• 我真实自觉荒谬心灵体验

    Who am I? It's a real and ridiculous psychic experience.


  • 相反,该著作坚持一种反抗社会世俗权力直接心灵体验

    Rather, there is an insistence on direct inner spiritual experience as opposed to worldly or social power.


  • 抽象形象艺术家心灵体验物化呈现是意念形象化产物

    The abstract image is an artist intelligent the materialization presentation format experiencing that, the visualization outcome being thought.


  • 当代首饰设计思潮源于西方,追求首饰具有精神内涵,从而诠释创作者的心灵体验

    The design of modern jewelry that originate from the west tends to explain the heart experience of the designer through the inner spiritual meaning possessed by jewelry.


  • 作者无意识地进入一种意象空间,籍此来传达心灵体验塑造一种追求精神性神秘色彩且富有意象心理状态。

    Entering unconsciously the imago space, the artist conveys his spiritual experience, as well as the mentation of spirit, mystic color and imago.


  • 是以生命自身基点以燃烧自身为代价心灵体验生命中的每一细节、一株树,都会倾注全部激情

    One used his own life as the base and ignited his own self as the cost. He experienced every detail of life with his heart and poured all his passion even to a grass or a tree.


  • 种环境可以帮助人们通过每一本吸引人注意力的书来获得一种私人体验,从而学会“心灵阅读”。

    The environment can help people learn to do "soul reading" by providing a private experience with each book that draws one's attention.


  • 先验论者认为这些仪式可以实现与上帝直接体验培养心灵、促进心灵成长

    The Transcendentalists believed that each of these practices involved the direct experience of God, the nurturing of the soul, and spiritual growth.


  • 格雷夫斯明确表达战争结果,精神心灵双重创伤而且从官方冰冷保守的报告揭示了战争真实体验

    Graves expressed so clearly the aftermath of combat, the wounds to the mind and soul. And he told of the actual experience in chilling understatement.


  • 愉悦叶芝来说代表着,身体心灵结合,他们的结合,带来的体验悲剧痛苦不及的。

    Gaiety for Yeats seems to represent some reconstitution of mind and body, some experience of their unity out beyond an experience of tragedy and grief.


  • 可以说全新体验从未触摸过如此鲜活蝴蝶心灵走进了一个从未体验世界

    This can be said to be a completely new experience, he never felt so alive butterflies, his mind took him into a never experienced the world.


  • 两个要点——遵循自然规避人工秩序,归一点就是心灵体验根本的东西

    These two points - to follow nature and avoid artificial order, to a point is the experience of the human mind, which is the most fundamental thing.


  • 不是体验也不等于标记物,它不是过程同时它亦不是心灵状态或者大脑某种意向

    It is not experience, it does not mean marker, and it is not a process, while it is not a mental state or the brain of disposition.


  • 然而因为思想拘限性使我们很少体验幸福真正本质,很少把它我们心灵联系,心灵影子就像隐藏太阳背后的云彩

    However, we seldom experience our true nature and seldom get in touch with our souls because the limitations of thought shadow the soul the way clouds hide the sun.


  • 那些如此有限梦想之下人们广泛体验时期人类心灵中的缺乏成就感

    Those beneath this experience such limitation of dream that the experience of lack of fulfillment is widespread at this time within the human heart.


  • 远处地平线最终屈服不懈步伐我们体验的,发自心灵深处透彻满足

    When the distant horizon eventually yield with you when I am in the pace of unremitting, we experience, is a kind of the most thorough meet from the deepest of my heart.


  • 只有体验才能让头脑心灵保持柔软警觉但是体验超越理智情绪满足刺激上

    Only experience keeps the mind-heart pliable and alert but experience is beyond and above intellectual and emotional gratification and stimulation.


  • 增强信念呢,还是想如实地看到真相?——不是体验而是高度关注清晰头脑心灵如实地看到真相。

    Do you want your belief to be strengthened or do you want actually to see reality - not experience it, but actually see it with a mind and heart that are highly attentive and clear?


  • 定“心灵路径每一渴望体验无限的人们。

    I will anchor the pathway to the Heart of the Tao for each that desires to experience infinite love.


  • 我们生活的这个世界到处充满着“神迹”,但是我们必须首先心灵体验神圣,然后我们才能外在环境中发现它们

    The world around us is filled everywhere with glory of God, but we have to experience the divine in our own souls before we can find it in our surroundings.


  • 个拥有丰富感觉深度心灵人,当他身处一片秀美的景色当中所感受到内在体验一定个内心世界苍白枯竭不同

    A person rich in feeling and deep of soul who passes through a beautiful mountain landscape will have a different experience from one whose inner life is poor in feeling.


  • 诗歌翻译实践中,庞德努力寻求原作诗人心灵契合,强调诗歌语言能量细节再现原作诗人的诗性体验诗性情感

    Pound endeavors to seek fidelity to the original poet's soul by emphasizing the energy in poem language and its details to reproduce the original poet's poetic experience and emotion.


  • 温岭大溪凌霄国际酒店SPA使用传统的治疗方法自然净化身体心灵轻松环境以及低调奢华的环境中提供净化的水疗SPA体验

    The Daxi Peak International Ho** SPA at Wenling uses natural healing techniques to purify the body and mind, providing a refreshing spa experience in a relaxed atmosphere and low-key luxury.


  • 因此凤凰旅游不仅仅眼睛欣赏独特自然风景心灵体验一次文化之旅

    As a result, travel to Phoenix not only with her eyes to enjoy the unique natural scenery, but also to use the experience to do a spiritual and cultural journey.


  • 因此凤凰旅游不仅仅眼睛欣赏独特自然风景心灵体验一次文化之旅

    As a result, travel to Phoenix not only with her eyes to enjoy the unique natural scenery, but also to use the experience to do a spiritual and cultural journey.


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