• 但是联合国儿童基金会世界卫生组织支持下推广非常

    With support from UNICEF and the World Health Organization, however, it spread remarkably fast.


  • 与此同时年轻积极分子们今天众议院办公楼组织一次行动。

    Youth activists, meanwhile, organised a flash mob in a House office building today.


  • 新的最终用户应用程序需要以前任何时候都速度进行交付,以提高组织敏捷性市场提供产品服务的速度。

    New end-user applications need to be delivered more rapidly than ever before, either to increase organisational agility or to deliver new products and services to market.


  • 组织次“”活动,基本上需要电子邮件通知一某个地点出现一会儿然后消失

    Organizing a "flash mob" basically involves e-mailing a bunch of people with instructions to show up at a certain place for a few moments, then disappear.


  • 如果准备充分组织得当做饭很多

    If you are prepared and organized, cooking will be a lot faster.


  • 出现这种情况是因为私人网络连接组织严密小型社区,所有成员的网络连接速度都非常缘故

    That's because private networks typically link small, close-knit communities in which all members have superfast connections.


  • 病毒营销传播速度非常对于组织来说非常有效”,,“这个爪形游戏引发互联网各个不同方面的讨论”。

    This is viral marketing andits very fast and can be very effective for organizations, " she said."The claw game is triggering conversations in many different spaces allover the Internet."


  • 艾滋病毒攻击免疫细胞实验室试验中,病毒后皮肤组织繁殖速度,要比其他皮肤组织35

    HIV targets immune cells and in laboratory tests the virus reproduced three to five times faster in tissue from the healed sites as in tissue from other areas.


  • 任何信息系统数据资源必须组织有条理,在一些合乎逻辑的方式使他们能够得到有效管理检索以有效的方法处理。

    In any information system, data resources must be organized and structured in some logical manner so that they can be managed effectively, retrieved quickly, and processed effectively.


  • 如果组织内部改变没有外在环境改变那么到达你尽头

    If the speed of change within your organization is not faster than outside environment , soon you will see the end of sight .


  • 组织学习现代企业应对复杂变的环境获得企业竞争优势主要方式之一。

    Organization learning is a main method for the enterprises to obtain the competitive advantage facing the complex and various multi-transferring circumstances.


  • 周末太阳公公终于露面了。趁着这样的好天气的空档,老哥毅然组织大家一起再艺术空间800号,晒晒发霉心情

    Mr. Sun appeared in the sky at the weekend finally. So big brother decided to organize all the family to ART SPACE 800 to solarize our nearly moldy mood for about one week.


  • 质代谢速度,而脂肪组织脂质合成速度下降

    The rates of lipid mobilization are increased and the rates of lipid synthesis in adipose tissue are decreased.


  • 而且就在去年自由市场政策帮助秘鲁成为亚太组织成员国中经济增长第二的国家。

    And last year, free market policies helped make Peru's economy the second-fastest growing in APEC.


  • 成功建立海南肾茶组织培养技术体系掌握了炼苗移栽相关技术。

    The success has established the Clerodendranthus spicatus in Hainan tissue culture quick numerous technology systems, grasped has practiced the related technology which seeding and transplanted.


  • 学习能力掌握速度自信心组织分析能力强,能特定时间出色地完成工作

    Learners to master speed, have self-confidence, strong organizational analysis, a specified period of time in a job well done.


  • 小汽车班列作为中铁特货汽车物流公司品牌运输产品具有运距速度运量大、利润率组织形式简单特点

    Car liner trains is the main products of CRSCAL Company and it has the characteristics of long transportation distance, high speed, high volume, high profit and simple organization.


  • 一些幕后工作者谈官员法国组织闪族要求韩国演唱会

    She talks to some of those who have worked behind the scenes: one official organised flash-mobs around France to demand a K-pop concert;


  • 组织次“”活动,基本上只需要用电子邮件通知某个地点出现一会儿然后消失

    Organizing a "flash mob" basically involves emailing a bunch of people with instructions to show up at a certain place for a few moments, then disappear.


  • XRDSEM分析了铸态淬态合金结构观察了合金微观组织形貌

    The phase structure and microstructure of as-cast and quenched alloys were analyzed and observed by XRD and SEM.


  • 熟悉办公软件打字速度中文基础扎实语言组织能力

    Familiar with the basic office software; fast speed of typing, solid foundation of Chinese, strong ability of language organization.


  • 氮碳共渗冷,获得含氮碳的马氏组织

    Rapid cooling after nitrocarburizing, martensite structure is obtained at the diffusion layer.


  • 结论重度肥胖可使容量减少运动中的组织供氧能力胸壁顺应性、肺顺应性下降,呈现浅呼吸模式

    ConcluSion: lung volumes, the ability of oxygen uptake and chest wall and lung compliance decrease with rapid and shallow breathing Patterns in morbidly obese individuals during exercise.


  • 首先分别简述了气体雾化法、熔体淬法带法制合金微观组织结构特征电化学性能

    Firstly, the microstructure and the electrochemical properties of hydrogen storage alloys prepared, respectively, by gas atomization, melt quenching and strip casting were presented.


  • 组织次“”活动,基础上只要要用电子邮件告诉某个地点涌现一会儿然后消逝

    Organizing a "flash mob" basically involves emailing a bunch of people with instructions to show up at a certain place for a few moments then disappear.


  • 研究表明,薄板坯强度凝固速度组织细小、均匀,其内部溶质元素的偏析程度远低于传统连铸板坯

    It shows that thin slab continuous casting has a greater secondary cooling intensity, a faster solidifying rate, a fine and uniform structure and less segregation than conventional slab casting.


  • 结果多孔组织菌株瓶栽时子实体形成孢子产量

    Result: Strains, which were easier to produce polyporic tissues at the vegetative growth stage, would be more quickly to form fruiting body with high quality and yie.


  • 而一般过热锻材通过高温冷正火处理来改善显微组织从而获得NADCA (ASTM)标准合格级别组织

    Generally the microstructure of the overheated forging can be improved by means of high temperature fast cooling normalizing so that the qualified level from NADCA and ASTM standards can be obtained.


  • 根据中华英才组织大学生年度投票显示,雀巢行业一直处在位。

    And, according to an annual survey conducted among university students by Chinahr. net, nestle has been consistently ranked the top ten in the FMCG sector.


  • XRDSEM分析了铸态淬态合金结构微观组织形貌

    The phase structure and microstructure morphologies of the as-cast and quenched alloys were analysed and observed by XRD and SEM.


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