• 名特技替身演员心脏病学家

    She's a stuntwoman and a cardiologist.


  • 国际循环》:这不是成为心脏病学家必经之路?

    International Circulation: But isn't that part of being a cardiologist?


  • 同时,心脏病学家也担心这会鼓励人们使用更多,所以极力反对加碘盐。

    Cardiologists argued against iodization, fearing it would encourage people to use more salt, which can raise blood pressure.


  • 然而对于表面看起来健康的心脏病学家预防方面所起的作用有限的。

    However, cardiologists have a limited prevention role when it comes to seemingly healthy people.


  • 但是一些心脏病学家结果有效性提出置疑因为研究25%的非效性。

    Some cardiologists, however, have questioned the validity of the results, since the study included a 25-percent margin for claiming "noninferiority" for Angiomax.


  • 其他方面健康人们进行预防,使心脏病学家从事一线治疗医生们都感到难以应付

    Trying to manage prevention in otherwise healthy people would overwhelm both cardiologists and primary care physicians.


  • 心脏病学家应该鼓励病人保持健康行为方式他们提供指导减少心血管疾病的患病风险

    Cardiologists should encourage their patients to maintain healthy behavior and provide them with guidance on reducing cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk.


  • 医疗保健争论中美国心脏病学会的采取立场是:心脏病学家应该通过连续医护而得到报酬。

    In the health care debate, the American College of Cardiology has taken the position that there should be reimbursement for continuity of care by cardiologists.


  • 巴尔的摩马里兰大学医学中心心脏病学家最近项研究发现还有幽默感保护不受心脏病困扰。

    According to a recent study by cardiologists at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, laughter, along with an active sense of humor, could help protect you against a heart attack.


  • 拉响糖尿病治疗药物-文迪雅风险警报知名心脏病学家声称FDA高层发言人针对其策划了一场诋毁活动

    The prominent cardiologist sounding alarms about the diabetes drug Avandia claims he is the target of a smear campaign organized by a top Food and Drug Administration (FDA) spokesman.


  • 第二项研究Emory心脏病学家Matthew Janik教授提交,它测量了接受运动试验患者心外膜脂肪

    The second study, presented by Emory cardiology fellow Matthew Janik, MD, measured epicardial fat in patients receiving a nuclear stress test.


  • 心脏病学家必须没有长期随访并且报告结果有矛盾的的随机试验基础决定心脏病发作患者哪种类型支架

    Cardiologists have had to decide which type of stent to use in heart attack patients based on small randomized trials that didn't include long-term follow-up and reported conflicting results.


  • 生物可吸收支架看作是支架下一个前沿,”强调,在心脏病学家完全接受这个最新技术之前需要等待更多资料

    He sees bioabsorbable stents as "the next frontier of stenting", but emphasises the need to wait for better data before cardiologists can fully embrace this latest technological development.


  • 从事研究希腊雅典医学院心脏病学家卡拉兰波斯•维拉科罗斯,研究发现绿茶能够促进血液流动能增强动脉疏通能力

    The study showed that green tea improves blood flow and the ability of arteries to relax, said Charalambos Vlachopoulos, a cardiologist at the Athens Medical School in Greece who worked on the study.


  • 但是心脏病学家病人医生正在逐渐忽视这个指南的存在,他们愿意选择具有起效更快和初期症状缓解良好特点的支架植入。

    But they have been increasingly ignored, cardiologists say, by patients and doctors choosing the more immediate and initially reliable relief provided by stenting.


  • 根据美国心脏病学家Clyde Yancy博士说,7个简单步骤可以那些已经步入中年的人活90岁,甚至是100岁。

    Seven simple steps could give even those already well into middle-age a very good chance of reaching 90 - or even 100 - according to American cardiologist Dr Clyde Yancy.


  • 国家突出心脏病学家之一集中力量药物安全抉择手段统计学meta分析,分析汇集以前的研究资料

    He is one of the country's most prominent cardiologists, and he concentrates more and more on drug safety. His tools of choice are statistics and meta-analyses, which pool data from previous studies.


  • 医生可以心音回放从而加以详细诊断、也可以将其保存患者就医卡可以全部打包发邮件给心脏病学家确认诊断结果。

    The doctor can play the sound back at half speed to diagnose a problem more confidently, save the file to the patient’s chart, and e-mail it all to a cardiologist to confirm the diagnosis.


  • 相当明显的联系,”达拉斯市德克萨斯大学西南医学中心心脏病学家James a。deLemos医学博士说,领导了这些研究之一

    "It's a pretty remarkable association," says James A. DE Lemos, MD, a cardiologist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas who led one of the studies.


  • 他是荷兰马斯特里赫特大学(UniversityofMaastricht)的心脏病学家还为前面有关实验鼠奔跑研究论文,配发了篇评论

    Paul Volders, a cardiologist at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands, who wrote an editorial accompanying the recent rat study.


  • 领导这次研究哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)的心脏病学家拉马斯(GervasioLamas)几十年来一直告诫病人不要服用维生素。

    Gervasio Lamas, a Columbia University cardiologist who led the study, said he has been telling his patients' for decades' not to take vitamins.


  • 学家证实胆固醇含量心脏病之间关联

    Scientists have established a connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease.


  • 学家发现每天杯酒心脏病几率饮酒者的一半

    The scientists found that people who sip one to three drinks a day are about half as likely to suffer heart attacks as nondrinkers are.


  • 学家已经癌症心脏病其他疾病暴露含有2型烯烃的环境关联起来。

    Exposure to type-2 alkenes in the environment has already been linked with cancer, heart disease, and other problems.


  • 这份报告首次研究面对屏幕时间心脏病之间所存在的联系,科学家发现,“无端”死亡风险提高了48%。

    The study was the first to examine the association between screen time and heart attacks, and found a 48 per cent increased risk of death from any cause.


  • 报道说,学家首次基因如何影响咖啡心脏病发作危险作用进行系统分析研究

    This is the first time that scientists have done a systematic analysis of how genes can influence the effect of coffee on heart attack risk.


  • 惊人发现意味着学家心脏病了解远远不够。

    The startling findings mean scientists may not understand heart disease as well as they think they do.


  • 惊人发现意味着学家心脏病了解远远不够。

    The startling findings mean scientists may not understand heart disease as well as they think they do.


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