• 心脏特异性祖细胞发现可能心脏干细胞治疗带来希望。

    The discovery of cardiovascular-specific progenitors may hold promise for cardiac stem cell therapies, the researchers said.


  • 我们研究结果表明心脏干细胞可以显着改善心脏收缩功能

    Our results indicate that cardiac stem cells can markedly improve the contractile function of the heart.


  • 马图尔教授在其心脏干细胞研究:“适用注意事项很多。”

    Prof Mathur said of the cardiac stem cell study: "Caveats very much apply."


  • Schneider教授团队已经找到可以识别进而纯化用来移植心脏干细胞

    Professor Schneider's team have discovered a way to identify heart stem cells so as to purify them for transplant.


  • 科学家尝试使用混合药剂一般不能分化心脏细胞其它种类干细胞诱导成心脏干细胞

    Scientists are also trying to use a cocktail of chemicals to trick other kinds of stem cells that don't normally make heart cells to take on that role.


  • 科学家试图分离出这些心脏干细胞然后找到激活它们的方法,这样它们就可以修复由于疾病带来心脏损伤了。

    Scientists are trying to identify these cardiac stem cells, and then figure out how to juice them up so they can repair damage caused by a heart attack.


  • 所有参与试验病人将会得到心脏干细胞疗法因为疗法是已经通过了安全性可行性试验临床试验。

    All patients enrolling in the clinical trial will receive the cardiac stem cell therapy, since this is a phase one clinical trial designed to test the treatment's safety and feasibility.


  • 科学家发现了可分化为人心脏所有类型主要细胞心脏干细胞发现打开体细胞用于治疗受损心脏之门。

    Scientists have identified a cardiac stem cell that gives rise to all of the major cell types in the human heart. The find opens the way to using patients' own cells to heal their damaged hearts.


  • 另外一些研究者直接皮肤细胞转变神经细胞,早前的研究已经找到了胚胎样干细胞成长心脏细胞的方法

    Other researchers have converted skin cells directly into nerve cells, and previous studies have worked out ways to grow heart cells from embryonic-like stem cells.


  • 问题关键在于找到正确诱导干细胞分化成心脏细胞神经细胞,制造胰岛素细胞或者其他细胞的生长因子的正确方法

    The key lay in finding just the right recipe of growth factors and nutrients to induce a stem cell to become a heart cell, a neuron, an insulin-making cell or something else.


  • 该疗法就是将患严重心绞痛病人血液中的干细胞植入病人心脏

    Patients with severe angina had stem cells from their blood injected into their heart.


  • 其后,每一个胚胎未成熟干细胞含有99%的DNA能够培育成皮肤心脏别的组织,用以治疗畸形症等。

    Then each embryo's immature stem cells - containing DNA that is 99 per cent human - can be harvested and used to create brain, skin, heart and other tissue for treating crippling diseases.


  • 不过老鼠胚胎干细胞上面,研究者们取得了突破,他们成功制造出真正搏动的人造心脏肌肉组织

    But starting with mouse embryonic stem cells, researchers have succeeded in creating heart muscle that actually beats.


  • 比如Yamanaka博士团队已经可以这些制造出来的干细胞转换神经细胞心脏细胞。

    Dr Yamanaka's team has, for instance, been able to persuade its stem cells to turn into nerve cells and heart cells.


  • 干细胞治疗方法Revascor在实施血管成形手术时,具有治疗干细胞注射动脉避免损害心脏

    The stem-cell treatment Revascor is injected into the artery during the angioplasty to prevent damage to the heart, using the healing properties of stem cells.


  • 罗索多,也是范恩·伯格心血管研究所主任这次研究提供了第一手的证据一个自身干细胞可以用来作为自身心脏治疗

    Losordo, also director of the Feinberg Cardiovascular Research Institute, said this study provides the first evidence that a person's own stem cells can be used as a treatment for their heart disease.


  • 2003年,亨德里克卡尔霍恩努力推进相关研究,力图利用干细胞修复心脏其他慢性病而受损心脏

    By 2003, Hedrick and Calhoun were pushing ahead with research on using their stem cells to repair hearts damaged by heart attack or chronic disease.


  • 他们使用更为特殊干细胞(分化为心脏细胞干细胞)来修复心衰病人的心脏

    They have used more specialised stem cells-ones that spin off only cardiac cells-to repair the hearts of people with heart failure.


  • 但是机械泵以及人造心脏一样干细胞疗法对于治疗心脏来说也是一种技术、高成本的解决方案

    But like mechanical pumps and artificial hearts, stem cell therapy is a high-tech, high-expense solution for dealing with heart diseases.


  • 以前心脏患者要做干细胞试验,就要在心脏发作取得自己细胞,这种方法耽误治疗

    Previous stem-cell trials for heart attack patients have required their own cells to be harvested after the attack, delaying treatment.


  • 小规模的前沿性研究发现,脂肪提取干细胞(从病人腹部脂肪抽取)可以心脏发作安全增强心脏功能

    Stem cells derived from fat -- liposuctioned from a patient’s belly -- were shown to safely boost heart function after a heart attack, according to a small yet first-of-its-kind study.


  • 根据霍普金斯的看法,样子的无病毒细胞可以最终用来检验新的心脏疾病用来帮助心脏而心肌细胞坏死的病人进行干细胞移植。

    Such virus-free cells could eventually be used to test new cardiac drugs, or for stem cell-derived implants to help patients whose cardiomyocytes die in a heart attack, according to Hopkins.


  • 这种药物干细胞增强重建受损心脏肌肉和血管,防止心脏再次发作。

    It USES the cells to fortify and rebuild damaged heart muscles and blood vessels in an attempt to prevent further attacks.


  • 一项誉为重大医学突破新型治疗方法,心脏患者注射干细胞药物进行治疗。

    Heart attack patients will be injected with stem cells in a new treatment hailed as a medical breakthrough.


  • 替代了之前把实验鼠皮肤细胞变为干细胞状态然后再形成心脏细胞器官研究者直接把皮肤细胞转变心脏细胞。

    Instead of taking mouse skin cells all the way back to a stem cell state and then coaxing the cells to form heart tissue, the researchers switched the cells directly from skin to heart cells.


  • 接受干细胞治疗病人个月内心脏损伤减少一半心脏功能也得到了加强。

    Treating patients with stem cells decreased their heart damage by half over six months.


  • 接受干细胞治疗病人个月内心脏损伤减少一半心脏功能也得到了加强。

    Treating patients with stem cells decreased their heart damage by half over six months.


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