  • 成千上万的海鸟悬崖上筑巢

    Thousands of seabirds are nesting on the cliffs.


  • 成千上万的示威者包围大楼

    Thousands of demonstrators ringed the building.


  • 成千上万的学生参加游行

    Thousands of students have taken part in demonstrations.


  • 成千上万的欧洲坦克枪炮被废弃

    Thousands of Europe's tanks and guns are going to the scrap heap.


  • 成千上万的青年面临长期待业状况

    Thousands of young people are facing long-term unemployment.


  • 广场上聚满了成千上万的愤怒示威者

    Thousands of angry demonstrators filled the square.


  • 成千上万的示威者美国国会大厦集会。

    Thousands of demonstrators rallied in front of the Capitol.


  • 成千上万的难民挤入拥挤不堪的城镇村庄

    Thousands of refugees are packed into overcrowded towns and villages.


  • 成千上万的难民陷于战争干旱饥荒的困境。

    Thousands of refugees are trapped by war, drought and famine.


  • 成千上万的鲱鱼螃蟹每逢暴风雨都会上岸

    Thousands of herring and crab are washed up on the beaches during every storm.


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