• 可以很多时间思考”,柳博米尔斯基,“但是如果只是感到更加悲观失去控制影响自尊。”

    "You could spend a lot of time ruminating," says Lyubomirsky. "But that just makes you feel even more pessimistic, more out of control, and effects your self esteem."


  • 指出情况下,对时间的估计悲观一些可能实际上非常重要

    One thing to point out is that pessimism can actually be very important in this situation.


  • 悲观容易不受欢迎的行为吠叫破坏合适的时间地点大小便

    Pessimistic dogs are more likely to engage in unwanted activities, such as barking, destruction, and toileting when and where they shouldn't.


  • 预计多年时间这些变化会发生可能悲观

    To predict that it will take over ten years for these changes to happen is probably pessimistic.


  • 金融市场经过了它自有乐观时期悲观时期周期循环幸运的是,它们没有同一时间同时经历这些时期。

    The financial markets experience their own cycles of optimism and pessimism, but thankfully, they won’t all go through these cycles at the same time.


  • 金融市场经过了它自有乐观时期悲观时期周期循环幸运的是,它们没有同一时间同时经历这些时期。

    The financial markets experience their own cycles of optimism and pessimism, but thankfully, they won't all go through these cycles at the same time.


  • 也许已经找了好时间了,没有想要一个疲倦不堪悲观厌世的人为自己工作

    You may have been around for a while, but no one wants a jaded, world-weary person working for them.


  • 中的模式第一事务读取某个数据行时加上时间用户标识类似悲观会话锁定处理方式稍后讨论)。

    The pattern in this case is that when the first transaction reads a row it will "stamp" it with the identity of the user, similarly to how pessimistic session locking is handled (covered next).


  • 悲观相比乐观者可能避免致命意外可以认为死亡错误时间了错误的地方

    Optimists, in comparison to pessimists, were more likely to avoid fatal accidents, fatalities that can be described as being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


  • 悲观主义者强调并没有具体的时间撤军计划

    There is no timetable and no exit plan, say the pessimists.


  • 第一的挫败似乎打击了他们的信心,再次问及需要多长时间熟练掌握技能时,他们悲观的答案却又实际所需时间要长。

    Then, after trying, they were asked how quickly they’d become good at it. But this time they were pessimistic and thought it’d take them longer to learn than it actually did.


  • 必须谨慎使用悲观会话锁定因为业务流程包括用户思考时间)中序列化数据访问

    Pessimistic session locking should be used with great discretion, as it serializes access to data across a business process that includes user think time.


  • 这个早些时候达美航空公司宣布裁减更多管理职位,并预期今年剩余时间总收入非常悲观

    Earlier this month, Delta Air Lines Inc. cited a gloomy revenue outlook for the rest of the year in its plans to cut more management jobs.


  • 那些希望悲观中寻求鼓舞的人们一点时间,回想一下达沃斯近来一个无疑应验的预言

    But those looking for cheer amid the gloom should take a moment to cast their minds back to one recent Davos prediction that has undoubtedly come true.


  • 也许那时候一点悲观,我并没有料想这样一个奉献业余时间的志愿者们所开发的开源项目产生如此大的影响

    Perhaps I was a bit cynical, but I would probably not have thought that an open source project run by people who don't consider it their day job would be able to make the waves it did.


  • 倘若感激当前生活拥有一切,你就没时间悲观或者有些不好想法了。

    If you can express gratitude for everything you have and all that is good in your life you leave little room for negativity or bad thoughts.


  • 本质而言,悲观不切实际的,因为时间时间念念不忘那些还没有发生,且不一定发生的事情上,阻碍事情做好。

    At its core, pessimism is impractical because it causes you to spend time dwelling on things that haven't happened yet and aren't guaranteed to happen, and it prevents you from getting things done.


  • 正如先前描述一样,悲观方法意图确保装入实体bean数据整个事务处理持续时间处于锁定状态。

    As described previously, the intent of the pessimistic approach is to ensure that the data loaded into the entity bean is locked during the entire duration of a transaction.


  • 第三个人化叙事矛盾时间悲观看法两方面发现余华写作难度

    The third chapter discusses the contradiction individuation narrative and the pessimistic view on time, from which we can find the great difficulty in Yu Hua's writing.


  • 随着时间过去变得越来越悲观

    As time went on, he became more pessimistic.


  • 其中的悲观主义某种程度上使感到惊讶花了时间寻找蕴含其中深层的积极信条

    The pessimism sort of surprised me. So I spent some time looking for sort of a deeper positive message.


  • 接到那个字条那段时间里,父亲善于预见恶劣的情况的能力,以及他妻子神经质悲观主义思绪万千。

    All his father's power of seeing the worst, all his wife's nervous pessimism had come to the fore in him during the hour since he had been handed that message.


  • 没人能够预见未来我们在花大量时间预测,当前悲观派的预测占了上风

    Nobody can foretell the future, but we all spend a lot of time trying. And right now, the grim-faced crowd's outlook has the upper hand.


  • 悲观主义者——①认为上帝时间创造了世界然后就解雇具有现实感乐观主义者。

    A man who thinks that God created the earth in six days and then was laid off an optimist with a sense of reality.


  • 只能赛季余下时间都会保持悲观

    Suffice to say I will remain pessimistic for the remainder of the season.


  • 一旦国难当头,或是负面新闻不断,他们悲观神经一触即发仿佛一切努力失去意义人生梦想随之破灭,会要郁闷很一段时间

    Once the national crisis, or the negative press coverage of their pessimism nerve tense, as if all efforts to have lost their meaning, life dream was shattered, it will be depressed for a long time.


  • 赌注押商业时间过渡大多数深刻悲观态度前景

    Bet in the business in time of transition, most of whom are deeply pessimistic about the prospects for holding.


  • 悲观不到二十分钟就放弃了,观者一直不想放弃他们要求一些时间

    The pessimist less than twenty minutes gave up, but joy the viewer has been going to give up, they require further give some time.


  • 悲观不到二十分钟就放弃了,观者一直不想放弃他们要求一些时间

    The pessimist less than twenty minutes gave up, but joy the viewer has been going to give up, they require further give some time.


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